Monday, September 28, 2015

Heartfelt Condolence...

No one knows what the next widget of time has in store for any of us. My Sunday started on a usual note...lazy and peaceful. I was looking forward to a quiet day in order to prep up for a crazy week.

But I had no idea, how the day was going to shape up. I was just scrolling up my FB page and I suddenly came across a condolence message posted on a dear one's FB page. I could not believe what I read there. It was as fresh as 60 minutes back. Shock and disbelief flooded me....a very dear friend of mine had lost her father few hours back. Had no courage to call her....what would I have said?

As the day passed , I went to meet her and all I could do was give her a tight hug. For the next several minutes... just sat next to her and tried to converse though my mind wasn't working.

This was not supposed to happen to her... not now atleast...

Somehow the day ended and up I rose on Monday afternoon...ready to face the frenzy. But I was not ready for what was in store. I reached office and within the first hour I got another sad piece of news. One of my colleague's father also passed away on Sunday night.

Shocked and bewildered... I stared at the small Ganesha perched up on my table... and asked him - "What's going on"

Why my dear ones....why the very same day? Obviously no answer came back....their time had come so they had to go....that's all anyone would say. Five of us went to meet him and spent some time with his family. I would never want to meet a friend's family for the first time under such circumstances but we are never given such choice.

Both parents were unwell and biding time. Then it all came to an end. Feeling very sad and helpless. This is not how I wanted my week to be... this is not how my dear ones would have envisaged their upcoming week.

Reaching out to the stars and the light above....please keep both my dear ones warm...take care of them in their time of need...give them the strength to sail through thia tough moment...

Offering my condolences...May the fathers rest in peace...

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