Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Remember that you are very special. NO ONE can play your role better than you...

Five years back, as I was on the brink of entering the dungeons of the Corporate World, I was excited, nervous, and bubbling with enthusiasm. The only thought that splashed across my mind was that- I am going to be the wind of change; I shall bring about a difference.

Each year brought in new learnings, both good and not so good. At times, faith dwindled and other times, it got restored. Rough patches tested my strength and many times left me weakened.

For the last two years, I have been associated with one of India's leading entertainment company. Trust me...working for an entertainment company leaves no room for entertainment and fun in one's life. Its been a roller coaster ride. Two months of peaceful operations is always followed by 3 months of chaos. 

Presently, as I wade through one of my toughest phases of employment (physically, emotionally, mentally), a teeny weeny error in the network servers of a telecom agency brought in a welcome respite.

My aunt works for SBI and often texts me motivational quotes sent by her company's L&D team. 

Day before yesterday was one of the toughest days at work and by the end of the day, I was really down and out. While I drove back in a daze, a beep of my mobile woke me up from my trance. I happily flouted a traffic rule and decided to read the text message then and there. It read - 

"Remember that you are very special. NO ONE can play your role better than you."

The text brought a smile to my face and I focused back on the road ahead. Then comes another beep and yet another message, not once...not twice...but ten times. I had received ten new texts over a period of two hours and all of them read - 

"Remember that you are very special. NO ONE can play your role better than you."

I read the same text ten times and each time it lifted my dying spirit by one notch. By the time I dozed off on my laptop, the only thought that circled in my mind - 

"Remember that you are very special. NO ONE can play your role better than you.

The morning dawned upon and the gloomy day (yesterday) waited to start along. As I battled the traffic and valiantly sailed through, the familiar beep of text message took me by surprise. Who could be texting me at 0730 hours?

Once again, I broke the traffic rule and read the text. It read - 

"Remember that you are very special. NO ONE can play your role better than you."

By the time I reached office, I had received the same text five more times. I felt much lighter and better equipped to face what the day had in store for me.

Now, as I look back, I thank the One Above, I thank my aunt,I thank her telecom provider, I thank her L&D team. They all worked together to make me feel better. They all made me believe -

 "Remember that you are very special. NO ONE can play your role better than you."


  1. Thanks to Pummy Masi ...
    And you my dear sister... Remember that you are truly
    Special to everyone in our family. I respect you, I love you, I admire you n will continue doing it till eternity. God bless you Di.

  2. So True...Simple yet Deep. There are times in our chaotic worklife that we forget how special we are to our loved ones, you simply have no idea what you mean to us....Love U Neena

  3. Firstly, thanks to the Inspiring Writer - You made my day.

    You are special and you made each one of us feel special. A deep voice shared among the mango people. This is what life is - tough and challenging and it really needs a helping hand to pull up once in a while.

    I am sure you touched many hearts and minds by sharing it and extended the much needed hand to get up and get going.

    Like always keep writing and inspiring others.

    Last not least - Cheer up.

  4. Dear Ones,

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts....
