Thursday, August 12, 2010

Let The Prayers Take It On...

Ask and thou may be answered...
Fight and thou would never win...
Submit and thou shall be blessed...

When one's happiness...
Fires some one else' unhappiness...
Let the prayers take it on...

When everything is going wrong...
And you can't sing a song...
Let the prayers take it on...

When the moor is far far away...
And all that your Ship of Hope does is sway...
Let the prayers take it on...

When you can't count your blessings...
Your wound is bleeding...Coz there's no one to do the dressing...
Let the prayers take it on...

Don't think that you've fallen hard...
Don't think that you've gotten hurt...
Don't think that its the end of the world...
Let the prayers take it on...

You don't need to know a hymn...
You don't need to know a verse...
Just put your submission and belief into words...
And let the prayers take it on...

Hope is just round the corner...
Blessings are awaiting to be showered...
Don't give up...Don't break down...
Let the prayers take it on...


  1. Great! Just keep repeating the last stanza(my fav)....I would not call u a pessimist on this post...coz u believe in the power of prayers...n dnt worry i m praying for u.

  2. When the words are great ...
    and thoughts , so pure

  3. Thank you so much Yamini!!! :)
