Thursday, December 2, 2010

Its time to slow down...

As the seconds of the clock tick away...
My mind and soul sways...

My heart says Neena!! Just hold on...
My body says its time to slow down...

As I suppress a yawn...
And focus on the drive so long...

 Mind aligned with the speed...accelerating on...
A sudden screeching of tyres...jolt me back...

Telling me all along...
Its time to slow down... 

A pinch of pain...
Shooting across the spine...

Makes me a person...
Who cannot help but whine...

The doc said  every 20 minutes.. walk to unwind..
Alas! My schedule restricts me....  its so unkind....

As I stretch when I lay down...
My body says its time to slow down...

 As the pupils seems to have become my fate...
I need to rush back home... I am already late...

As the lens parts from my eyes...
The angry eyes..want to cry...
But alas!They are dry...

As my vision lumbers on... 
Its time to slow down...

A game of clutch and break...
Tires my feet...
 I want to take a break...

The relentless drive...holds me down...
My feet says, its time to slow down...

The way they came....they shall be gone...
The days will come...and simply move on...

My energies will deplete if this is how I slog on...
It definitely is the slow down...

Work shall finish and once again spring upon...
It is will never leave u alone...

A tired body with a scarred soul...
Needs mending...needs to restore...

Before it is too late...
Learn to put a full stop...
Learn to unwind...

Don't hold your guards down...
Its time to slow down...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Beauty of Words...

Few days back I saw an advertisement of an upcoming teleserial. The beautiful wordings just stole my heart- 

"पतंगा जब हो जाए मोहब्बत में फना...

ये पतंगे की अदा है या आग का गुनाह...

कोई आग से भी तो पूछे उसके दिल की...

जिसे प्यार से छुआ उसकी बस राख ही मिली ..."

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Turbulent Love...

The year 1996 was a year of uproar. Deepa Mehta's movie "Fire" had released and it had stirred a hornet's nest. A lot was written and spoken about the issue touched by this movie.

A curious 14 years old as I was, the uproar piqued my interest too. It made me pen down few lines, which got lost when I misplaced my diary while shifting houses. Though few verses kept ringing in my mind over the years, but I couldn't recall the entire poem.

Today, fourteen years later, the world around us has become far more accepting. The world has made an effort to reach out to people sharing the "Turbulent Love". 

For many days, I have been wanting to share the poem. Today, as I revisit those verses,  the dark shades of uproar come live in front of me....

"The darkness of the falling night…
Becomes a witness to their plight…

Two broken souls…
Battered and bruised…
Fading….loosing all their hope…

Socially ostracized…
Feeling helpless…agonized…

Choori and Bundu…
The twinkling stars in their eyes…were slowly dimming…
A question brewing stronger…their spirits dipping…

Why us? We wish well…we don’t cast a spell…
Then why are we being belittled…
Why is everyone wishing we go to hell…

To each his (her) own…
Take this love in your stride…do not disown...

If our heart cannot or doesn’t want to find love outside...
Then so be it…
It's not a crime to find it amongst us…
Why make a big deal about it...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Do You Remember The Time...

Do you remember the time...
When sands of time..slipped out of this hand of mine...

Complexities of life were miles away...
Wooden swing was what, we used to sway...

A chocolate for a penny...
Oh! I couldn't believe I could have so many...

The grey tones of the television...
Did no harm to my vision...

Singing the Ringa Ringa Roses...
Awakened my heart's sealed closets...

Having the yummy Poha in the evening...
Added to my much of meaning...

Getting on the wrong bus...
Made us all shout in a chorus...

Her frock was prettier than mine...
I couldn't help but silently whine...

Those starry nights...when the stars shone bright...
We all played hide n seek... coz there was no light...

The oh so naughty brother of mine...
Pulled my pig tails... that tall n lanky swine...

So much of much of fun...
With each passing day...I miss it more often...

There's so much to remember...there's so much to cherish...
The words are failing...only memories left to relish...

All I can say each time...
Do you remember the time...
When sands of time..slipped out of this hand of mine...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Let The Prayers Take It On...

Ask and thou may be answered...
Fight and thou would never win...
Submit and thou shall be blessed...

When one's happiness...
Fires some one else' unhappiness...
Let the prayers take it on...

When everything is going wrong...
And you can't sing a song...
Let the prayers take it on...

When the moor is far far away...
And all that your Ship of Hope does is sway...
Let the prayers take it on...

When you can't count your blessings...
Your wound is bleeding...Coz there's no one to do the dressing...
Let the prayers take it on...

Don't think that you've fallen hard...
Don't think that you've gotten hurt...
Don't think that its the end of the world...
Let the prayers take it on...

You don't need to know a hymn...
You don't need to know a verse...
Just put your submission and belief into words...
And let the prayers take it on...

Hope is just round the corner...
Blessings are awaiting to be showered...
Don't give up...Don't break down...
Let the prayers take it on...

Thursday, July 22, 2010


It cures...
It absolves...No more you are impure...

A spray of freshness...
Soothes you down...Should you feel restless...

The soothing ripples...
Absorb away your personal ripples...

The angry splash...cautions you in a flash...
If you play with my world....
I play with yours...

Nourishes with maternal love...
Quenches the thirsty urge...

Offer it to the needy...
Don't hold it back...don't be greedy...

यथा वदंतीह महाप्रदानं सर्वेषु दानेषु जलप्रदानम्‌॥
(Donation of water is called greatest of all donations in this world)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Guinea Pigs....

A lot has been written about our so called dysfunctional political system and even more about the politicos who attempt to drive it. And then there is more. 

Today's Bharat Bandh was supposed to be a quiet way of telling our government that "Aam Aadmi" is taking a big beating owing to the recent fuel price hike. Unfortunately it was a different story all together. For many years  now,I have been hearing that these so called bandhs are an apt opportunity for the miscreants to create ruckus and civil unrest. 

Today! I experienced it first hand. 

The bandh that was planned to voice the opinion of "Aam Aadmi", reduced to a set of protests which ended up troubling the same poor soul. Like every other bandh day, I decided to start early for office so that I manage to travel across Delhi without a glitch. Every other bandh had started only by 0900 hrs. 

But this one was different. They took us by surprise.

The digital time keeper of my car had not even shown 0830 hours when suddenly my breezy drive came to a sudden halt. Out of nowhere emerged scores of protesters who then blocked the national highway 24 ( near Akshardham Temple). I froze...


Never in my life had I seen saw many policemen in front of me - agitated, confused, annoyed, exasperated, prepared. The policeman also quickly took up their posts. It was going to be a long day. 

The protests were anything but peaceful. Tyres punctured, effigies burnt, slogans raised, commuters manhandled, Metro stopped and so on so forth.

Amidst all this chaos and mayhem, nobody was worried about the hidden cost of this protest- loss of valuable man hours, damage to state property, fuel wastage  and exponential amount of anguish. 

Till when would we allow these so called nation builders to take out their personal vendetta by harassing the public, by making us their guinea pigs? Burning an effigy will help in rolling back the price hike- Says who?  Puncturing the tyres of a school bus will definitely make the government change their decision- Says who? Banging hands on my car's bonnet will solve the price hike- Says who? 

This charade should be put to an end before it takes an unmanageable form. The question is - who, when, where and how will this be achieved. 

Today, I was lucky that I was one of the first ones to get stuck in this bandh and thus I was also one of the first ones to escape from its clutches. But while I heaved a sigh of relief and rushed back home.....

I saw a snarl shaping up, already sprawling over 7 kilometers. 

The day had just begun. It was going to be a long day.   

Saturday, July 3, 2010


It flares...
Time and again...
It scintillates...

A danseuse...who entices...
Dare you come closer...
It incinerates to ashes...

A provider of warmth...
Essential for home and hearth...

Laden with desire...
Drives to rise up higher...

It annihilates...
It captivates...

A tattva that destructs to ressurect...
Agni namo namah...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Bitch Is Back...

Gone is the coyness...
Calculative is the smile...

Stone cold eyes...
Piercing into mine...

All set to slay...
Searching for a prey...

Sipping her Sherry...
Scheming how to make merry...

Lean and extremely mean...
Zealously demeans...

Devoid of emotions...
Others' trials n tribulations....
Give her satisfaction...

Loves to belittle...
Cares very little...

Allures, corrupts...
Her aura perturbs...

She woos,she plays...
The ones at her mercy mold like clay...

Empathy is what she lacks...
The Bitch is back...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Doc & I....

Doc & I have known each other for the last twenty years. Aspiring to be the life saviours, at that tender age, we had set out together not knowing that soon we would become an integral part of each other's lives. 

Passion for certain outdoor games brought us even closer. Certain years down the lane, her resolve to become an integral part of the Indian Medical Fraternity still remained intact while I had some different plans. I moved into the commerce stream and that is when our testing times began.

We didnt realise the impact of this academic seperation up until next year. When the entire school was waiting to welcome her as the new Head Girl, they were in for a surprise - I was sworned in as the new Head Girl.

A strain had appeared and I feared- This is it! This is where our frienshdip, nurtured for over 10 years, would end. The next few days were dark and gloomy. Even a thin streak of hope was  nowhere to be seen.

But something else was planned for us. A letter arrived. Doc had written that letter.  She shared the angst and uncertainity that she had experienced in the last few days. She also shared her decision that she'll not let this episode impact our friendship. The dark clouds had vanished.

Over the years, she accepted my inability to regularly stay in touch and I accepted the fact that I must make an effort to reach out to her more often. Thus, our companionship moulded in a comfortable pattern that kept us connected.

Doc! Today when you are all set to embark upon a journey. A journey that will take you to a whole new world. A world where a new life, a companion  is waiting for you.  All I want to say is -

" May God Bless You with abundance, happiness and lots of love. I would always be by your side. Ours is a companionship of lifetime and won't let anything alter that".

Congratulations !!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Some One Stole My Dream...

The sprinter who came second...
Loosing out by just one mili-second...

The beautifully beaded pearl necklace...
That broke when it slipped from the terrace...

On the brink of tying the nuptial...
The union was called off...

The candy hidden in the freezer ...
That could not be savored lazily, later...

The two marks that he missed out...
Helped the other one, stand out...

Years old friendship...
In a minute...gone sour...

The lonely wailing cub....
Contemplating to search the missing one, who had nurtured...

The promotion she was hoping for...
Snatched away by someone, to settle a score...

There are so many heartaches...
Which ones to be shared, which ones to be kept in the cashe...

Life has to go on...
But it is us standing adamantly, not willing to move on...

The only one question that makes my cry...
Some one stole my dream....but why?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Scorching Clouds...

The scorching land...
Glances up at the pregnant clouds...

The parched patch...
Raises a plea out loud...

O beholder of vapor...
What have I done...

Why do you avert your gaze...
Why do you desist me for the wrong ... I have not done...

Look me in my eyes...
Confront me upfront...

I want to know why...
The savage in you ....wants to keep me dry...

With a lightening, resembling a smile...
And the pitch, not so high ...

A tiny tear streaming down its eyes..
The beholder of vapor, cried...

My dearest lovely countryside...
I have nothing against you, I have nothing to hide...

Its the mortal who rules upon you...
He is the one who brought upon this plight...

He who has plundered you...
He who has murdered you...

He is the one...
Who has desiccated my reservoir...

I am so helpless...I want to cry...
It breaks my see you dry...

Lets come together and pray for refuge...
Almighty is so great, we won't be refused...

Lets pray for enlightenment...
Let us pray...that the mortal be disciplined...

Lets pray that he is apprised...
To play with us won't be right... 

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I Take You & Your Culture...

With each Lavan Phera, with each wedding vow...
Saat Paak culminating to Subho Dristi...

Slipping the ring on his finger...
The auspicious thread around her neck... symbolizing their union..

Two steps taken towards togetherness...
Ready to embark on a new journey...

Lots left behind...
Holding on to it, for one last time...

His family welcomes her folklore...
Her family concedes to his mores...

On the brink of sharing togetherness...
He saw questions swimming in her eyes...

The troubling questions, then spill from her eyes...
He holds them, before they dry...

Together we belong to this genesis...
Together we fly...

I Take You & Your Culture.
You Take Mine...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Age Of Innocence...

The wobbly feet, taking two steps and then giving away...
The angelic smile, that wipes the creases away...

The anxious eyes looking at the bottle in his mother's hand...
Would that be the yummy milk or the even yummier orange juice?

Batting the beautiful long lashes to appease her father...
Daddy! I won't spill my cerelac again...

The hearty gurgle, when tickled...
The rising blush, when cuddled...

Beaming in her sleep...
As if she saw fairies who came to peep...

Streaming hot tears...
When mommy is nowhere near...

The innocent wet pecks...
 Simply de-stress...

The age of innocence...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Four Silver Strands...

The mid season surprise sale at Marks n Spencers has always been like a welcome gush of rain on a parched piece of soil. Like a thirsty child, I sleepwalked towards it, not knowing what's in store for me.
As the trial room became witness to my truth and dare,the teenager in me chuckled with excitement. Suddenly a silver streak flashed across the mirror and stopped me in my tracks. An in-depth exploration revealed not one, not two but four silver strands.
At first they seemed like the new grey shade in my life. Was it the age? Was it the hydrogen peroxide meddling a bit too much with the melanin? Was it stress? Was it my genetical history coming to fore? Was my time as a women running out?
Determined to get past my anxiety, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I thought of my fav pic- me in pigtails..... and smiled.....
I realised that these silver strands are here to tell me that I am only now just
hitting my stride. It is all up to me as to how I want to tread forward.
And I choose to live life on my terms.....with my four silver strands adorning my crowning glory...Life ! Here I Come....

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

And it rained....

Twirls of dust spraying around...
Yellow dry leaves merry go round...

Adorned with freshness...
Leaving me breathless...

Oh! What is to come?
So much to fathom...

The swollen raindrops...
Adorn the treetops...

They smell of change...
All set to exchange...

Love for fear...
Trust for despair...

And it rained....
Rinsing away the pain...

Showering in a welcome change...
And it rained...

Sunday, April 25, 2010


A baby's first step...uncertain and wobbly

The first milk tooth that broke...

The first sack race, when he came third...

The fancy dress competition when she dressed as a bride...

The 82% aggregate that opened up a world of vocations...

The 33% aggregate that gave a new lease of life...

The first red rose she got...

The first peck that couldn't be a french kiss...

The first job interview cracked...

The first salary credit sms...

The day they got engaged...

The first promotion...

Togetherness pledged by the nuptials...

The aching limbs that walked again...

To each his own....HAPPINESS....

There is no one definition...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The City Of Djinns...

Djinns, some good and some not so good, are an intrinsic part of our lives. Some of us or should I say most of us fail to agnize their presence. The unending, mysterious tales of Djinns have always piqued my interest.

Over the years, many of my friends had shared, what they call as, their Djinn experience. Each of them had experienced the same emotion. They felt timorous....vulnerable....dazed....

I would listen to them and ponder- " Will I ever get to meet a Djinn?" It now seems that Almighty was so impressed with my eagerness and enthusiasm, that he decided to grant my wish.

Very soon I was going to meet a Djinn. I was not prepared for this.

In the early hours of January 27 (2003), Almighty realized that he needed my father more than my family needed him. Thus, he decided to take him away from us. As we watched helplessly, he slipped away. I have no words to express the grief my family went through.

As days passed in a blur and nights in fear, I was reminded that I had exams looming over my head and thus I had to return back to hostel. So I did.

I had phobia for one particular paper "Java" and the icing on the cake was the fact that I was mentally not prepared for the exam. The night before the exam I was extremely restive and no matter how much I tried, I failed to concentrate on the book kept before me.

My room-mate, encouraged me to sleep for some time and promised that she'll wake me up at 5 AM. She switched off the lights and moved downstairs to study.

Eyes closed, fear encroaching my mind and soul like a bacteria, I called out for my father and felt hot tears flowing down my cheeks. I still did not know that I was about to meet a Djinn.

" My Father's Djinn!!"

Like I said earlier, I was not prepared for this.

In the next instance, the light streaming through the kitchen door vanished and everything around me started shaking. I was stunned.......speechless.....stoned.....

I turned around and saw a silhouette at the door. Fear engulfed me and I quickly turned around, shut my eyes and pulled the quilt over my face.

The next few seconds almost took away my life. I felt the silhouette approach towards me......the mattress sank in and a hand caressed my forehead in a comforting manner.

"Suddenly it dawned upon me that my father had come to comfort me as the stroke on my forehead was too familiar. Before it could provide me any comfort, it surged fear and feeling of death around me. I thought I was going to die any moment. And all stopped.

I shivered and somehow managed to message my room-mate. I only managed to open my eyes when every one came into my room, switched on the lights, held me in their arms and shook me hard. Reliving the experience in front of those girls was equally nerve wrecking.

Sleep eluded me and I finally decided to befriend that Java book once again. I think I studied the whole night. Did I concentrate? Definitely no!!!!

Before I began writing the paper, I remembered my father and said- "Help me Dad!!". I passed that exam with flying colors and thats when I realized that the Almighty wanted me to become a stronger person and capable enough to slay the Djinn inside me- The Fear Of The Unknown.

As I look back, I realize that with each passing year, an ounce of this fear melted away and made me a stronger human being. I now know that my father's Djinn will always be by my side while I try and slay the Djinns inside me.

I now truly believe that Djinns exist around us and the "City Of Djinns" weaves a world around us that leaves us spellbound.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Bonds Of Friendship

I still can't remember how and when Rachita and I became close friends. I met her during the first year of my college. Eleven years down the lane, I still can't figure out what brought us close to each other.
Eccentricity??? Maybe.....
Knowing her had given a completely new definition to "Friendship" and I had to pen it down. Thus "The Bonds Of Friendship" came into being and this is how it goes.....
"The bonds of friendship
are hard to find...
Rare, though sweet
they're hard to define...
The first raindrop on dry earth
like a gushing wind, touching the hearth....
The cotton seed that kissed your face
assuring you, when there's no space...
The tinkling bell, that jingles around
telling everyone- We are merrying around...
The silences shared, the wishes made
the sweetness of knowing,that someone cares...
The unspoken words, the shedded tears
walking together, until it wears...
A gem so divine
The Bonds of Friendship
are hard to find...

Rachu! You simply rock.......

Thus I Begin....

Eleven years ago when a young girl boarded the bus, all set to embrace the life awaiting her in New Delhi, little did she know about what is in store for her.
Excitement, curiosity and nervousness played hide n seek throughout the two hour journey. Leaving a cocoon called home and embrasing the new world that beckoned ahead, popped several trinkets of ruminationin in her mind.To remember and cherish these trinkets she decided to pen them down.
Several years later, when life had taken inumerable turns, the young girl's passion to pen down the trinkets ebbed away and silence became comforting to her.
But as they say - "the only constant is change", a dearest one brought a whiff of freshness in her life. Her dearest "Mine" (as she calls him) rekindled the excitement she felt each time she had penned a trinket.
Thank you "Mine" for bringing back- what was always precious to me. Its absence had made me feel incomplete and restless in the years gone by.
Thus I begin......