It is one of those days when doubt greys out my mind and all I can sense around me is deception. Deceptive people with deceptive actions…
I have been a fairly decent assessor of the people who surround me and only few times have I let my caution go down around them. At times, this troubled me (a lot) but other times nothing wrong happened. That’s how I learnt quite a few lessons of my life.
Today, am at a pedestal where I’ve let my guard down again for someone I think is dear to me but I fear what I am about to get is yet another lesson in life…probably learnt the hard way.
I don’t know whether what I fear is going to happen or not but it surely is giving me sweaty hands and sleepless nights.
When I woke up today morning, one of the friends had sent a daily morning quote. It said –
“Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess & just breathe. Have faith that everything will work out for the best.”
I think I am going to follow this to the core coz I see no other solution to cut past the doubts that are cropping up. Time will soon tell….
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