Friday, June 22, 2012

The Cocktails Of My Life...

Everyone's going gaga over the latest tunes from the movie Cocktail. While driving to work yesterday, I happened to listen to one of the songs and a thought came to my mind. Which cocktails would define the nomenclature of the equations I share with my dear ones?

So here I am, back again, jotting down my crazy thoughts. Before I take this forward, I also took the liberty of choosing other beverages apart from Cocktails to define what I share/ had shared with those who are/ were special to me. But I still want this writeup to be called - The Cocktails Of My Life...

I'm not going to be partial to any one and thus my listings would be based on chronological order.

1. Nicku & I

Bhai & I truly share a bittersweet symphony. Sometimes we fight like wild warriors and at other times we are the best buddies. No matter what I say to him, I know it for a fact that he is always going to be there for me. He is my 4 am drink buddy. He is the only one who could bail me out when I bungle up really bad and I'm on the verge of facing mom's ire. We are not very vocal about a lot of stuff but we talk without the vocal chords doing the needful for us.

 2. Doc & I

Doc & I have been friends for 22 years. From fiery bum-chums, we have transformed into matured spirits in the years gone by. We have learnt to overcome our shortcomings and didn't let them mar our relationship. Our lives have gotten entwined with several flavors of mixers ( read as -situations that life throws at us) and we worked around them together. What Old Monk does for us in winters ( it keeps us warm), Doc does for me everytime the need be.

3. Rachu & I

Rachu & I are just like the Merlot & Cabernet Sauvignon based blended wines. Both these are known for their softer, fruitier, and earlier-maturing trait. At the same time, these also display several aromas and flavors – black cherry, currant, cedar, and green olive – along with mint, tobacco and tea-leaf tones. We both bring these flavors in each other's life. We have shared every chapter of our lives together,ever since we've met each other. We have matured with age and time has only added flavor to what we share. With every passing year, our togetherness will attain a new milestone.

4. Ladoo & I

Ladoo & I were like a Vodka Martini. Heady as alcohol & had our share of flavoring too. We were bestest of buddies for almost 10 years and then we were shakened up. I wish I had a time machine to go back and set things right but all wishes do not come true. I truly cherish our times together and will always pray for him to be happy in his life.

5. MSA & I

 MSA & I are like refreshing Mojitos. We have known each other for almost 11 years though in between we had lost touch for quite a while. When we connected back, it was just like the old times and it felt very nice to add back a dear one in my ever diminishing gang. He has always brought a breeze of freshness into my life and helped me in keeping up my zing quotient. Thanks to him, I also met up with one of the sweetest soul I have ever known- his darling wife Prabh. God bless you both.

6. Jitesh & I

Our friendship started with miscommunication. During our college orientation role play, he spoke in  favor of a "Smoking Zone" and that alongwith his allergy ( he used to cough quite a bit) led me to believe that he smokes. Many months later, we corrected my preconcieved notion and went on to become great friends. I relate us to the Glen series of scotch which are world famous for their flavor. The years just add to the bond shared by us. It's because of him, I got to know Meghs and I totally love her company. Hoping to see you guys soon.

7. AS & I

I don't remember how AS & I got talking. We met during my stint with a hospitality group. All I remember is that we used to be big time foodies.  Everytime we would step out for some work, we would munch first and then think of doing the work. Be it our trip to Chandi Chowk or to Khan Market, our munchings used to be the highlight of these outings. I find our times together to be as refreshing as Margaritas. Despite the fact that both of us are extremely busy in our respective lives, we always take out time to share our joys and sorrows. I hope that never changes.

8. Hocus Focus & I

Hocus & I were like a house on fire. Flaming Lamborghini is what crosses my mind every time I recall our times together. In a city of strangers, I was looked after by him and his family. Our times together, always bring a smile on my face. May he get his share of happiness and success.

9. Yamini & I

Yamini personally loves wines ( correct me if I'm wrong Yams!!) but I would relate us to heady concoction of Vodka & Bacardi Breezer. This combination is all about craziness and that's what we did during our times together. Her abode was my second home during my short trip to Bangalore and I fell in love with each nook and corner of her Camelot. May God shower you and your family with abundance and happiness.

10. SS & I

Now you must be wondering, where did this Coffee Cup pop up from, while we were talking about its alcoholic siblings. Well SS brought a flavor to my life which was refreshing and only a cup of coffee can do that to you. Though we connected for a very minuscule moment in time but those days would always be etched in my memory. May you reach the zenith of success in your personal & professional life.

I think it is enough of concoctions for one day and my head is already swirling. But all said and done, I want to thank each one of you for being  a part of my life, making my days special, making me feel special. You all will always be dear to me. I now sign off with my favorite tune as a dedication to each of you...

"Tumhi din chadhe, Tumhi din dhale
Tumhi ho bandhu, sakha tumhi
Every time every minute all the day
Tumhi ho bandhu, sakha tumhi"


  1. This one is awesome...don't know how you wrote but then ...simply loved it!

  2. Mojito Accord rates it as

    "A refreshing summer beater"

    It further states that the feeling is mutual. Frankly speaking you were my first friend with whom i opened up and enjoyed every moment of it. I enjoyed the soft and cheerful time we got to spend together munchin burger while waiting for your bus, or hanging around with friends in KB or writing to each other or listening to music on cassette's that you shared or the walks.

    I feel blessed to have got to know you. Lets keep on sippin Mojito's and bring in the freshness and colors to make most of our lives.

    God bless u.
