Sunday, April 11, 2010

Thus I Begin....

Eleven years ago when a young girl boarded the bus, all set to embrace the life awaiting her in New Delhi, little did she know about what is in store for her.
Excitement, curiosity and nervousness played hide n seek throughout the two hour journey. Leaving a cocoon called home and embrasing the new world that beckoned ahead, popped several trinkets of ruminationin in her mind.To remember and cherish these trinkets she decided to pen them down.
Several years later, when life had taken inumerable turns, the young girl's passion to pen down the trinkets ebbed away and silence became comforting to her.
But as they say - "the only constant is change", a dearest one brought a whiff of freshness in her life. Her dearest "Mine" (as she calls him) rekindled the excitement she felt each time she had penned a trinket.
Thank you "Mine" for bringing back- what was always precious to me. Its absence had made me feel incomplete and restless in the years gone by.
Thus I begin......


  1. Waiting to read many more such trinkets of yours :)

  2. Awesome piece. Any plans to write a book. U r born talented dear.

    Looking forward to great piece of writings..
