Monday, January 28, 2013

Hold My Hand My Love...

Over the weekend, I was watching a celebrity dance show wherein one of the participating couples got married recently. This week their performance was not upto mark and while they were bracing themselves for the judges' scrutiny, the dear husband instinctively locked his hands with his beloved.

One of the judges observed this and asked the husband- every week when you both stand in front of us preparing to get slaughtered, why is it that you hold your darling wife's hand?

When I heard what the husband said, it brought a smile to my face. It wasn't anything impressive or out of this world. On the contrary, the simple feeling that he expressed, teamed up with the sheer sincerity and love in his voice is what made it special.

He said -

"I have known her for last six years and I don't recall a moment when I stood next to her and didn't hold her hand. I feel as if some part of me is missing if her hand is not intertwined with mine. This is how life is going to be forever coz I will never stop holding her hand."

One of the most simplest of gestures that means more than anything words could ever convey. In fact words could go wrong but this never would. Be it tugging at your beloved's hand to stop her from leaving, or pressing your palm against his to reassure him that everything's going to be alright, or pulling her hands to sway her closer, or intertwining your fingers to declare that you're not going to let go; each gesture is special in its own way.

As I wrap up my thoughts, some trinkets spill over -

मिला दे अपने हाथो की लकीरों को मेरी लकीरों से
मिल जाने दे मेरे नाम से अपना नाम
कुछ और नहीं तो एक होने का एहसास है
जब तुम्हारा हाथ है मेरे हाथ के साथ

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