Saturday, March 11, 2017

She Should Be Special... Everyday...

Well life is such that all of us get lost in the daily rigmarole and tend to neglect the dear ones in our lives. And then some wizards come into the picture. The created these special days, dedicated to the ones who are an integral part of our loves – mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, wives, husbands, friends, bosses and the list goes on.

I’m guilty of not reaching out to several dear ones in my life and telling them time and again – how special they are to me. On the other hand, I would also like to believe that I feature in a similar list for few people (wink). 

What I don’t understand is how only a single day dedicated to these special people, can make a difference. Come a special day, my Facebook page, WhatsApp gets flooded with dedicated messages and I frankly can’t relate to any of them. 

Something similar happened on this 8th March. People, who would not have greeted me in ages in person or on phone, bombarded me with Women’s Day greetings. I politely thanked all.

But here’s what I feel. Only one day dedicated to Women across the world is not enough and does not do justice to the special eves in our lives. Our mothers (and in law), aunts, daughters (and in law), sisters (and in law), wives, nieces, grandmothers, lovers, friends etc deserve far more attention than on just one day.

We are nothing without them and thus we should not leave any opportunity to tell them how special they are to us.  

We should make every day a “Women’s Day” for these special ones…

We should celebrate them every day…

If we know eves who do not have anyone to make them feel special, then we should spread joy in their lives. We can go a step further and associate with organizations who dedicate their operations to betterment, upliftment of women and girl child.

It is now or never. Come forward and make this small change in your thought process – it has to be every day instead of just one day.

These ladies may grace your lives today but maybe in the very next moment they might not be there and then you would be left pondering – “Oh why did I miss out on loving them, caring for them, being there for them, making them feel special, being there in their times of needs?”

Call your mother right this moment and tell her you love her from the bottom of your heart and your life is incomplete without her. How about ensuring that she has that much needed health insurance coz she is ageing. 

Hold your partner’s hand and whisper in her ears “you complete me”. Be her partner in the daily chores too coz she might be working as hard as you or even more.

Tell your sister that no one’s a better soundboard than her. Be there for her when she needs one.

Call your friend / girlfriend and tell her – without her wackiness, days lose fun and how her being your 4am friend makes you overcome all your troubles. Be there to wipe her tears, when she is down and out. Call her to ask how she is doing, when she least expects it.

I could go on and on with what we should be telling them and how often, but I will take a pause here. I can only tell you. At the end of the day, it’s you who has to take this step forward and celebrate them.

I also want to tell you that even we women should celebrate the special Adams in our lives in exactly the same way and one day would not do justice to them as well.

So what is it going to be for you? On a lighter note, let’s see how many dear ones of mine reach out to me after reading this note (wink, wink)…