Tuesday, April 27, 2010

And it rained....

Twirls of dust spraying around...
Yellow dry leaves merry go round...

Adorned with freshness...
Leaving me breathless...

Oh! What is to come?
So much to fathom...

The swollen raindrops...
Adorn the treetops...

They smell of change...
All set to exchange...

Love for fear...
Trust for despair...

And it rained....
Rinsing away the pain...

Showering in a welcome change...
And it rained...

Sunday, April 25, 2010


A baby's first step...uncertain and wobbly

The first milk tooth that broke...

The first sack race, when he came third...

The fancy dress competition when she dressed as a bride...

The 82% aggregate that opened up a world of vocations...

The 33% aggregate that gave a new lease of life...

The first red rose she got...

The first peck that couldn't be a french kiss...

The first job interview cracked...

The first salary credit sms...

The day they got engaged...

The first promotion...

Togetherness pledged by the nuptials...

The aching limbs that walked again...

To each his own....HAPPINESS....

There is no one definition...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The City Of Djinns...

Djinns, some good and some not so good, are an intrinsic part of our lives. Some of us or should I say most of us fail to agnize their presence. The unending, mysterious tales of Djinns have always piqued my interest.

Over the years, many of my friends had shared, what they call as, their Djinn experience. Each of them had experienced the same emotion. They felt timorous....vulnerable....dazed....

I would listen to them and ponder- " Will I ever get to meet a Djinn?" It now seems that Almighty was so impressed with my eagerness and enthusiasm, that he decided to grant my wish.

Very soon I was going to meet a Djinn. I was not prepared for this.

In the early hours of January 27 (2003), Almighty realized that he needed my father more than my family needed him. Thus, he decided to take him away from us. As we watched helplessly, he slipped away. I have no words to express the grief my family went through.

As days passed in a blur and nights in fear, I was reminded that I had exams looming over my head and thus I had to return back to hostel. So I did.

I had phobia for one particular paper "Java" and the icing on the cake was the fact that I was mentally not prepared for the exam. The night before the exam I was extremely restive and no matter how much I tried, I failed to concentrate on the book kept before me.

My room-mate, encouraged me to sleep for some time and promised that she'll wake me up at 5 AM. She switched off the lights and moved downstairs to study.

Eyes closed, fear encroaching my mind and soul like a bacteria, I called out for my father and felt hot tears flowing down my cheeks. I still did not know that I was about to meet a Djinn.

" My Father's Djinn!!"

Like I said earlier, I was not prepared for this.

In the next instance, the light streaming through the kitchen door vanished and everything around me started shaking. I was stunned.......speechless.....stoned.....

I turned around and saw a silhouette at the door. Fear engulfed me and I quickly turned around, shut my eyes and pulled the quilt over my face.

The next few seconds almost took away my life. I felt the silhouette approach towards me......the mattress sank in and a hand caressed my forehead in a comforting manner.

"Suddenly it dawned upon me that my father had come to comfort me as the stroke on my forehead was too familiar. Before it could provide me any comfort, it surged fear and feeling of death around me. I thought I was going to die any moment. And suddenly....it all stopped.

I shivered and somehow managed to message my room-mate. I only managed to open my eyes when every one came into my room, switched on the lights, held me in their arms and shook me hard. Reliving the experience in front of those girls was equally nerve wrecking.

Sleep eluded me and I finally decided to befriend that Java book once again. I think I studied the whole night. Did I concentrate? Definitely no!!!!

Before I began writing the paper, I remembered my father and said- "Help me Dad!!". I passed that exam with flying colors and thats when I realized that the Almighty wanted me to become a stronger person and capable enough to slay the Djinn inside me- The Fear Of The Unknown.

As I look back, I realize that with each passing year, an ounce of this fear melted away and made me a stronger human being. I now know that my father's Djinn will always be by my side while I try and slay the Djinns inside me.

I now truly believe that Djinns exist around us and the "City Of Djinns" weaves a world around us that leaves us spellbound.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Bonds Of Friendship

I still can't remember how and when Rachita and I became close friends. I met her during the first year of my college. Eleven years down the lane, I still can't figure out what brought us close to each other.
Eccentricity??? Maybe.....
Knowing her had given a completely new definition to "Friendship" and I had to pen it down. Thus "The Bonds Of Friendship" came into being and this is how it goes.....
"The bonds of friendship
are hard to find...
Rare, though sweet
they're hard to define...
The first raindrop on dry earth
like a gushing wind, touching the hearth....
The cotton seed that kissed your face
assuring you, when there's no space...
The tinkling bell, that jingles around
telling everyone- We are merrying around...
The silences shared, the wishes made
the sweetness of knowing,that someone cares...
The unspoken words, the shedded tears
walking together, until it wears...
A gem so divine
The Bonds of Friendship
are hard to find...

Rachu! You simply rock.......

Thus I Begin....

Eleven years ago when a young girl boarded the bus, all set to embrace the life awaiting her in New Delhi, little did she know about what is in store for her.
Excitement, curiosity and nervousness played hide n seek throughout the two hour journey. Leaving a cocoon called home and embrasing the new world that beckoned ahead, popped several trinkets of ruminationin in her mind.To remember and cherish these trinkets she decided to pen them down.
Several years later, when life had taken inumerable turns, the young girl's passion to pen down the trinkets ebbed away and silence became comforting to her.
But as they say - "the only constant is change", a dearest one brought a whiff of freshness in her life. Her dearest "Mine" (as she calls him) rekindled the excitement she felt each time she had penned a trinket.
Thank you "Mine" for bringing back- what was always precious to me. Its absence had made me feel incomplete and restless in the years gone by.
Thus I begin......