Few weeks back, a once dear one called me. He wasn’t drunk dialling me but was definitely several pegs down. He was generally catching up. While he was talking about what’s going on with him, I (a critique of how he usually acts) was slowly shredding apart his actions.
After a while, he came to a point where he said - “Sonal! I am beginning to think that I don’t have it in me to deal with what’s going on. I’m not competent enough to manage what I have gotten into.”
I wanted to say then and there that- you fool, don’t you see how you are being forced to learn a long overdue lesson? But then I stopped myself from saying this out loud. This was something I had been telling him for a long time. I had tried to explain this to him many times during the past few years but couldn’t get it through because the dear one in question is stubborn and hard headed as a mule.
I don’t know if this post would be of any help or not but that won’t stop me from penning it down. I can only hope against hope that this would get some logic into your brain and help you get back on track.
So here’s what you need to understand and accept-
1. We mortals are not perfect beings and that’s why it’s said - to err is human
2. That’s why the circle of life states that we must learn from our mistakes and not repeat them. It is also ok to make a new mistake as that may lead to another learning
3. When we try to act smarter and ignore the lesson a mistake is trying to teach us then the one above will through that learning at us till the time we see it and accept it
4. You , my friend, are stuck and point 3 and that’s the reason you are in your current state of mind
It’s time you understand the above and bring about some much needed change so that you don’t end up driving yourself against the wall and the people around you as well. You need to learn the following and your time is running out so the sooner you understand and accept the better is would be for you-
1. Respect other people - from all walks of life who take out time and connect with you personally or professionally
2. Do not forget courtesy - learn to follow basic rules of courtesy and communication. You are not the busiest human alive on this earth. Everyone else may be equally busy as you but if they can extend basic courtesy then so can you. You must be wondering why am I saying this? Returning calls, fulfilling commitments made, responding to texts, say only what you mean and mean everything you say... am sure these ring a bell
3. Keep things crystal clear in personal and professional relations. Do not keep conversations grey and open to misinterpretation. Be the first one to nip a potential miscommunication or misconception in the bud. Don’t expect that this should be done by others while you sit back and enjoy the confusion
4. Put problems of dear ones that may arise from your actions at equal pedestal as the problems in your life, if not higher. If you are the reason for someone’s troubles and woos, don’t take much time in resolving them. And if for some reason there is a delay in resolution, be courteous enough to face them and tell them the same with a humble apology. You will not become smaller by this act. In fact the other person will respect you more. You cannot fathom the hurt that is caused when we become the reason for tears in the eyes of our dear ones. Every tear costs us blessings and makes our karma a bit dirtier. Trust me my friend- this is the easiest way to attract God’s wrath
5. Take a moment to look at what’s happening around you and be there for people (at least who matter) in their times of need and don’t just whine about your problems and how you are unable to think beyond them. This is when you earn blessings and that helps us forge forward with determination
6. The rule of life says that our dear ones would let us down several times in our lifetime. You are no exception but atleast don’t do that when a dear one is already at a low point in their life or don’t be the reason because of which they would reach the nadir
7. Try investing respectable amount of energy in your key personal relationships so that these become your strength in the journey of life. From what I know, every month in every year, you are not on talking terms with atleast one dear one. While I am no expert but any one will tell you that this is an extremely poor record of managing relationships
You need to earn good karma my friend. All your ongoing challenges are God’s way of breaking you down to understand all the above mentioned behaviour that you exhibit day in and day out. Till the time you won’t clean up your act, your challenges will not reduce but they would worsen further. When the almighty would see that you are genuinely attempting to be a better person, he/she would ease out your life path and in turn help you succeed. So before it is too late -