Thursday, January 31, 2013

Dirty Dancing...

The monthly Ballantino Dance Studio mail has arrived. One of my college senior happens to be at the helm of dancing at this studio and my first brush with Salsa was all thanks to Ballantino. 

I have always loved all forms of dancing but Salsa just stood apart. Dirty Dancing was just the right icing on the cake. Both the movies are one of my favourites and I would love to dance with an abandon as the protagonists did.

So much time has passed and it feels like Salsa is calling me back.  The rhythm, the gyrating tunes is all I can think about.

It seems like an opportunity that is teasing me to try it out once again and I might just do that soon.

Calling out to all you kings & queens of La Rosa Negra....
Lets dirty dance...

Frame Your Memories...

Each of us have scores of memories that we would love to hold on to. We hold them in our hearts, we keep them in our minds and if nothing else then we see them as dreams in our eyes.

Some of us frame our memories and ensure that "out of sight - out of mind" syndrome does not washes away what holds a special place in our hearts. Most of us let it all become hazy and slowly each trinket beomes loose and slips away.

Don't let that happen to cherished moments. Capture them forever and place them in the safety of four strokes. See them each day and I'm sure you would find yourself back in the day when the special moment came to exist.

Some days are different. No matter how much you want, still you miss out on capturing the moment. What do you do then coz you still want to hold on to the memory? Here's what I do -

" I close my eyes, trace my hand in air, and frame the moment with invisible strokes. I do that each day so that never ever will that moment leave me. If the night shines bright, I trace the memory amongst the stars".

Do you wanna try once?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Hold My Hand My Love...

Over the weekend, I was watching a celebrity dance show wherein one of the participating couples got married recently. This week their performance was not upto mark and while they were bracing themselves for the judges' scrutiny, the dear husband instinctively locked his hands with his beloved.

One of the judges observed this and asked the husband- every week when you both stand in front of us preparing to get slaughtered, why is it that you hold your darling wife's hand?

When I heard what the husband said, it brought a smile to my face. It wasn't anything impressive or out of this world. On the contrary, the simple feeling that he expressed, teamed up with the sheer sincerity and love in his voice is what made it special.

He said -

"I have known her for last six years and I don't recall a moment when I stood next to her and didn't hold her hand. I feel as if some part of me is missing if her hand is not intertwined with mine. This is how life is going to be forever coz I will never stop holding her hand."

One of the most simplest of gestures that means more than anything words could ever convey. In fact words could go wrong but this never would. Be it tugging at your beloved's hand to stop her from leaving, or pressing your palm against his to reassure him that everything's going to be alright, or pulling her hands to sway her closer, or intertwining your fingers to declare that you're not going to let go; each gesture is special in its own way.

As I wrap up my thoughts, some trinkets spill over -

मिला दे अपने हाथो की लकीरों को मेरी लकीरों से
मिल जाने दे मेरे नाम से अपना नाम
कुछ और नहीं तो एक होने का एहसास है
जब तुम्हारा हाथ है मेरे हाथ के साथ

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Daddy's Princess...

Every darling daughter is her father's princess. Pampered to the core, his entire world revolves around her, a tear in her eyes could make him do anything to set things right, her wish is his command, only she can get away with everthing....even murder probably, he would move the world to see that smile on her face.

Well I was no different!

My father was a sweet and simple soul. His work was worship for him and I definitely get my workaholic streak from him. Despite his crazy schedule, he would always make time for us. People feared his no nonsense persona and only a handful could fearlessly crack jokes with him.

My brother would cringe everytime his study time with dad was lurking round the corner. While everyone else would be wondering how their next meeting would go with my father, there was this one soul who never had to worry about it. Who else....but me...

Dad & I shared a different equation all together. When his day ended and he would come home,that's when my day with him started and boy I loved each moment. Be it complaints about my bro and rakhi brothers or chiding him for always watching news channel, I could get away with anything I did or said. Only he could make me call back and confirm whether I had reached my hostel or not coz I really sucked at that and still do.

Life was good. A small jolt did bring in a reality check but we made it past that and I thought we'd come out stronger and now nothing would go wrong. How wrong was I. Couple of years had passed and we had happily settled into a pattern. One fine day, suddenly we were jolted out of our cocooned lives and ten years back, this very day dad left us forever.

As I helplessly stood there in hospital, watching him go, something changed in me forever. Life never stops for anyone and all it does is that it moves on. Mine too paused for a while and started traversing once again. So many years have passed by, but it still feels as if it happend yesterday. Each day I wish I had the "Sands of Time" so that I could change what happend that night.

Ten years have passed and this is what I want to say to you papa -

"Wherever you are, I hope you are at peace. We all are fine and moving ahead in our lives but a place in our hearts would always stay vacant for you. Wish you were here with us. Your princess misses you a lot Paa...."

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Love Will Keep Us Alive...

Every now and then we mortals need some extra supplements to keep us going. Be it multi-vitamins to keep up the vitality, or specs to correct our vision, energy drinks to charge us up, work out to keep us agile and the list goes on.

Well I'm no different and thus I too have a list of supplements that I stand by. One such supplement for me is music. It plays a very important role in my daily being. If I can't sleep -  I switch on music, if I need to wake up - I switch on music, if I feel morose - music it is that comes to my rescue, whenever I feel ecstatic - the tunes are by my side, if I want to meet my wild side - hail music.

So today was no different and I was randomly switching between the collection of tunes that I have. Suddenly, this track starts and it felt as if light bulbs flew in front of me. The voice, the passion, the lyrics....I was in a different world.

This song ignited an awareness that made my pulse race and turned me wide eyed. It's a very famous song and I'm totally in love with it. I know it for a fact that in coming times, everytime I would be in need of supplements, I would be turning to this song.

It has been sung by various artists in their unique genre. So not only am I going to post the lyrics but I'm also going to post my fav version of this song. All in all, I can say that I'm hooked...

"When I look at you
I can see the sadness in your eyes
In these desperate times
We get pushed and shoved from every side

I can't love you if you won't let me
Can't touch me if you don't try
I can feel you
I know that you're ready to take it to the other side

Love will keep us alive
Let's make the moment right
It's now or never
Love will keep us alive
Even the darkest night
Will shine forever
Love will keep us alive
Love will keep us alive
Love, love will keep us alive

When you walk away
There's an empty feeling in my mind
As the days go by
We get caught up in our separate lives

If you need me
You know I'll come running
Right to you
Just give me a sign
I won't leave you
We'll make it together
And take it to the end of time

Love will keep us alive
Let's make the moment right
It's now or never
Love will keep us alive
Even the darkest night
Will shine forever
Love will keep us alive
Love will keep us alive
Love, love will keep us alive

Oh, I've got a lot of loving to show you
You know I'd never want to control you
I only want to be by your side

I can't love you if you won't let me
Can't touch me if you don't try
I can feel you
I know that you're ready to take it to the other side

Love will keep us alive
Let's make the moment right
It's now or never
Love will keep us alive
Even the darkest night
Will shine forever
Love will keep us alive
Love will keep us alive
Love, love will keep us alive
Love will keep us alive
Love will keep us alive
Love will keep us alive "

Here Comes The Calling...

I sense it yet again. A calling...everytime it beckons me...I step out as a hypnotized moth. It doesn't matter what time of the day it is. If it calls me, I have to be there.

Yet another tryst with The Abode is on the cards. The abode where I soul search, reminisce, gaze away to oblivion, where no one knows me, no one questions me, no one opines about me, wherever my gaze moves I only see sombre faces telling me - now that you are here, nothing can go wrong.

Millions of people pay their visits everyday to probably set things right, to pay respects, to seek peace, to ask for forgiveness, beg for happiness. I'm sure everyone feels lost in the crowd that surounds them. But not me...

As the third hour of the day begins, that's when I begin my journey. Everytime I step there, I am one amongst the handful. The crowds do not throng at that hour and I get the feel that I have the abode - all to myself.

I keep wondering but fail to relate....what is it that associates me with the abode. Why do I get drawn there every now and then? Not getting an answer does not bother me but one day I would definitely want to know why it holds such an influence on me.

Bangla abode...

I got my calling once again and I'm going to be there. The tryst begins post midnight to join me?

Monday, January 21, 2013

रूहान का चेहरा

आँखें बंद की तो एक चेहरा नज़र के सामने उभरा
जाना पहचाना लगा ... अरे ये तो रूहान का चेहरा था
एक पल अपना, दूजे पल बेगाना सा लगा
अरे ये तो रूहान का चेहरा था !

मुझे यूं लगा या वाकई में वो चेहरा मुझसे बोला
क्या मिलेगा तुम्हे बाशिंदे से भटक कर
कभी इधर, कभी उधर
तपती धुप में लरज कर !

और उसने ये भी कहा
सपनो की दीवारों के पीछे रहने वाली
तुम रेगिस्तान से दोस्ती मत करना
रेत में छुप के रह जाओगी
ज़रा चल के ज़िन्दगी के पास  जाओ
फूलो सी मेहकोगी और मुस्कुराओगी !

कुछ यू ही बातें करते हुए
वक़्त ज़रा गुज़र सा गया
पता ही नहीं चला
कि कब रूहान का चेहरा अपना सा हो गया !

इससे पहले कि कुछ और जुमले बोले जातें
हवा का एक झोंका आया
और रूहान को थोरा सा मिटा गया !

उसके चेहरे पे चमकते सितारों को पकड़ना चाहा
तो फिसल के वो इधर उधर बिखर गए
साथ ही ये कहते गए
हम ऐसे नहीं सिम्टेंगे !

जब तक आँखों को बंद करके
दिल पे हाथ रख के
हर एक सितारे को याद नहीं करोगी
तब तक तुमसे नज़रें बचाते फिरेंगे !

बस एक बार को ये आज़मा  के देखो
रूहान के चेहरे को दिल में बसा के देखो
उसकी हर इक नज़र तुम्हारी होगी !

और जिस दिन ये हुआ उस दिन ये दुनिया तो क्या
पूरी कायनात तुम्हारी होगी !

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Chhalla Gali Gali Rulda Firey...

A lot has been said about the latest flick from the YRF camp - Jab Tak Hai Jaan...

Somehow I could not watch this movie while it was still in theatres so thought of making the most of my Sunday. I decided that I will not let the previously heard/ written review color my thoughts.

As I pen my thoughts, I must tell you in advance that what you would read next is not the so called critics review of the movie but how I related to it. I should have named this post after the movie but since I have already written one with that title, I decided to take one of my fav lines from one of the songs as the title.

JTHJ had many pleasant surprises for me. Be it the visual delight of London, picturesque Leh, my darling Royal Enfield, the lovely shayari, verbal notes that strike a chord somewhere, the haunting music, the wild dancing and above all a beautiful portrayal of one of the most important emotions that touches us throughout our lives.

Somewhere I related to it all. Many of the verbal notes felt as if they were meant for me, giving a sign... a hint and if not for anything else, they resonated the feelings that I experience at times.

Be it the nudge that SRK gives to Kat urging her to get to know the real her, or the moment when SRK challenges and fights with the One above for taking away Kat, or for the cynicism that encroaches upon SRK in the ten years that he spent apart from Kat, or the time when Anoushka realises that she is in love and says - "Meri to lag gai", or the moment when Rishi said- "I waited coz that was not the time for our love".

I simply loved the zest for life that SRK exhibited during his days in London. When I saw his brooding figure as Major Samar Anand, I so wanted to hug him and tell him that love will happen again and the fact that he needs to stop fighting the demons that had singed his past.

And how can I not mention my darling Royal Enfield. I simply could not take my eyes off the lovely beast and I so want to ride it again.

Only a crazy soul, a dervish( read wanderer) at heart would get to feel what this movie is about and I think I happen to be one of those. I loved and felt the moments that this movie had to offer. Critics be damned...

How do I feel?

"छल्ला तु सबदा ...छल्ला तेरा कोई नयी ...
छल्ला गली गली रुल्दा फिरे ..."

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Take My Breath Away...

Yesterday, I was reading a message written by the famous stand - up comedian, social critic, satirist, writer and actor - late George Carlin.
The message culminated with the following note –
“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away”.
Where his thoughts ended, mine began…
From this moment onwards, I shall let life take my breath away.
It’s not the big things in life but the small twinkling moments that make us smile. And I shall make the most of them.
Waking up early to spend time with dear ones…controlling my workaholic streak…smile more often…let music guide my day dreams…get wet in the rain…soul search as often as possible…plan a crazy getaway…be more close to nature…pen my thoughts more often…take out some time just for myself…hail retail therapy…read more often…take each day as it comes…won’t give up before I give my best and then go down if I have to… find my inner child…giggle more often with my best gal…worry less…let love paint me all over ( though this is going to be a tough one but am going to go for it)…believe in the One above with greater conviction…meet my besties more often…
It all comes down to trying. I will try and allow my life to choose a different course for me. A course of life which has endless breath taking moments woven in its way is waiting for me…

Exposed & Vulnerable...

Recently, the city government had started the drive to remove film screens from vehicles owing to the heart wrenching incident in Delhi that shook the entire nation What happened today with me, made me question - Is this drive really helping in making this city safe? I don't think so...
Well here is my experience. Few minutes back I was stopped near the Gazipur checkpoint barricade and was penalized for still having screen on my car windows. All efforts of trying to tell them that I am a BPO employee who drives alone at night and this screen is some sort of a shield for my identity, fell on dead ears.
What caused greater angst was the fact that I saw scores of cars/ vans/ cabs with even darker film screens being allowed to drive past but they weren't stopped at all. When I questioned, I was told - "When we are making your challan, how can we stop those vehicles"? They took my car RC.

And that is not all. They first gave a date which was 3 days away, to get my car RC from the court. On requesting, they preponed the date by one day. They even had the audacity of advicing me that I should stay away from so called lawyers who would want to make money if I approach them.

The sad part was the fact that when I asked them, how much fine do I need to pay, the so called gentleman said- "It depends upon the mood of the magistrate as to how much will he charge"? I felt like I was standing in some sort of fish market where I was supposed to haggle for the price of my car's RC.
I realise and admit that up until now, I was deliberately flouting this newly issued instruction of the government. If nothing else, then atleast this film screen made me feel a little relaxed when I used to drive back home late in night/ wee hours of morning. I felt a little safe from the leering, letching eyes that I used to encounter during my way back home. I also realise the fact that if someone truly wants to harm/ hurt me then they can easily get inside my car and then this very film screen, even with a 70% exposure, would act as a catalyst instead of being a deterrent. But somehow, I could not bring myself to remove the screen.

The next thought that comes to my mind is that - With the government taking so many measures to make citizens feel secure, do I really feel safe? Definitely NOT!!! I feel even more vulnerable and exposed. This is all thanks to the treatment that I got today. If the government has to make a rule, then the least that they can do is to plan it properly and then roll it out.

Truly disappointed by the state of affairs. I wonder by when would this city become truly a safe city. Have this strong urge of getting away from here...somewhere...anywhere...
Somebody....anybody... take me away from here....I feel vulnerable...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Soul Mate...

A whiff of fresh air blew and brought RK to me. It was one of those pleasant encounters that life rolls up to you and says - here's your it... love it...before it fades away...

RK was like a raging storm to my placid, cool cucumber being. Swept me, swayed my, shook my very core in ways I had never known. Like a genius, I used to call myself an enigma...unfathomable...and that is what others had to say about me. But not RK.

With every single moment that went by, he would manage to unravel something core to me and unknown to others. In the whirling times around me, I could feel a sense of permanence surrounding me....slowly though. I laughed...I glowed...was loved...clicked my heels together... with open eyes looked at the halo...numb to the world surrounding me...

I lived every moment... savoured every second that ticked... slumber was not a necessity any more....for once, I was high on life...high on hopes...high on happiness. I could see the silhouette finally taking a shape.  He made me meet me after a very very long time. Like two fanatics, we soul searched...spoke a lot...heard a lot...sensed a lot.

A tremor would surface everytime I saw RK, would skip a beat everytime I spoke with him. Fingers ached but the texts had to go on. His zest for life was infectious. For once I thought I had my cushion to fall back on and then the moment slipped by...

No matter the past, no matter the future, whatever I got changed me forever. I close my eyes, I see his eyes. I open my eyes, I see him everywhere...feel him everywhere. I always felt lost, only to be found by him, protected by him, cared forever, loved till eternity...only to feel lost again.

He became my soul. I listened when he whispered, I dreamt when he gazed, felt loved when he cared. Whether he comes back or traverses farther away forever, I have got an imprint in my heart. An imprint that completes the sketch of my imprint of my soulmate.