A whiff of wind came and it brought back the past...
Good, bad, ugly. It was a blast from the past...
It tugged at the stitches...
Spilling memories, sealed within the seams...
I remembered what I had, how it changed & what I had left behind...
Why every now and then, life loves to rewind...
From a rosey red to a monochrome...
Now I look back & realize, life has changed its tone...
When a ring tinkles the phone...
It turns out to be from someone, you have known...
The greetings were warm...
It seemed we knew each other for long...
But before we realized...
Starting to brew, there was a storm...
Its dust engulfed, what I cherished...
It left behind, all that was wrong...
It uproted me from hearth...
Oh Gosh! It was very strong...
Not everything that breaks...
Can be mended, with grace...
Two broken pieces of glass...
Even if joined back, would never be as clear...
With a failing bid to bury back...
What the storm had unearthed...
I bow to the caretakers of memories...
Hold back, steer clear...
The cycle of time holds for a while...
I wonder why...it never fails to rewind...
One storm would subside...
Another would brew up...
A whiff of wind will blow...
It shall bring back the past...
I don't know what to say...
Coz it would be the blast from the past...
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