Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Case Of The Missing Comment...

He: Busy?
She: NaahJust catching up over emails. I was out the whole day. How was your day?

He: it was ok.
She: Hmmmmm

He: How is your trip going on?
She: It’s been great so far. Still assimilating the hotel room size.So used to the spacious rooms in Delhi hotels that this one in Mumbai is surprising.

He: Yeah that’s there.
She: It’s alright. I won’t be spending most days inside the room anyways.

He: Oh by the way I read your last post and I commented on it.
She:  (long pause) WhatYou? Commented on my post?

He: (smiling) Yes I did. Didn’t you read it?
She: (shocked) Nooooooooooooo! I did not get it. I have activated comment moderation so I would have definitely gotten an alert if you would have written a comment.

He: But I did. It was anonymous though. I didn’t want you to know that I had read it but if you would have read the comment then you would have known that who wrote it.
She: No way! Hang on! Let me check the blog dashboard. (scrolling through) Nooooo! It’s not there. I don’t see any anonymous comment. Are you pulling my leg?

He: No!
She: this is not possible. Ok let’s not worry about the comment. Tell me what did you write?

He: Naah! I won’t tell it like this. That’s the reason I had written the comment.
She: Hey but that’s not fair. I want to know what you wrote. You have to tell me.

He: No ways!
She: Please…please….please. You have to tell me. I want to know.

He: I can only tell you that when I read the post I thought, she is thinking haywire and it’s time I write a comment to lay all self-created doubts to rest.
She – Is it? If that’s the case then you must tell me what the comment stated.

He: No dear. I will not tell. I will write another comment on another post in the times to come and this time I will ensure that you receive it.
She: Hey but that won’t be the same comment. I want to know what you wrote this time.

He: Nice try but not happening…
She: Oh….oh…..ohhhooooooo!!

And so went on the conversation for two hours. This happened,in the wee hours of one night this monthbetween two souls who are crazy in their own right. Maybe they did find the missing comment… eh?