Monday, February 11, 2013

Searching My Soul...

I'm searching for my soul. The impression of the soul mate has blurred out and before it disappears, before it makes my soul incomplete, I have to trace it back to where it belonged... in my soul....beside my impression.

The eyes that I search, was there a tinge of brown or was it the darkest shade of black? Was it the questions swarming within or was it the smile that warmed me? The fingertips that I felt, did they actually held me back when I was about to step back saying goodbye  or they firmed me up when I was about to miss a step, on the verge of falling from a high?

The aura that I felt, were we walking too close to comfort or was it the proximity that defined it? The questions that went back and forth, were those to satisfy the inquisitive mind or to satiate the hungry heart that wanted to know more and more?

A love psychic says - when the soul is ready, the soulmate will appear. I am almost ready but does that mean that the "almost" greyed out the impression and the soulmate traversed away? The two together would complete the impression but if even one is missing, the cold winds would banish the other.

Well wherever this soulmate of mine is drifting, a message would reach out to the wanderer. A message that expresses that the dervish that makes me "almost" ready can be befriended only when the soulmate is beside me.

So come back my soulmate, pour back your color in the impression that you left vacant to fade away, bring back the gaze that warmed me, pinch me and take me to another world, hold my hands and walk beside me, share and cherish silence with me.

Come back into your impression....coz I'm searching for my soul...

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