Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year & More...

Several years back, one such glittering night was slowly simmering to zenith. I, a starry eyed 12 years old teenager, was staring at the lights & music emanating from the Executive Club.

I so much wanted to be a part of that revelry but my father politely refused to take me there. I disliked the decision that he took and sat sullen faced in front of our Panasonic television.

My face drooped with each passing moment. Suddenly, I saw this flash of smile and a tray loaded with goodies was placed in front of me.

The tray was loaded. It had Chocolates (Bar-One), cold drink (Citra Super Cooler), pastries (Pineapple ones) and so much more. My dainty heart skipped several beats with sheer delight. The dazzle of being at the Executive Club had dimmed and I was content with what I had.

Now when I look back I feel that it wasn’t the goodies that had delighted me. It was the effort that my father made to bring back that missing smile on my face that touched my heart.

With him, gone are those New Years that I used to look forward to. Gone is the charm of welcoming the New Year. It’s the memories that I hold on to as I move from one year to another.

Memories of New Year and more…

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Prayer of Lights...

Across the globe, I send out a Prayer of Lights...
A Prayer of Hope,
That will make the darkness in our hearts elope...

A prayer for my dear ones...
A prayer, that reaches out to everyone...

A prayer that brings peace...
A prayer that makes you belief...

As the hymns begin to reverberate...
The being seeks to exhilarate...

The soul looks up to the lighted sky...
It can feel its wings, the soul wants to fly...

For fly it shall...
It has the path that'll light up & tell...

The path, the guide...
It shows the way to the bright side...

As the chants surround me...
I can feel the tautness vanishing, it doesn't hound me...

As all chant & pray...
The Prayer of Light will not let them sway...

It shall bestow prosperity...
Shower happiness, take away heart's poverty...

As I send across the globe...
A Prayer of Light, a prayer of hope...

I cross my heart...
I pray...For Hope...

Wishing a prosperous & Happy Diwali to all...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

It's Lurking Round The Corner...

As the time ticks by...
I can feel it in the wind that passes me by...

The fragrance has begun to permeate...
It is adding glitter wherever it disseminates...

The emotions are aroused, they are getting stronger...
I can feel it near me, it's lurking round the corner...

The rays of the sol have dimmed...
My flagon for happiness is almost full, it's nearing the rim...

A soft breeze caresses my face...
It tells me- "Slow down! It's the time to celebrate..."

The charm of the glowing lights...
The nights shining bright...

The thought of the upcoming festivities...
Is keeping me awake at night...

As happiness infuses around me...
It casts a dreamy spell, it surrounds me...

I look forward to each day...
I am living each moment, that is here to stay...

The thoughts of the days coming by...
Make me smile- "There would be so much to enjoy..."

For those who are a part of my being...
I welcome you all to my world of festive dreams...

I welcome you all to the gala celebration...
The celebration of life, of happiness, of togetherness there after...

Come enjoy with me...
The world of festivities is lurking just round the corner...

Friday, October 7, 2011

A Blast From The Past...

A whiff of wind came and it brought back the past...
Good, bad, ugly. It was a blast from the past...

It tugged at the stitches...
Spilling memories, sealed within the seams...

I remembered what I had, how it changed & what I had left behind...
Why every now and then, life loves to rewind...

From a rosey red to a monochrome...
Now I look back & realize, life has changed its tone...

When a ring tinkles the phone...
It turns out to be from someone, you have known...

The greetings were warm...
It seemed we knew each other for long...

But before we realized...
Starting to brew, there was a storm...

Its dust engulfed, what I cherished...
It left behind, all that was wrong...

It uproted me from hearth...
Oh Gosh! It was very strong...

Not everything that breaks...
Can be mended, with grace...

Two broken pieces of glass...
Even if joined back, would never be as clear...

With a failing bid to bury back...
What the storm had unearthed...

I bow to the caretakers of memories...
Hold back, steer clear...

The cycle of time holds for a while...
I wonder never fails to rewind...

One storm would subside...
Another would brew up...

A whiff of wind will blow...
It shall bring back the past...

I don't know what to say...
Coz it would be the blast from the past...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


A perfectly beautiful and fulfilling day at work was marred by the wails of our mother earth. It got smeared by the blood of those innocents; the innocents who died an unjust death in front of the house of justice. 

The ones who departed, the time was not on their side. They became the chosen one and before any body realised, the were suddenly gone. 

The uncertainty disturbs me and flashes a chilling streak of fear across my spine. When would certainty become the fate of life? When would peace prevail without any fear?

As I search the answers to these questions, many more pop up in my distraught mind. But finding an answer, it seems,is going to take a very long time. Before I drown in the whirlpool of these ever increasing questions,I want to do something that may bring me some peace. 

So I close my eyes,bow down my crown; With full faith, I urge myself to pray for those who are gone. May your souls rest in peace. My dear Mother Earth please do not weep. 

The events of the day gone by, made so many mortals cry. How long would all of us weep? What if our empathy just dries? 

Yes! I am distraught! Can someone just come by...give me a hug...and assure me that it's going to be alright. 

I really need that hug. 

Can someone just come, give me a hug and tell me it's going to be alright?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


As the pages bid adieu, saying that the story has come to an end...
My head falls on the pillow; my day has come to an end...

But before my eyes close...
And before I fall into the realm of sleep...

I see a streak of light...
And the light beckons me...

Its warmth caresses me...cajoles me...
It's as if the light is speaking with me...

"I am the first light of the day, how can you sleep & ignore me ?   
I am the dawn, the day emanates from me...

How wise is it to turn your day upside down?
When it is time to charge up, you are ready to lie down".

I face the warm light with a smile & a sigh...
I want it to know, that's not usually how I live life...

It's a new phase of my life...
And I am loving it with each moment that is passing by...

My lambent dawn...
Do not get disheartened, do not feel wrong...

I soak in your first rays...
Preserve them, as I pass into the slumber phase of my days...

I want you to know that...your warmth stays with me...
And when I wake up, it happily greets me...

"As if it whispers- Welcome back my dear...
So long you've been gone...
But now that you're here...let me sing a song...

You have a great day ahead...
And I'll meet you, once again at dawn".

Monday, July 25, 2011

First Steps...

Trepidation, anxiety, nervousness and excitement outlined the day that went by today. Yet another beginning unfolded in front of me. It left me queasy as I saw expectations arise when I was being introduced to my new extended family.

New role, new company, new sector sounds exciting and exhilarating. Yet, there's a silver lining. Deep down somewhere in my heart, something is nagging me.

Would I be able to take on what's in store for me? Would I be able to fill in the shoes that my predecessor has emptied for me? Would I enjoy the calm and quiet environ as against the earlier noisy one? Would the seemingly smooth road soon give way to a bumpy ride?

As these questions surround me...I look back at my first day. Never mind the anxiety, never mind the queasiness.  
I shall not fear taking the first steps. For those who fear, they dwindle, they stagger and they fail to find the firm earth. 

So I shall walk, leaving behind inhibitions, leaving behind trepidation and try to give it my best shot. I shall fill the vacant slot differently and let my style define the work. 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Twelve Years & A Happy Birthday...

Twelve years back as I moved from a small township to the state capital of our country, anxiety pangs knotted my stomach. New home, new people, new roads, new buildings......

It excited me, made me nervous and I could see fear lurking round the corner. Life went on. And then suddenly, like a whiff of fresh air, a silhouette appeared in my life. 

I don't remember the day we really met but it was definitely in the month of July 1999. I don't really remember how we got introduced and started talking there on. Neither do I remember why I waited up for you, so that we could enter our classes together; nor do I know what made me share my notes when the exams were round the corner( I was extremely possessive about my academic notes back then). 

We are poles apart but its these differences that have kept us together all these years. We complement each other with our zeniths and nadir and that outlines our relationship which grows stronger with each passing day.

We've been tested, we've been grilled but thank the One above, we are still strong and tranquil. 

Dear Rachu!! What better day to celebrate our togetherness, our companionship, if not today? 

Beginning today, this year and for many more years to come, I shall remember this day as the day we really met and our lives got entwined together....forever. Please accept "Twelve Years and a Happy Birthday" as a token of  my affection for you.

Many many Happy Returns of the day dear. Hope you had a great day........God Bless you........

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Father's Day...

When I think of Father's Day, I go down the memory lane. Across that lane, I meet a father who used to sing " I Am A Teapot...." at 0200 hrs on his mobile sitting at his workplace. 

Why would he do that? 

That's coz his cherubic son used to listen to this song while the Forty Winks Fairy slowly embraced him in her arms.

Across that lane, I meet a father ( and a mother) who would recite the names of the plants in the garden to their son, while tending those greens. They felt extremely proud when the baby boy recognized "Portulaca" as " Lucu Lucu Laca".

Across that lane, I meet a father ( and a mother) who experienced the luxury of sitting in "Lamborghini" and "BMW" when their cherub called out to his favourite "Bong-Gaadi" and "Car W" respectively.

Across that lane,I meet a father ( and a mother) who would not care two hoots about the on going movie, when their son suddenly fell ill in the multiplex and puked.

I come face to face with a lot of fond memories as I walk down that memory lane.

I apologize to all the doting Mothers out there for not writing on Mother's day about the love and bonding a mother shares with her child.. But I am making up for it by writing on this Father's Day.

Dear Raghu!! This one's for you!!

A very Happy Father's Day to one of the sweetest Fathers I have known...Dhairya is so lucky to have Yamini and you in his life...

God Bless You All......

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Its slowly creeping upon me. I woke up in the morning with a start and for a second didn't know where I was. The alarm tone of my BB rose me from my slumber. It rings at the very same time every morning, yet I felt like asking-  "What time is it"? 

I woke up in the same bed, on the same side where I've been sleeping for the last 3 years. Yet, I felt like asking- "Whose bed is it"?

Once my eyes opened, I failed to remember that I had already left behind my Monday morning blues and a new Tuesday was awaiting me. I felt like asking - "What day is it today"?

At my workplace, while I was wading through the tasks waiting for me in galore, I failed to place names on to several new faces. I felt like asking- "Who are they"?

Sitting behind the wheels, as I think about the day gone by, I skipped the usual turn I take at India Gate. I swore - "Where the **** am I"?

It seems to me that "Disorientation" had a field day. It found an easy prey in me and feasted upon me the whole day.

Yes....I am disoriented....

Friday, June 3, 2011

Of Pigtails & Chubby Cheeks...

When we tread down the memory lane, flashes from the past walk by. They bring a smile (well most of them I guess), and make us think - Oh! I so wish those days could come by.

One such memory is that of-

Pigtails and Chubby Cheeks.
Lets call them P&CC.

So, P&CC have more or less been an inseparable part of our childhood. The silky soft tendrils that curl at the end.... the soft curve of that teeny weenie cheek....

Every P&CC has a story to tell.

The Five Pigtails

It tells the story of a mother -daughter. They used to have a ball of a time while mommy dearest pigtailed her daughter's tender strands. It tells the story of a concerned mother, who didn’t want her child to feel the simmering heat of summers and thus she ensured that the strands were securely tied away.

The Chutney Bath

It tells the story of a baby's soft n fluffy cheeks, way before the Johnson & Johnsons of the world were discovered. The magical potion of butterfat and raw milk did the wonders. As a kid, my brother used to call it the “Chutney Bath” and would look forward to the extra attention that Ma gave.

The Disheveled Pigtails

It tells the story of mischievous siblings. Brother bear troubles the baby sister and as they play, fight, twist or turn, the pigtails become disheveled. Is any body bothered by that? Nah….it just goes unnoticed in all the playful mayhem.

The Chubby Cheeks

It tells the story of the cutest and the softest cheeks that got kissed…pinched…and caressed innumerable times. Someone wanted to bite them gently while someone sighed – “ I wish I had soft cheeks like those….”. This moment used to be a proud moment for mommy-daddy duo. Their darling baby had arrived….really arrived….

The Colorful Pigtails

It tells the story of a starry eyed mother who dotes on her babies and loves to dress ‘em up. She cannot stop herself from buying pretty hair accessories and adorn them on her child’s beautiful strands. With each strawberry clip, each colored bead, each pearly hair band that she ties….her smile widens. “My baby cutest!!” is all she can think.

I could go on and on but these stories won’t end. These stories or rather memories would always stay in our hearts and even help us get through not so good times.

I still remember, every time I would step out to take an exam, my mother dearest would always tell me-

“If you feel stressed out, black out coz you don’t know the answer or you think that the time is ticking too fast……Take a deep breath and think of the cutest baby you have ever come across. Think of its kissable cheeks and crazy pigtails (aka P&CC). The memory will bring a smile and the smile in turn would bring back the courage to face the test. Go out and do your best”.

Tara dearest!! Here I want to tell you that whenever the going gets tough…it is your pigtails & chubby cheeks that I think about. It is you who make me smile during my dark hours.

And I thank you for that.

(PS) – dedicated to Tara, daughter of a very dear family friend. She is the most beautiful child, I have ever come across. In fact her pigtails and mine are absolutely alike.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Remember that you are very special. NO ONE can play your role better than you...

Five years back, as I was on the brink of entering the dungeons of the Corporate World, I was excited, nervous, and bubbling with enthusiasm. The only thought that splashed across my mind was that- I am going to be the wind of change; I shall bring about a difference.

Each year brought in new learnings, both good and not so good. At times, faith dwindled and other times, it got restored. Rough patches tested my strength and many times left me weakened.

For the last two years, I have been associated with one of India's leading entertainment company. Trust me...working for an entertainment company leaves no room for entertainment and fun in one's life. Its been a roller coaster ride. Two months of peaceful operations is always followed by 3 months of chaos. 

Presently, as I wade through one of my toughest phases of employment (physically, emotionally, mentally), a teeny weeny error in the network servers of a telecom agency brought in a welcome respite.

My aunt works for SBI and often texts me motivational quotes sent by her company's L&D team. 

Day before yesterday was one of the toughest days at work and by the end of the day, I was really down and out. While I drove back in a daze, a beep of my mobile woke me up from my trance. I happily flouted a traffic rule and decided to read the text message then and there. It read - 

"Remember that you are very special. NO ONE can play your role better than you."

The text brought a smile to my face and I focused back on the road ahead. Then comes another beep and yet another message, not once...not twice...but ten times. I had received ten new texts over a period of two hours and all of them read - 

"Remember that you are very special. NO ONE can play your role better than you."

I read the same text ten times and each time it lifted my dying spirit by one notch. By the time I dozed off on my laptop, the only thought that circled in my mind - 

"Remember that you are very special. NO ONE can play your role better than you.

The morning dawned upon and the gloomy day (yesterday) waited to start along. As I battled the traffic and valiantly sailed through, the familiar beep of text message took me by surprise. Who could be texting me at 0730 hours?

Once again, I broke the traffic rule and read the text. It read - 

"Remember that you are very special. NO ONE can play your role better than you."

By the time I reached office, I had received the same text five more times. I felt much lighter and better equipped to face what the day had in store for me.

Now, as I look back, I thank the One Above, I thank my aunt,I thank her telecom provider, I thank her L&D team. They all worked together to make me feel better. They all made me believe -

 "Remember that you are very special. NO ONE can play your role better than you."

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Faithful Ford...

He loved the brand...
He believed in this brand...

He had vowed...
Whenever he would buy...
He would buy from this brand...

It was his second Ford...
He loved it to the core...

The heavy metal delighted him...
The plush interiors excited him...

The Ford beckoned him...
Crooned to him...

My Master dearest...
I'm waiting to delight you...

With my speed and strength...
I am all set to excite you...

My loyalties lie with you...
Believe in me, as I believe in you...

When testing waters neared...
The Ford did not fear...

In all the mayhem, it bore the brunt...
Alas! It was the Master...
The Mortal...
Who failed to survive the brutal accident...

A few minutes before...
He had tinkered with the loyalty...

The seat belt wasn't worn...
And it led to heart breaking calamity...

I had saved you that last time...
Had you not tinkered with me...
I would have saved you this time...

The lonely Ford cries today...
My Master!! Where have you gone...

I am still the same loyal Ford...
Why didn't you take me along...

Rest In Peace...

The only Superman...
His daughter Kuki knew...

His Superman tattoo...
Cloned her view...

The only Peenut...
His friends knew...

Can't do without him...
Was everybody's view...

The husband...
Who lovingly called his wife Chottu...

The hotelier...
Who dearly loved his Tofu...

The father...
Who loved to haggle time with darling daughter...

He would do anything...
To see the smile on the face of his daughter...

A boss...
Who was more of a friend...

Reach him anytime...
He was always ready, with help, to extend...

His sudden demise is an unbelievable reality...
Brings forth once again, life's cruelty...

Dear Puneet
There is a place in our hearts, that only you will own...
Now that you are not here, we'll be forlorn...

May your family be blessed with peace...
A brilliant human being, may you Rest In Peace...

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Ring...

With faltering steps she came forward
Shaky was the hand, he offered

They saw each other and smiled
They knew, soon they would be intertwined

It wasn’t a whirlwind, it wasn’t timed
But they knew that their togetherness was destined

He took her hand in his
Gone was the shakiness, not even a whiff

Once before you went away
It killed me, My Dear!!

I’ve got you now
And I won’t let you sway, do you hear?

It is our time of togetherness
And our dear ones add to the happiness

With this ring, My Queen,
I promise to you, On Me, only you will reign

I promise to look after
I promise to believe, in us, forever

And as this ring adorns your beautiful finger
I promise to you- our love will never fade, it will always linger…

This one's specially dedicated to my dear friends Montek & Prabhjyot. 
I attended their ring ceremony on 10th February 2011.
May you both live happily ever after...