Sunday, February 27, 2011

Faithful Ford...

He loved the brand...
He believed in this brand...

He had vowed...
Whenever he would buy...
He would buy from this brand...

It was his second Ford...
He loved it to the core...

The heavy metal delighted him...
The plush interiors excited him...

The Ford beckoned him...
Crooned to him...

My Master dearest...
I'm waiting to delight you...

With my speed and strength...
I am all set to excite you...

My loyalties lie with you...
Believe in me, as I believe in you...

When testing waters neared...
The Ford did not fear...

In all the mayhem, it bore the brunt...
Alas! It was the Master...
The Mortal...
Who failed to survive the brutal accident...

A few minutes before...
He had tinkered with the loyalty...

The seat belt wasn't worn...
And it led to heart breaking calamity...

I had saved you that last time...
Had you not tinkered with me...
I would have saved you this time...

The lonely Ford cries today...
My Master!! Where have you gone...

I am still the same loyal Ford...
Why didn't you take me along...

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