Thursday, December 20, 2012


It suddenly feels as if decepticons have surrounded me. Fakes, liars, stinging scorpions, are hovering around me. They bite, they push, they tease and vanish without any guilt or qualms about their doing.

Everynight when I step out for that short walk to where my vehicle is parked, the razor sharp winds slice through me. It seems as if they are trying to teach me a lesson, punishing me for trying to believe, cussing me for being gullible, questioning my choice and laughing at me.

Can it ever happen that I would take one step and I really mean it...just one step that is not wrong, that has a strong foothold, that is sure of where my bearing are.

Here I was all smiles that I would be welcoming the new year with a sense of happiness. But how wrong I was. The sting....there it was....waiting for its turn...poisonous...hurtful...and it totally singed me.

Someone soothe my mood before I enter this new year. I don't want to start another year with hurt troubling me, solitude gnawing at me and thousands of eyes laughing at me.

Decepticons!!!! Go away.....out of sight...out of mind!!!

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