Saturday, January 26, 2013

Here Comes The Calling...

I sense it yet again. A calling...everytime it beckons me...I step out as a hypnotized moth. It doesn't matter what time of the day it is. If it calls me, I have to be there.

Yet another tryst with The Abode is on the cards. The abode where I soul search, reminisce, gaze away to oblivion, where no one knows me, no one questions me, no one opines about me, wherever my gaze moves I only see sombre faces telling me - now that you are here, nothing can go wrong.

Millions of people pay their visits everyday to probably set things right, to pay respects, to seek peace, to ask for forgiveness, beg for happiness. I'm sure everyone feels lost in the crowd that surounds them. But not me...

As the third hour of the day begins, that's when I begin my journey. Everytime I step there, I am one amongst the handful. The crowds do not throng at that hour and I get the feel that I have the abode - all to myself.

I keep wondering but fail to relate....what is it that associates me with the abode. Why do I get drawn there every now and then? Not getting an answer does not bother me but one day I would definitely want to know why it holds such an influence on me.

Bangla abode...

I got my calling once again and I'm going to be there. The tryst begins post midnight to join me?

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