Monday, October 15, 2012

Dervish by Midnight...

As the rays go down...
I traverse the roads and travel around...

Every night I look for a new path...
I go here, I drive there...
But in the end, I come back to the same path...

As the night safari begins...
The state of my trance paces up its rythm...

I hear trinkets of music somewhere close to me...
They take me to a world where I want to be...

Some days I have company...
Another dervish, who is ready to accompany...

But most days are mine...
It is only me & my music... intertwined...

As the nip in the air surrounds me...
Sends a shiver down my spine...
It playfully hounds me...

It blows away my tendrils...
Brings out the need of warmth...

It trys my patience...
Pushes me to return back to where I belong...

I go back and forth...
Wander between return or roam...

With someone or simply alone...
Dervish by Mighnight...

Sings my soul...

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