Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Let There Be Light...

It is that time of the year when there is fragrance in the air, a nip that makes you shiver - settles around, evenings get dark early and it is light that you see all around - wherever you traverse.

This is how I love to describe the year end festive season. I guess I have been writing about this year on year and yet I can't stop myself from writing again. Well this is one of my favourite times of the year and the feeling of festivity engulfs me with a happy hug.

Being a shopaholic, I can be easily found in any nook and corner of any of the malls in the NCR and you would see me gazing at the beautiful lights if not indulging in retail therapy. For me these lights are special.

They speak to me. They tell me that hey girlie - the year is coming to an end and something new is brewing up. Something I haven't experienced before, something good...something not so good...some learnings and many moments to cherish. I gaze at the lights and reminisce about the year gone by - just how quickly it went in a breath.

I'm sure like me, there are many of you out there - the crazy light gazers...the hopeful ones who dream through these lights and smile at what's in store. Well here's what I have to say -

"Let there be light...coz the night is shining bright...
There is so much more to come... it has only just begun...
Just open your arms to the magic...
Let the excitement of what's to come make everything enigmatic...
End your day with the colorful glitter etched in your eyes...
And when you open your eyes... the night is shining bright..."

Happy festive season to all my dear ones. May the festive lights brighten your days and sparkle your nights. May you be blessed with happiness, health and success. Something special is about to happen...


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