With the roller - coaster life that I have had in the last several months and years, the cynic in me had determined .... no more new people... no more so called friends or rather dear ones....I had decided that my cold shell in the corner would be my abode. The few dear ones close to heart would only be allowed a sneak peek inside now and then. That is how I had envisaged my years to come.
But then, who are we in front of the biggest trickster of all times... the One Above. He/ She had this totally different plan for me. He/ She said -
"Run my dear...run...run as fast as you can...as away as you can... but you won't find that cold shell in the corner...everytime you would make yourself believe that you have alienated yourself from others...I would send across some angels to take care of you. They may do their bit and vanish once the time's up but they would at some point of time look after you."
Few months back, I was once again in such a mode wherein I was slowly crawling towards my shell but little did I know that life was going to bring forth a surprise yet again.
Suddenly came barging into my life - a fiesty, determined, sunny "Leo". I fondly call him "Shera" now.
What happens when the fiesty meets the willful? Sparks fly....but more than that.... lightbulbs explode all around...And that is what happened.
Shera did not come alone. With him, came two more precious ones. A sweet soul Piscean and yet another sea goat Capricorn like me. While I weave this story for you all, it's very important for you to know that Shera is the center of the story. Without him, there would not have been a story... without him, the precious ones would not have come into the picture...without him, I would have probably succeeded in retracing back into my shell.
But all of this would come later.
When Shera & I first met, everything crackled and I ensured that the lightbulbs cracked.... I questioned everything - our first meeting, why was I there, why was he there, what did he want, what was I looking for and the list goes on. While the meeting ended...the short circuit happened two days later. I blew it....Pop came out the declaration - "I'm not looking at making new friends...so why are you here?"
And I walked out in seconds...Lets get back to the shell. What a relief...This is what I am good at. Crawling back...
Oh boy I was so mistaken this time. Not only did Shera come back, he also sparkled his sunny streak on me and told me to just hang in there and for once - not to worry. There was something in his eyes and voice that made me sit back and believe him. And life has not been the same as before.
While this new association was still sinking in my heart....Shera brought forth two more bubbles in my life. The Piscean whom I call the sweet soul and the sea goat who is the youngets amongst all of us. The kiddo is like a jumping enthu cutlet and that is what I fondly call her. She is our toy and we don't leave any stone unturned in troubling her, pampering her and taking care of her. The sweet soul is like a silent storm. Don't be fooled by his calm and quiet exterior. Deep inside, he is as mischievous and prankster as Shera.
I am amazed at the games that the One Above plays. I can't believe how smoothly did these 3 dear ones just sauntered into my life and I just stood their in awe...welcoming them with open arms and warm smile.
Was I the one who said - I'm not looking at making new friends? You got to be kidding me....
Shera ensured that I came out of this self imposed exile. While I still bask in the memory of the cherished moments that we have spent together... I am already looking forward to many more such moments of togetherness...and all of this is real only because of Shera.
Till we all meet next....Cheers....
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