Friday, July 15, 2016

All Grown Up...

For us, you just arrived yesterday as the cutest bundle of joy that we could ever come across. None of us realized that so many days, weeks and months have actually passed since you came into our lives.

We didn't realize when the tiny ten fingers and toes became inquisitive enough to start frolicking around the house & open spaces. We were amazed at how the tiny gurgles gave way to one words and then smart one liners.

You are growing up my darling and at a pace much faster than we thought you would. Your father always said  - "don't grow so fast my tiny one... I want each moment with you to last an eternity". But we both know, the story of our lives are so different than we want them to be.

You recently reached one of the biggest milestones for your age. "The Play School".

It's hard for us to see you teary eyed each day when you prep up for your day. Though you love each moment you spend with kids your age and it makes us even more proud that you are one of the best & brightest that they have in their batch.

My darling doll!! I can't make it any easier for you to embrace this big change in your life. Every time you say - "Mama chor ke chali gayi", one of us feels like enveloping you in warm. fuzzy bear hug and assure you that she is right here, waiting for you to come out of the playschool.

It is as difficult for her as it is for you. And so my dear, this is what I want to whisper in your ears -

"Don't cry coz your world has changed. Don't cry coz your mommy is not around. We are all watching over you and won't let anything happen to you. Try and take this change in your stride my lil Cappy and smile each day as you make new friends and new memories. We want you to come back each day and tell us with about all the pranks you played at school, all the poems you recited, all the games you learned".

Wipe away the tears coz you're all grown up. Each day will be memorable than the one gone bye.

God bless you my love...

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