It's been a long time since I wrote last. Life has been moving at such a crazy pace that even when I wanted to write, I just could not bring myself to do it.
So here I am, on a 5 day leave, in a new place, amongst people dear to me, having a good time and trying to catch up on the time I've lost by not writing. It's almost 3 am in the morning and the movie on the television reminds me that the so called "Day of Love" has started. As I write, I'm also watching one of my favorite movies - "Letter to Julia".
There is so much written about this day of love that I don't want to add another story to it. What I am going to write about is how you can begin a beautiful story of your own on this very day.
A lot of us wait for this day to express our love for that someone special. However in the scheme of things, we tend to miss out on a very vital point - love is not just about special moments on this day.
It is about making moments special every day....year round.
Often in our chaotic lives, love takes a backseat... it's taken for granted... it becomes more of a chore rather than our passion... it becomes pages of a story book or awww moments from a romantic movie. In short, the sparkle of magic fades away and what's left are probably 2 souls who keep wondering - how did we land into this?
On this day of love, I urge you all to change the story of your lives. I urge you all to make each day your Valentines Day and love your special someone a little more than yesterday. We can't undo the past and correct the days when we erred by not chosing love each day. But as Lorenzo Bertollini said in "Letters to Julia" -
"When it is love... it is never too late..."
Each of you have to start today and keep going forward on this magical journey. No matter how busy you are, take out time for your special someone each day and tell them how they light up your universe. You don't have to meet every day to be able to do this. All you have to do is communicate and stay connected. Don't keep thoughts to yourseslf and share them before they lose essence. Be there for them in every possible way your heart, mind and values allow you.
Don't forget to tell them that they hold a special place in your heart and mean it everytime you say it. Surprise them when they least expect it. Think of new ways to bring smile on their faces. Cheer them up when the going gets rough. Ask them how their day was and then tell about yours too. In a sea of faces, be by their side and look in their eyes while striking a conversation.
Hold their gaze for a few seconds more and see that blush creeping up on the cheeks. Everytime you sit together, touch your skin to theirs - be it the fingers entwining amongst each other.... or hand over a hand... the warm palm at the small of the back...or tucking the stray strand that falls over face in some rebellion.... a kiss on the forehead as you greet... or hands encasing their silhouette....some public display of affection...or rubbing your fingers against their jawline...send a message saying they are on your mind.
The list can go on but all I want to say is...make every day your day of love and not just wait for one day that is dedicated to it. Keep weaving the magic so that the sparkle doesn't fade away.