Sunday, January 25, 2015

As You Turn One...

This one too is delayed by many days but better late than never...

You my dear....are the shining light in all our lives. Our day starts with you and it also ends by being around you. Everyday, their is something new about you. Be it a new garbled word that you utter or a new cherubic expression that you floor us with....

Every minute that I am away from you, I sense that I'm missing so much of you. It's you, who makes me drive back quickly from work so that I can catch a quick glimpse of you before you go off to your daily date with the angels... I fail miserably on most days though...

Every afternoon, I wait to hear your steps, coming towards me to wake me from my slumber. Nobody can think of waking me the way you do. Every time you flash that dimpled smile of yours, I part of me just lights up.

Every time you hold up your hands, looking at me with those puppy eyes and you're my only saviour expression, I can't hold myself back from melting and showering you with kisses.

I hope you know how precious you are to me, to all of us. You have changed our lives in a way that only you can manage and even a day without you being around is a day gone unfulfilled. 

So as you turn's wishing for all the world's happiness to come and tickle your lovely curls, shower their lucky charm over you, may all the angels above keep a loving watch over you; may each day turn out to be happier than the day gone by; may you always be surrounded with people who love you & care for you; may you revel in the feeling that you are dearly loved.

Happy one... my honey bun, sugar plum....

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