Sunday, June 10, 2012

Don't Hold Back... Say It All...

I am an avid follower of several tele-series that are broadcasted on Star World & Zee Cafe. One of these is running in its final season and the last few episodes are being telecasted. Every episode of this particular series ends with a wise learning.

Yesterday was no different. What they shared yesterday, struck a chord in my heart. The closing lines of one of the protagonist of the series were very close to what I'm going to share now-

" In our lives, we want to say so many things to people who are dear to us but actually fail to do so. We hide away small memories from the people who were a part of it. Life gifts you with dear ones and takes them away.

If we do not share/ speak out these small memories or itsy bitsy pieces of thoughts passing by our hearts and minds then we haven't lived out lives well. We haven't done justice to our dear ones.

If we don't speak out today then when we are gone, we take away with us what we could have shared - a memory, an anecdote, an incident, a feeling and so on so forth.

If we won't say then who would?  If we don't say it today then life would soon loose its meaning and you never know when it would be too late to share".

So don't hold back....Say it all to your dear ones as if there is no tomorrow...

Say it all, so that you are at peace- You gave it your best shot...

Life is too short to hold back so why let remorse take up space by not sharing what we could have?

So just remember-

" Don't hold back...Say It All..."


  1. Awesome and so true..but so difficult to follow. I wish I could say it all

  2. Muster the courage and try once...Atleast you would be at peace that you gave it a shot...
