Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Rock Bottom...

Most of my friends who end up bearing with my ruminations know that I usually tend to write about what I experience around me. So before your heart skips a beat that I might be hitting rock bottom, my dear friends, I have to tell you that this one is not about me. I am way past that. So you can breathe...

This one is for a buddy with whom I have a salt and pepper affinity. Some days the pepper is too strong and stifling while the other days, the salt adds just the right essence.

Life assesses each one of us for faith, hope, perseverance, humility and the list goes on and on. Buddy is no exception to it and to me it seems that he may be taking one of the life tests these days. There are days when I sense that he may be spiraling down the tunnel. Some days his optimism shines through and other days, I only see grey thoughts clouding his face. And then there are times, when I see him searching for that one anchor that will help him sail through.

I wish I am completely wrong but for some reason I think he is tumbling towards his rock bottom and all I want to tell him is that  -

"Buddy!! You are a mountain goat just like me.
We don't give up even if we fall down.
No matter what happens, we always climb up.
No one can match our perseverance and that's what keeps us going.
The Goat always climbs up the rocky terrain and emerge as winner.
We don't depend on others to sail us through.
Only time is our companion and we always, always rise up."

So whether you have already hit rock bottom or are about to, just remember that from here on, it's only an upward climb. You just need to get a grip on what's happening around you and march forward. From now on, what happens to you is in your hands.

Just hang in there!!!

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