Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mixed Bag...

As I look back at the month gone by, all I can say is that it was a mixed bag of news and emotions.Some of it good and some of it was not so good.

Two of my best buddies became proud parents. They've been blessed with angelic daughters and I totally am in love with both of them. I wish, I could just fly out to meet them as soon as possible. On one hand I was rejoicing in the happiness of my buds becoming mommy & daddy, on the other hand I got news that I was not expecting.

A very dear friend of mine lost his father to cancer. We had not been in touch for quite some time and when I got his text, I was speechless. I couldn't speak with him at that moment but met up with him soon.

What is it about endings and beginnings that they always go hand in hand and leave you with mixed feelings. Why can't they survive without each other? Everytime I see myself getting sandwiched between a creation & a culmination, I keep thinking about this question and fail to find the right answer. The answer that might put my anxiety to rest, the answer that would explain the circle of life, the answer that would explain this unsaid rule of life.

If any of you have an answer, do share with me...

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