Monday, May 14, 2012


I am an avid reader of TOI and each day I look forward to the articles captured under "Mind Tree". As always, when I opened that page today, the beautiful article by Janina Gomes touched a string in my heart.

Janina talks about what most of us (if not all) think about life but may or may not be speaking it out loud. I won't share the entire article here but only the essence-

"Life throws several trials and tribulations towards us. The intent is to make us better humans, to make us better at what we do & how we do. It squeezes us like a lemon so that deleterious emotions also become a part of our being. Surprisingly, it also gives us an opportunity to recover at times.

Dear Life!! Here's a humble request from all of us. Please draw a line for each one of us and stop squeezing us like a lemon. We know that you are insuperable and all we want to do is bask in your richness while keeping ourselves grounded.

Let us live each day of yours with a smile on our face and a belief in our hearts that -All Is Well".


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