Sunday, February 17, 2013

Mirror Image...

It's surprising how at times, somethings or someone resonate a part of you or what goes on in your life. I have had multiple encounters especially with the books that I read.

Over the weekend, I was hell bent on finishing a 500+ pager and for benefit of everyone, I shall name it "Charcoal". I must make it very clear that the story per se or the plot did not reflect upon a part of my life...definitely no means...

But what the protagonists feel...some part of it... how they communicate...most part of it, did remind me of that phase in life which was short lived but unforgettable.

I was not ready for what those pages had in store for me. With each one that I read, my thoughts would only run wild towards a particular chapter of my life. It felt as if someone has written about me and what transpired around me.

Not that I was banishing away those thoughts but yes I was trying to box them away in some part of my heart. Up they sprang with each word that my eyes traversed and I was back to square one.

Mirror Image...yes...this is what the world of words painted for me. No matter how much I wish for the happy after, these words and thus the mirror image would take the course taken everytime history encounters  unfathomable would stay fanatical, incomplete and incoherent...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Ring.....Revisited...

Two years back, I had witnessed the unison of one of the most beautiful couple I have ever met and they also happen to be my best pals. Monty & you celebrate two years of togetherness, I revisit my trinkets and post again, what I wrote for you back then..."The Ring".

With faltering steps she came forward
Shaky was the hand, he offered

They saw each other and smiled
They knew, soon they would be intertwined

It wasn’t a whirlwind, it wasn’t timed
But they knew that their togetherness was destined

He took her hand in his
Gone was the shakiness, not even a whiff

Once before you went away
It killed me, My Dear!!

I’ve got you now
And I won’t let you sway, do you hear?

It is our time of togetherness
And our dear ones add to the happiness

With this ring, My Queen,
I promise to you, On Me, only you will reign

I promise to look after
I promise to believe, in us, forever

And as this ring adorns your beautiful finger
I promise to you- our love will never fade, it will always linger…

May the "One Above" bless both of you and shower you with good health, happiness, prosperity and togetherness. Amen!!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Searching My Soul...

I'm searching for my soul. The impression of the soul mate has blurred out and before it disappears, before it makes my soul incomplete, I have to trace it back to where it belonged... in my soul....beside my impression.

The eyes that I search, was there a tinge of brown or was it the darkest shade of black? Was it the questions swarming within or was it the smile that warmed me? The fingertips that I felt, did they actually held me back when I was about to step back saying goodbye  or they firmed me up when I was about to miss a step, on the verge of falling from a high?

The aura that I felt, were we walking too close to comfort or was it the proximity that defined it? The questions that went back and forth, were those to satisfy the inquisitive mind or to satiate the hungry heart that wanted to know more and more?

A love psychic says - when the soul is ready, the soulmate will appear. I am almost ready but does that mean that the "almost" greyed out the impression and the soulmate traversed away? The two together would complete the impression but if even one is missing, the cold winds would banish the other.

Well wherever this soulmate of mine is drifting, a message would reach out to the wanderer. A message that expresses that the dervish that makes me "almost" ready can be befriended only when the soulmate is beside me.

So come back my soulmate, pour back your color in the impression that you left vacant to fade away, bring back the gaze that warmed me, pinch me and take me to another world, hold my hands and walk beside me, share and cherish silence with me.

Come back into your impression....coz I'm searching for my soul...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

It's The Day Of The Rose...

The connoisseurs of love claim that "Rose Day" officially welcomes the week long celebration of love across the world.

Well let me clarify that this post is definitely not about the history or whereabouts of this special day or any other day that is a part of the seven day run up to the "Valentines Day". This post would also not rant about how a rose feels out of reach on this special day.

For me this day is all about happiness, and sharing your happiness with people who are close to you-

Your circle of dear ones...

As I look back, I can recall Rose Days when time spent with dear ones was truly cherished...

Home grown roses given out to our favorite teachers at school; The graduation year when I bought roses for all my close pals and loved the glint it brought to their eyes; the inummerable rose sales that we organized at TCND followed by a competition - may the famous one win the maximum roses and not to forgret our dear General Manager who would gift hand picked roses to all the lovely ladies working in his team; Bunch of wild english roses being gifted to your 4am buddy - your best gal; Sheepishly organizing a beautiful bouquet for a best buddy who is all set to propose to his darling; Recieving beautiful buds from kids whom I trained; Gifting roses to the crazy HR gang at one of my offices; and the list can go on...

Working odd hours may not let me catch up with people dear to me but I would still try and share my best wishes.

"You all...whom I dearly love! On this Rose Day, may you be showered with lots of happiness, special moments, cherished memories and togetherness; I wish I could spend time with you and gift you some beautiful roses. However, I will make up for it by reaching out to you in my own way".

Stay blessed and have a lovely day ahead.

It's the day of the "Rose" so go ahead and gift one.
Happy Rose Day Dear Ones...

One Life Saved...

Once in a while, life makes us witness some interesting, some memorable. some heart touching, some gut wrenching true stories. Some break our heart and some give us hope.

Today what I witnessed was a small reminder that guardians of humanity still visit this planet.

Some work took to me Delhi today and while I was driving back to work, I happen to pass through the DND flyway.While I was waiting for my turn at the toll plaza, a sudden wail of siren caught my attention. It was an ambulance. I saw some anxious faces inside.

While the occupants of the ambulance were still wondering how to wade past scores of vehicles waiting for their turn before them, a gentleman employed with the DND instantaneously appeared from nowhere.

He quickly ran towards the queue where the ambulance was waiting for its turn. He asked the first vehicle moving into the toll zone to zoom out quickly and then halted the vehicle movement in that queue. He then guided the ambulance to immediately pass through the toll.

Well I don't know what state the patient was or for that matter whether the ambulance reached the hospital on time or to make matters worse, did he/ she get timely treatment or not. What I know is that the gentleman in question descended like an angel and spread his wings to shelter the needy.

In all the mayhem around us, one life was saved...hopefully...

May the "One Above" bless the saviour and the patient and get the latter back on road to speedy recovery ...


Monday, February 4, 2013

Flickering Flame...

The weathermen had predicted heavy rains and a sudden pause to the warm weather spell we all had been enjoying. Little did I know that this would spillover to my current state of being. A dreamy, warm spell of wonderous days got suddenly wiped out by the heavy downpour that took us by surprise tonight.

The flame of reverie that was glowing around me with warmth, flickered and it flickered hard. I'm trying my best to preserve it with my very own hands but all that is happening is that the wild flame is burning my fingers.

The harsh shower brought back the biting cold. It sent a chill down my spine and with each step that I took to walk towards my car, it drenched me with a ferocity which was unknown to me.

As I sat in my car, all wet, waves of uncontrollable shiver shook me. It felt as if it wanted to punish me for defying the norm and stepping out when it rained; it wanted to punish me for defying the fear of loosing when we haven't lost yet; it wanted to punish me for trying against all odds; it wanted to punish me for hoping against the hope; it wanted to punish me for continuing to wait when all doors might have actually closed; it also wanted to punish me for taking up a stance which is atypical of me.

Many minutes had passed when I realized that the downpower had stopped but the flame was still flickering. I fear that the mist has settled in and my flame is crackling. Before blowing out, the flame burns brightest. I don't ask for a brightly lit flash but a warm, and endearing light that would shine through a star less, dark night.

This one's for you One Above - stop flickering my flame coz I have nothing else to keep me warm, starry and hopeful...

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Weekend and movies have been going hand in hand for me and this has been happening for quite some time now. So when came saturday, I surfed all the movies that were being screened across various channels and don't know why but chose to see - "Crazy...Stupid...Love...".

The story of this movie revolves around a middle aged husband whose life changes dramatically when his wife asks for a divorce. He seeks to rediscover his manhood with the help of a new found friend. The high point of the movie for me was when the husband said -

"If you know that you have found the one...don't give up...keep trying".

Well he said it in reference to the love of one's life. I want to write about it in a broader context.

"If you find your soul mate...let that person know and don't loose them...

If you find the love of your life...let them know before it's too's a different thing whether they reciprocate or not...

If you find a good friend...keep them close coz with each passing year our circle of dear ones shrinks...

If you find a confidante...keep them closer to your heart and reciprocate what they do for you...

You have to start by letting them know that they hold a special place in your hearts and lives. They may choose not to reciprocate what you feel and you will have to accept that. When such a thing happens, some of us stay unperturbed and move on while some...linger on to the memories, unsure as to whether they should move on or not and then there are some who pause their lives then and there.

Love makes you crazy, it makes you behave like a stupid at times, but I guess in the end all that happens is worth it.