People come and go from our lives...
At the right time, at the right place...
They breeze in with endearing panache...
Waltz around us, make us laugh...
At times the sendoff leaves us sad...
But at other times, we want to relive that moment again & again...
It is all planned for us by the One Above...
Whether we like the decision or not...
That chance meeting for 5 minutes...
The enduring years of togetherness...
It has all been mapped in our lives...
With every new person we meet...
Life brings us to a fork...
The side we choose...
The fork bends there...
It may be for better, it my be for worse...
Don't hesitate, don't fret...
Let them meet you...
Let them do their best...
So all of you out there...
Some of you who have met me...
Some of you who still have to meet me somewhere...
What Part Are You Gonna Play....In My Life...
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