Saturday, April 2, 2016

What Does Your Silence Says...

The beauty of our species is that we are not just black or white in our thoughts, actions, outlook, attitudes etc and the list goes on. We are shades of grey. Thus, when it comes to silence, we are no different. 

For each of us, silence takes on a different meaning altogether. 

For some it is the quiet agreement to whatever lies in front of them... 
For some it is symbolic of defiance...
It could be a sign of contemplation...or may be even of confusion...
For some, it's a request to buy some more time...
And for others, it's symbolic - They don't have time...
Some mean to say - "I faltered and don't have the courage to admit...say something and help me"...
While for others - "You hurt all you get is silence"...
At times, it's only silence that can quieten the drama of a guilt laden soul...
For some, it is a means to the end...
Some times, silence is the end...
Don't be surprised, if it signals the quiet before the storm...

Finally comes the severest of silence which would mean - "I've used you enough and now your time's up". When silence becomes the vanishing act, it also gets known as Ghosting in the dating world.

All in all, these are the ones that come to my mind. Am sure, there may be more to silence than I know currently. So if you happen to browse through this, do give it a thought - 

What does your silence says?

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