The night that went by was no ordinary night. It brought the first fog of the season. Dense, grey, white at times, it brought alive the fears frozen around.
It was not just another fog, it was a manifestation of how the soul is feeling inside of me right now. Clueless, looking for the right road, anxious about any wrong turn I might take and fearing the realization that what if I reach the point of no return.
Many times, during the journey back home, I sat like a statue in my car, not knowing if I'm driving right, not knowing if i should have waited, not knowing what waited for me after inching ten meters. But it did not feel new. Afterall, the soul has been fogged down for days.
It just took the onset of the fog today, for me to realize, what's ailing my soul.
It's the dense fog, surrounding me, gaping at me and I have nowhere to go...
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