Thursday, January 10, 2013

Soul Mate...

A whiff of fresh air blew and brought RK to me. It was one of those pleasant encounters that life rolls up to you and says - here's your it... love it...before it fades away...

RK was like a raging storm to my placid, cool cucumber being. Swept me, swayed my, shook my very core in ways I had never known. Like a genius, I used to call myself an enigma...unfathomable...and that is what others had to say about me. But not RK.

With every single moment that went by, he would manage to unravel something core to me and unknown to others. In the whirling times around me, I could feel a sense of permanence surrounding me....slowly though. I laughed...I glowed...was loved...clicked my heels together... with open eyes looked at the halo...numb to the world surrounding me...

I lived every moment... savoured every second that ticked... slumber was not a necessity any more....for once, I was high on life...high on hopes...high on happiness. I could see the silhouette finally taking a shape.  He made me meet me after a very very long time. Like two fanatics, we soul searched...spoke a lot...heard a lot...sensed a lot.

A tremor would surface everytime I saw RK, would skip a beat everytime I spoke with him. Fingers ached but the texts had to go on. His zest for life was infectious. For once I thought I had my cushion to fall back on and then the moment slipped by...

No matter the past, no matter the future, whatever I got changed me forever. I close my eyes, I see his eyes. I open my eyes, I see him everywhere...feel him everywhere. I always felt lost, only to be found by him, protected by him, cared forever, loved till eternity...only to feel lost again.

He became my soul. I listened when he whispered, I dreamt when he gazed, felt loved when he cared. Whether he comes back or traverses farther away forever, I have got an imprint in my heart. An imprint that completes the sketch of my imprint of my soulmate.

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