Several years back, one such glittering night was slowly simmering to zenith. I, a starry eyed 12 years old teenager, was staring at the lights & music emanating from the Executive Club.
I so much wanted to be a part of that revelry but my father politely refused to take me there. I disliked the decision that he took and sat sullen faced in front of our Panasonic television.
My face drooped with each passing moment. Suddenly, I saw this flash of smile and a tray loaded with goodies was placed in front of me.
The tray was loaded. It had Chocolates (Bar-One), cold drink (Citra Super Cooler), pastries (Pineapple ones) and so much more. My dainty heart skipped several beats with sheer delight. The dazzle of being at the Executive Club had dimmed and I was content with what I had.
Now when I look back I feel that it wasn’t the goodies that had delighted me. It was the effort that my father made to bring back that missing smile on my face that touched my heart.
With him, gone are those New Years that I used to look forward to. Gone is the charm of welcoming the New Year. It’s the memories that I hold on to as I move from one year to another.
Memories of New Year and more…