Sunday, August 18, 2013

Up Away In The Clouds...

Being the workaholic Cappy, I suck at taking a break from work. And so I attempted to break from that pattern. Fourth of July saw me gathering my dear ones and driving to a quaint cantonment town amongst the clouds of Solan - Kasauli.

We started early morning and the beautiful scenary enroute just added to our fervour. The pitter patter of the rain drops had become our companion through out the journey and even greeted us as we entered the cantonment.

What waited there for us was memorable scenic beauty, the unforgettable moments at the Jogger's Trail, lazy banter at the balcony where clouds became our companion and then came the most beautiful part - the trek upto the Manki Point ( Hanuman Temple).

On day 2, we decided we wanted to check out the Manki Point which was within the Cantonment Area. Since any electronic device is not allowed there, we could not capture the beauty that surrounded us but the memories would stay etched in our hearts forever.

Climbing 300 stairs for a lazy bum is no easy task and thus by the time we reached our destination, I was huffing, puffing and panting. I could actually feel the streak of sweat trickling down my spine. I was expecting this but what I wasn't was the sight that greeted me there.

The most refreshing gush of breeze nipped through my being and it felt that I have suddenly risen from my slumber. After a quick visit to the temple, we walked towards the other side of the hillock which was facing the valley.

The clouds had flown in to welcome us and they were dancing aorund, teasing us in a rythmic flow. I looked down and all I could see was white. Not a single spec of another color was visible. I leaned on the ralling, stretched my arms and took deepest of the breath that I could.

As the sparkle of freshness filled through me, I felt as if I was suspended in air, up away in the clouds and no ground beneath me. My soul was drifting away with the clouds.

And then suddenly, the chants of Raghu Pati Raghav Raja Ram started reverberating across the valley. Some sort of peace had fallen upon all of us. One by one, each one of us tied the red kalava on the morpankhi tree and possibly wished for a pie in the sky.

It was sheer magic at 6400 feets up in the air. The stroll down the hillock was all about reminiscing what we felt up there. And then it was time to bid adieu to the beautiful clouds.

I may be back to where I belong, back to the daily grind, back to where I live life but some part of me is lingering around in the clouds. A part of me is still standing over the hill top, near the ralling, arms stretched, a wide grin adorning my face......up away in the clouds....

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