There are two kinds of people whom we come across...Givers and Takers....
As the name suggests, one of them incessantly offers to the needy (emotional, materialistic support etc) while the other naturally seeks from those who are willing to give.
A dilemma surfaces if the giver is told that he or she has a tendency to provide at every given opportunity and they need to consciously step back if they want to safeguard their well being. They say that the giver is at a risk of being robbed of his/her emotional well being and would easily succumb to emotional exhaustion.
I witnessed a similar dilemma in a giver, few days back. The giver was told by a worldly wise soul that the only way to protect the heart & mind from exhaustion is to take a conscious step back. The soul also warned that the failure to retract will only make the giver suffer more with each passing day.
While the giver may have understood the context, it becomes very difficult for him/her to actually follow the advice. Where to draw the line? With whom to draw the line? How to say no?
These are a few questions which haunt the giver and pulls him/her back from even making an attempt to actually retrace from the giving mode. Well I would only say that, the giver should close his/her eyes, think about the person they are contemplating to help next (consciously or unconsciously) and assess - would the other person go a similar extra mile for them if the tables are turned. If it's a "Yes" that pops in your mind, go ahead and give as if there is no tomorrow but if it's a "No" then the giver needs to step back and keep his/ her thoughts in check.
Untill a well thought out decision is made, go slow on the giving spree....learn to say No and nurture a bit of taker as well within.
But in all of this...the point not overdo whatever it is you decide (give or take) and the rest would unfold eventually...