Thursday, May 26, 2016

What Are We Doing...

Every now and then, this thought keeps knocking at the back of my mind. What has the world come to? What are we doing?

We love things and use people instead of loving people and using things...
We toil for our future and burn away our present. Ultimately, missing out on smelling the roses each day & counting our blessings...

We walk away from dear ones to spend time with strangers and end up being lonely...
We lose precious moments not being with the loves of our lives and while away our time in oblivion...

We chose silence over candid conversations to exhibit disagreement, anger, sadness and let the uncertainty grow exponentially...
We fail to see who cares for us and run behind the one who are not meant for us...

 The blue ticks ensure that the messages are delivered and read but they fail to invoke a response...
The call that we would wait for, never sees the light of the day...

We chose sides between love and responsibilities or should I say duties...
We encourage dear ones to nurture trust, only to break the very trust we urged them to have in us...

We experience the dilemma of listening to heart or the logical mind...
The heart is so broken then we end up listening to the heartless mind...

We've replaced personal greetings with extra short acronyms. Thank you has become TY and you are welcome is just UW...
We demand likes and votes for our social network statuses but are too busy to extend the same courtesy to the very same people...

We desperately expect every one to help us in our times of need yet when they expect the same in return...we transform into these busy, unavailable tycoons who can't be reached or can't be disturbed...
They truly exemplify the reality that - "No response is also a response".

As I ponder further, I realize with a growing alarm that even I am guilty of exhibiting some of the aforesaid behaviors. All I can do is to make a conscious effort to not fall in the traps that we have created for ourselves.

While I attempt that, my mind still wanders to that one thought -

"What are we doing? "

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