Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Doc & I....

Doc & I have known each other for the last twenty years. Aspiring to be the life saviours, at that tender age, we had set out together not knowing that soon we would become an integral part of each other's lives. 

Passion for certain outdoor games brought us even closer. Certain years down the lane, her resolve to become an integral part of the Indian Medical Fraternity still remained intact while I had some different plans. I moved into the commerce stream and that is when our testing times began.

We didnt realise the impact of this academic seperation up until next year. When the entire school was waiting to welcome her as the new Head Girl, they were in for a surprise - I was sworned in as the new Head Girl.

A strain had appeared and I feared- This is it! This is where our frienshdip, nurtured for over 10 years, would end. The next few days were dark and gloomy. Even a thin streak of hope was  nowhere to be seen.

But something else was planned for us. A letter arrived. Doc had written that letter.  She shared the angst and uncertainity that she had experienced in the last few days. She also shared her decision that she'll not let this episode impact our friendship. The dark clouds had vanished.

Over the years, she accepted my inability to regularly stay in touch and I accepted the fact that I must make an effort to reach out to her more often. Thus, our companionship moulded in a comfortable pattern that kept us connected.

Doc! Today when you are all set to embark upon a journey. A journey that will take you to a whole new world. A world where a new life, a companion  is waiting for you.  All I want to say is -

" May God Bless You with abundance, happiness and lots of love. I would always be by your side. Ours is a companionship of lifetime and won't let anything alter that".

Congratulations !!


  1. Sonal,

    Once again you have hit me at the cellular level. This is the best form of congratulation and heartily wishes ever expressed.

    I think we all go through similar events in our lives where we lose out on people who matter n r precious to part with. But sadly we do.

    Its good to see one healthy n mature relationship last. You both need to apply a black dot.

    Sonal - Once again I m left speechless but then salute the writer in you.

    Doc - I don't know you but please accept my deserving congratulations and wish you all the best.

    And both of you, keep sharing n enjoying this bond no matter where life takes you.

  2. Hats off to a beautiful friendship and an equally beautiful pic....God bless u Doc!

  3. Fantabulously jotted down..memories to be cherished...
