Saturday, January 26, 2013

Love Will Keep Us Alive...

Every now and then we mortals need some extra supplements to keep us going. Be it multi-vitamins to keep up the vitality, or specs to correct our vision, energy drinks to charge us up, work out to keep us agile and the list goes on.

Well I'm no different and thus I too have a list of supplements that I stand by. One such supplement for me is music. It plays a very important role in my daily being. If I can't sleep -  I switch on music, if I need to wake up - I switch on music, if I feel morose - music it is that comes to my rescue, whenever I feel ecstatic - the tunes are by my side, if I want to meet my wild side - hail music.

So today was no different and I was randomly switching between the collection of tunes that I have. Suddenly, this track starts and it felt as if light bulbs flew in front of me. The voice, the passion, the lyrics....I was in a different world.

This song ignited an awareness that made my pulse race and turned me wide eyed. It's a very famous song and I'm totally in love with it. I know it for a fact that in coming times, everytime I would be in need of supplements, I would be turning to this song.

It has been sung by various artists in their unique genre. So not only am I going to post the lyrics but I'm also going to post my fav version of this song. All in all, I can say that I'm hooked...

"When I look at you
I can see the sadness in your eyes
In these desperate times
We get pushed and shoved from every side

I can't love you if you won't let me
Can't touch me if you don't try
I can feel you
I know that you're ready to take it to the other side

Love will keep us alive
Let's make the moment right
It's now or never
Love will keep us alive
Even the darkest night
Will shine forever
Love will keep us alive
Love will keep us alive
Love, love will keep us alive

When you walk away
There's an empty feeling in my mind
As the days go by
We get caught up in our separate lives

If you need me
You know I'll come running
Right to you
Just give me a sign
I won't leave you
We'll make it together
And take it to the end of time

Love will keep us alive
Let's make the moment right
It's now or never
Love will keep us alive
Even the darkest night
Will shine forever
Love will keep us alive
Love will keep us alive
Love, love will keep us alive

Oh, I've got a lot of loving to show you
You know I'd never want to control you
I only want to be by your side

I can't love you if you won't let me
Can't touch me if you don't try
I can feel you
I know that you're ready to take it to the other side

Love will keep us alive
Let's make the moment right
It's now or never
Love will keep us alive
Even the darkest night
Will shine forever
Love will keep us alive
Love will keep us alive
Love, love will keep us alive
Love will keep us alive
Love will keep us alive
Love will keep us alive "

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