Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Age Of Innocence...

The wobbly feet, taking two steps and then giving away...
The angelic smile, that wipes the creases away...

The anxious eyes looking at the bottle in his mother's hand...
Would that be the yummy milk or the even yummier orange juice?

Batting the beautiful long lashes to appease her father...
Daddy! I won't spill my cerelac again...

The hearty gurgle, when tickled...
The rising blush, when cuddled...

Beaming in her sleep...
As if she saw fairies who came to peep...

Streaming hot tears...
When mommy is nowhere near...

The innocent wet pecks...
 Simply de-stress...

The age of innocence...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Four Silver Strands...

The mid season surprise sale at Marks n Spencers has always been like a welcome gush of rain on a parched piece of soil. Like a thirsty child, I sleepwalked towards it, not knowing what's in store for me.
As the trial room became witness to my truth and dare,the teenager in me chuckled with excitement. Suddenly a silver streak flashed across the mirror and stopped me in my tracks. An in-depth exploration revealed not one, not two but four silver strands.
At first they seemed like the new grey shade in my life. Was it the age? Was it the hydrogen peroxide meddling a bit too much with the melanin? Was it stress? Was it my genetical history coming to fore? Was my time as a women running out?
Determined to get past my anxiety, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I thought of my fav pic- me in pigtails..... and smiled.....
I realised that these silver strands are here to tell me that I am only now just
hitting my stride. It is all up to me as to how I want to tread forward.
And I choose to live life on my terms.....with my four silver strands adorning my crowning glory...Life ! Here I Come....