Monday, December 9, 2019

She Is Back...

Gosh!! It's been a year already but to me this self imposed hiatus felt like time had practically stopped. When I look back now, I am not sure why I felt the need to take this break but my guess is that the pace at which my life was taking me round the globe, I felt like I had to do this.

Felt incomplete, felt like words wanted to spurt out but I had closed the gates, kept making mental notes of all the posts that I wanted to write with each day that I traveled and I'm actually hoping that I would be able to recall all those thoughts that kept popping up. 

Just like a blocked water pipe, when small water droplets trickle out and then slowly the flow picks up, I can sense the words already dancing in my mind as I type. It's just a matter of time that all of them would just come bursting out and oh boy I cannot wait :)

The travels down under, the living out of suitcases, the sun kissed beaches, the shades of the sunsets, humans with heart of gold, getting back in touch with dear ones and so much more. There is so much that I want to share with all that I can't stop smiling as I write. 

As we approach the end of this decade and yearn to welcome the new year with our precious hopes and dreams, I can sense the gypsy in me coming back to life after the long hibernation.

She is back...

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