Friday, June 3, 2011

Of Pigtails & Chubby Cheeks...

When we tread down the memory lane, flashes from the past walk by. They bring a smile (well most of them I guess), and make us think - Oh! I so wish those days could come by.

One such memory is that of-

Pigtails and Chubby Cheeks.
Lets call them P&CC.

So, P&CC have more or less been an inseparable part of our childhood. The silky soft tendrils that curl at the end.... the soft curve of that teeny weenie cheek....

Every P&CC has a story to tell.

The Five Pigtails

It tells the story of a mother -daughter. They used to have a ball of a time while mommy dearest pigtailed her daughter's tender strands. It tells the story of a concerned mother, who didn’t want her child to feel the simmering heat of summers and thus she ensured that the strands were securely tied away.

The Chutney Bath

It tells the story of a baby's soft n fluffy cheeks, way before the Johnson & Johnsons of the world were discovered. The magical potion of butterfat and raw milk did the wonders. As a kid, my brother used to call it the “Chutney Bath” and would look forward to the extra attention that Ma gave.

The Disheveled Pigtails

It tells the story of mischievous siblings. Brother bear troubles the baby sister and as they play, fight, twist or turn, the pigtails become disheveled. Is any body bothered by that? Nah….it just goes unnoticed in all the playful mayhem.

The Chubby Cheeks

It tells the story of the cutest and the softest cheeks that got kissed…pinched…and caressed innumerable times. Someone wanted to bite them gently while someone sighed – “ I wish I had soft cheeks like those….”. This moment used to be a proud moment for mommy-daddy duo. Their darling baby had arrived….really arrived….

The Colorful Pigtails

It tells the story of a starry eyed mother who dotes on her babies and loves to dress ‘em up. She cannot stop herself from buying pretty hair accessories and adorn them on her child’s beautiful strands. With each strawberry clip, each colored bead, each pearly hair band that she ties….her smile widens. “My baby cutest!!” is all she can think.

I could go on and on but these stories won’t end. These stories or rather memories would always stay in our hearts and even help us get through not so good times.

I still remember, every time I would step out to take an exam, my mother dearest would always tell me-

“If you feel stressed out, black out coz you don’t know the answer or you think that the time is ticking too fast……Take a deep breath and think of the cutest baby you have ever come across. Think of its kissable cheeks and crazy pigtails (aka P&CC). The memory will bring a smile and the smile in turn would bring back the courage to face the test. Go out and do your best”.

Tara dearest!! Here I want to tell you that whenever the going gets tough…it is your pigtails & chubby cheeks that I think about. It is you who make me smile during my dark hours.

And I thank you for that.

(PS) – dedicated to Tara, daughter of a very dear family friend. She is the most beautiful child, I have ever come across. In fact her pigtails and mine are absolutely alike.

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