Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Days Of Wanderlust...

Sometime 2 months back, I wrote about slipping away and fleetingly mentioned about the days of wanderlust. Though delayed, here it comes. 

November of 2014 saw me craving for a time out from the daily chaos and the thought of a second solo trip firmed up. Where did I want to go? To the hills for sure. Being the earthy sea goat, there is something about the mountains that calms me down.

Then came an extended weekend that saw me rushing to Dharamsala & McLeodganj. Many asked, why a solo trip and I questioned back - Why not? 

Resort...checked, train tickets... checked, list of places to visit...checked. Thus began the journey. A train till Pathankot and then a 2 hour early morning drive was all I needed to get all charged up for the trip. Everything just fell into place with the ideal resort, the helpful cabbie and loads of time at hand.

Three uninterrupted days of travel saw me quench my visual thirst for the unseen & gorge on some local cuisine. I must have clocked hundreds of kilometres scouting through Kangra Valley, Dharamsala & McLeodganj.

What took my breath away? Probably everything I saw. Be it the tea garden or the monastaries or the mighty Dauladhar range or the Bhagsunag falls or the streets full of people running away to their destinations or 

Something that will always stay etched in my heart - the beautiful cricket ground surrounded by the snow peaked mountains. Every time I feel rushed, I close my eyes and go back to that moment when I was there surrounded by the mountains.

There is so much to write about those 3 days but then it would become too long a post and thus am trying to limit my thoughts to a few words only. 

All good things come to an end and so did these lovely 3 days. Did I find what I was looking for? Maybe yes & maybe not. I found another place I fell in love with however, I didn't find the missing ingredient to calm my chaos.

Well until the next wanderlust bug gets to me....adios amigos...

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