Let's just all come together to stop this scary trend that is slowly creeping over several households in the upper middle class and beyond. We are guilty of not spending enough time with our growing kids. Whose to be blamed? The current corporate culture, the race to earn more money, the crazy work timelines etc etc.
How do we compensate for the lost time? We pamper them with luxuries way before they are ready for them, we are lenient in teaching about the right and/or wrong, we ignore the signs that scream out loud that something is very wrong, we don't teach them the value of earning the goodies, we don't teach them the importance of core values that drive our being.
And then what happens? An innocent person like Siddharth Sharma pays for our misses. His untimely, sudden and painful death disturbs me and makes me extremely sad. He is the guy who got run over by an over speeding Mercedes few days back in Delhi.
I looked up the video of the hit and run. It shook me to the core. For several minutes I kept rewinding the video and couldn't stop staring at what happened to Siddharth. He did not deserve to die like this. In fact, nobody deserves to die the way he did.
I want to question the parents of the twelfth grade boy who was behind the wheels when this accident happened. Why did you not do enough to get some sense inside that jackass' brains? Why did you let him become the beast he is today? Why did you not pay any heed to the signs that he was slipping away faster than they may have thought?
This question will continue to haunt me for days and slowly it will disappear as dust of time settles over it. But what about Siddharth's family? They lost a young son who was in prime of his health. This incident will haunt them forever. Every night his parents would wonder, why was it that their son had to pay for someone else' misdeeds? Alas!! This question would remain unanswered forever.
Siddharth!! I never knew about your being, up until I saw that you were no more. I don't know if you have become a spirit and crossed over to the other world or you are still haunting the streets where the accident happened.
I know you will slip from my memory in a few days. But before that happens, I will hope and pray everyday that you find peace, wherever you are.
May your soul rest in peace!!
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