When the dust on everything shall settle...
We shall meet someday...
When we walk away from work and not let it meddle...
We shall meet someday...
When we put aside the egos and the battles of silence...
We shall meet someday...
When we would accept that we're mere mortals and not invincible...
We shall meet someday...
When we accept that we erred & we are truly sorry..
We shall meet someday...
When we correct the wrong course that we traversed our life on...
We shall meet someday...
When we realize that we don't want to escape ...
We shall meet someday...
When we decide that silence needs to give way to candid conversation...
We shall meet someday...
When we vow to renew what dulled with time...
We shall meet someday...
When we shed the mask that we wear...
We shall meet someday...
When we accept that there is no one else & it's got to be just us...
We shall meet someday...
When we promise to be there for each other and actually honor this promise...
We shall meet someday...
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