Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Just Round The Corner...

Lore says that it's the darkest before the light shines upon us. It is then that most of us give up our battles...just an inch away from victory. Well obviously, traversing across dark path is not for the ones with the weaker soul.

Each one of us fight umpteen battles throughout our lives and at some point fail to cover the last mile. We just can't handle it and give up. Here's what I want to tell each of you -

When the dark gets darker and you can't see the next step..."Just Sense It"  and tread really carefully.

The moment you sense the determination waning out, the courage slipping away, the steely resolve melting away...just take a deep breath and say -

"I will sense my next step. I won't stop until I see the light of the day. I will not go down the dark alley and I will come out unscathed."

All you have to do, dear ones, is to tread really carefully and slowly. Do not rush the last mile.

Just hang in there and the light shall shine soon...very soon... coz it's just round the corner...

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