Thursday, November 5, 2015

Forehead Kiss...

While browsing through FB posts of my friends, I came across this beautiful image that talks about the kiss on the forehead. Am shamelessly using the pic for my post and I admit that the image is not a piece of my creativity. 

No one has ever explained a forehead kiss as beautifully as the text of this image. The moment I read it, I knew I had to share it. As I read each line, a smile spread across my face. These beautiful lines would cross my mind every time I would kiss a dear one on forehead or I get one on mine. The purest form of affection apart from a hug. 

Don't know which line is better than the other. But my favourite..."You're Mine"...

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Let There Be Light...

It is that time of the year when there is fragrance in the air, a nip that makes you shiver - settles around, evenings get dark early and it is light that you see all around - wherever you traverse.

This is how I love to describe the year end festive season. I guess I have been writing about this year on year and yet I can't stop myself from writing again. Well this is one of my favourite times of the year and the feeling of festivity engulfs me with a happy hug.

Being a shopaholic, I can be easily found in any nook and corner of any of the malls in the NCR and you would see me gazing at the beautiful lights if not indulging in retail therapy. For me these lights are special.

They speak to me. They tell me that hey girlie - the year is coming to an end and something new is brewing up. Something I haven't experienced before, something good...something not so good...some learnings and many moments to cherish. I gaze at the lights and reminisce about the year gone by - just how quickly it went in a breath.

I'm sure like me, there are many of you out there - the crazy light gazers...the hopeful ones who dream through these lights and smile at what's in store. Well here's what I have to say -

"Let there be light...coz the night is shining bright...
There is so much more to come... it has only just begun...
Just open your arms to the magic...
Let the excitement of what's to come make everything enigmatic...
End your day with the colorful glitter etched in your eyes...
And when you open your eyes... the night is shining bright..."

Happy festive season to all my dear ones. May the festive lights brighten your days and sparkle your nights. May you be blessed with happiness, health and success. Something special is about to happen...


Sunday, November 1, 2015


I am one of the Twitterati. On top of that am an ardent SRK follower on Twitter - one of the very few learned bollywood celebrities. He writes from the soul.

Few minutes back, I read this post by SRK where he wrote about "Ikigai". As the above placed image says - "Ikigai is a reason for being; the thing that gets you up in the morning"". Everyone, according to the Japanese, has an Ikigai. Finding it requires a deep and often lengthy search of self. SRK's Ikigai was the "Magic".

The moment I read this post, something spurred inside me. I thought, do I have an Ikigai?

I know if for a fact that I haven't ever done a deep soul search to zero in on what is it that awakes me every morning or the real purpose of my life. But I do know that there are so many things that I want to do and these wake me up every morning.

I wake up with the desire to travel where I have never put my foot.
I wake up with the desire that someday soon I want to offer food at a Gurudwara dearest to me.
I wake up with the desire to make a difference at work.
I wake up with a determination to make my dear ones smile.
I wake up with the desire to write something that tugs at my heart.
I wake up with the desire to get drenched on a beach.
I wake up with the desire to sit in the "Valley of Flowers" and ponder mindlessly.
I wake up with the desire to bungee jump and scream my throat out with excitement.
I wake up with the desire to touch the coral reefs.
I wake up with the desire to make my cute cub smile each day.
I wake up with the desire to dirty dance with abandon.
I wake up with the desire to see the sun rise before me...floating around a mist of clouds.
I wake up with the desire to be with who the heart desires, forever.

And the list goes on. All these have been on my mind yet  I have not really done much to make these a reality. Thus, I want this change...I want to rouse from my self created slumber and make way for my desires...soon...very soon....

Welcoming The New Ones...

With the roller - coaster life that I have had in the last several months and years, the cynic in me had determined .... no more new people... no more so called friends or rather dear ones....I had decided that my cold shell in the corner would be my abode. The few dear ones close to heart would only be allowed a sneak peek inside now and then. That is how I had envisaged my years to come.

But then, who are we in front of the biggest trickster of all times... the One Above. He/ She had this totally different plan for me. He/ She said -

"Run my as fast as you away as you can... but you won't find that cold shell in the corner...everytime you would make yourself believe that you have alienated yourself from others...I would send across some angels to take care of you. They may do their bit and vanish once the time's up but they would at some point of time look after you."

Few months back, I was once again in such a mode wherein I was slowly crawling towards my shell but little did I know that life was going to bring forth a surprise yet again.

Suddenly came barging into my life - a fiesty, determined, sunny "Leo". I fondly call him "Shera" now.

What happens when the fiesty meets the willful? Sparks fly....but more than that.... lightbulbs explode all around...And that is what happened.

Shera did not come alone. With him, came two more precious ones. A sweet soul Piscean and yet another sea goat Capricorn like me. While I weave this story for you all, it's very important for you to know that Shera is the center of the story. Without him, there would not have been a story... without him, the precious ones would not have come into the picture...without him, I would have probably succeeded in retracing back into my shell.

But all of this would come later. 

When Shera & I first met, everything crackled and I ensured that the lightbulbs cracked.... I questioned everything - our first meeting, why was I there, why was he there, what did he want, what was I looking for and the list goes on. While the meeting ended...the short circuit happened two days later. I blew it....Pop came out the declaration - "I'm not looking at making new why are you here?"

And I walked out in seconds...Lets get back to the shell. What a relief...This is what I am good at. Crawling back...

Oh boy I was so mistaken this time. Not only did Shera come back, he also sparkled his sunny streak on me and told me to just hang in there and for once  - not to worry. There was something in his eyes and voice that made me sit back and believe him. And life has not been the same as before.

While this new association was still sinking in my heart....Shera brought forth two more bubbles in my life. The Piscean whom I call the sweet soul and the sea goat who is the youngets amongst all of us. The kiddo is like a jumping enthu cutlet and that is what I fondly call her. She is our toy and we don't leave any stone unturned in troubling her, pampering her and taking care of her. The sweet soul is like a silent storm. Don't be fooled by his calm and quiet exterior. Deep inside, he is as mischievous and prankster as Shera.

I am amazed at the games that the One Above plays. I can't believe how smoothly did these 3 dear ones just sauntered into my life and I just stood their in awe...welcoming them with open arms and warm smile.

Was I the one who said - I'm not looking at making new friends? You got to be kidding me....

Shera ensured that I came out of this self imposed exile. While I still bask in the memory of the cherished moments that we have spent together... I am already looking forward to many more such moments of togetherness...and all of this is real only because of Shera.

Till we all meet next....Cheers....

Monday, September 28, 2015

Heartfelt Condolence...

No one knows what the next widget of time has in store for any of us. My Sunday started on a usual note...lazy and peaceful. I was looking forward to a quiet day in order to prep up for a crazy week.

But I had no idea, how the day was going to shape up. I was just scrolling up my FB page and I suddenly came across a condolence message posted on a dear one's FB page. I could not believe what I read there. It was as fresh as 60 minutes back. Shock and disbelief flooded me....a very dear friend of mine had lost her father few hours back. Had no courage to call her....what would I have said?

As the day passed , I went to meet her and all I could do was give her a tight hug. For the next several minutes... just sat next to her and tried to converse though my mind wasn't working.

This was not supposed to happen to her... not now atleast...

Somehow the day ended and up I rose on Monday afternoon...ready to face the frenzy. But I was not ready for what was in store. I reached office and within the first hour I got another sad piece of news. One of my colleague's father also passed away on Sunday night.

Shocked and bewildered... I stared at the small Ganesha perched up on my table... and asked him - "What's going on"

Why my dear ones....why the very same day? Obviously no answer came back....their time had come so they had to go....that's all anyone would say. Five of us went to meet him and spent some time with his family. I would never want to meet a friend's family for the first time under such circumstances but we are never given such choice.

Both parents were unwell and biding time. Then it all came to an end. Feeling very sad and helpless. This is not how I wanted my week to be... this is not how my dear ones would have envisaged their upcoming week.

Reaching out to the stars and the light above....please keep both my dear ones warm...take care of them in their time of need...give them the strength to sail through thia tough moment...

Offering my condolences...May the fathers rest in peace...

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Do Ankhiyaan...

Once you read this post, you all would wonder why is the music note here since the post has nothing to do with it.

But for some reason, I found it to be an apt picture to use it for my post. After a long time, I heard a song that stirred something in me today and the broken note is a symbol of what the singer is trying to say....

I have been listening to the song on a repeat mode and it just gets more beautiful...more meaningful...and more haunting each time I listen to it.

Sau aansoo roye do akhiyan
Sau aansoo roye do akhiyan
Maara hai jinhe neendon ne
Kabhi na soye wo akhiyan

Dil ka musaafir baat na maane
Mud mud dekhe raste puraane
Zidd chhodta hi nahi (nahi..)

Dekh raha hai kaanch ke sapne
Ik na ik din hain jo tidakne
Ishq mein tooti cheeze jag mein
Koi jodta hi nahi, dil jaane na

Sau aasoon roye do akhiyan
Sau aasoon roye do akhiyan
Maara hai jinhe neendon ne
Kabhi na soye wo akhiyaan
Wo ankhiyan..

Jaane waala jaane nahi
Jaane se uske jaan gayi
Aate jaate phir wo dikhe
Palkon ne chhaane mod kayi

Guzra huaa pal guzra nahi
Uska laga rang utra nahi
Hothon se chhuti nahi gaye saajan ki batiyan

Sau aansu roye do akhiyan
Sau aansu roye do akhiyan
Maara hai jinhe neendon ne
Kabhi na soye wo akhiyan

Wo.. o...

Kaise koi roke bhalaa
Haath laqeerein chhod gayin
Laakhon dil ke tukde kiye
Dhadkan ko bhi tod gayi

Kabhi theharega dard kahin
Koi gunjaaish dikhti nahi
Chanda bin jiya na lage
Jal kaajal si ratiyan
Sau aansu roye do akhiyan
Sau aansu roye do akhiyan
Maara hai jinhein neendon ne
Kabhi na soye woh akhiyan

Wo.. o...

Sau aansu roye
Sau aansu roye do akhiyan
Sau aansu roye do akhiyan
Sau aansu roye..
Maara hai jinhein neendon ne..
Kabhi na soye... woh akhiyaan..

Just what I wanted to hear... a broken music note....

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Giver's Dilemma...

There are two kinds of people whom we come across...Givers and Takers....

As the name suggests, one of them incessantly offers to the needy (emotional, materialistic support etc) while the other naturally seeks from those who are willing to give.

A dilemma surfaces if the giver is told that he or she has a tendency to provide at every given opportunity and they need to consciously step back if they want to safeguard their well being. They say that the giver is at a risk of being robbed of his/her emotional well being and would easily succumb to emotional exhaustion.

I witnessed a similar dilemma in a giver, few days back. The giver was told by a worldly wise soul that the only way to protect the heart & mind from exhaustion is to take a conscious step back. The soul also warned that the failure to retract will only make the giver suffer more with each passing day.

While the giver may have understood the context, it becomes very difficult for him/her to actually follow the advice. Where to draw the line? With whom to draw the line? How to say no?

These are a few questions which haunt the giver and pulls him/her back from even making an attempt to actually retrace from the giving mode. Well I would only say that, the giver should close his/her eyes, think about the person they are contemplating to help next (consciously or unconsciously) and assess - would the other person go a similar extra mile for them if the tables are turned. If it's a "Yes" that pops in your mind, go ahead and give as if there is no tomorrow but if it's a "No" then the giver needs to step back and keep his/ her thoughts in check.

Untill  a well thought out decision is made, go slow on the giving spree....learn to say No and nurture a bit of taker as well within.

But in all of this...the point not overdo whatever it is you decide (give or take) and the rest would unfold eventually...

A Bow Of Gratitude...

I took up writing to give words to the crazy thoughts that keep trailblazing my mind now and then. It started with few pages in a notebook during college days and then I went into a sudden hibernation for years.

Writing returned to me in 2010 in its electronic version and since then it's been a love story that's still being told. I wish I could write more often ... but then I'm happy with what I manage to pen down.

As always, few crazy thoughts popped up and I had this urge to write something. The moment I logged into my account, my eyes popped.

My blog view had suddenly crossed 5000 views. While I would have eventually reached there in a few days but wasn't anticipating it today. Someone, somewhere added 154 views in a single day. This had happened few weeks back as well.

I don't know who all across the globe end up reading my rantings. Some of my best buds do share their feedback now and then and it lights me up. While 5000 views may not be a milestone for bloggers at heart but to me it means a lot.

To all those out there, across the globe...some known faces and several unknown....I bow my head with heartfelt gratitude...for taking out time and browsing through my thoughts. I don't know whether you relate to these or not; I don't know whether these mean something to you all or not; I don't know whether you all cringe everytime I post something.

But thank you once again... for all the views...Speak to me, in return, with your thoughts as well and help me improvise my words....

With another bow of gratitude...I sign out....Happy Reading....

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Jama Masjid Diaries...

I have been meaning to write this post for almost 2 weeks but something or the other kept cropping up. Though delayed but here it is...

Being a NCR kid for over 13 years, I have had my opportunity to be in and around Purani Dilli & its bylanes - be it the Nai Sarak where I shopped for text books at discounted price or the gali Chandni Chowk where I have hogged yummy munchings with my partners in crime or the extensive shopping spree I went on during my brother's wedding or the visit to Jama Masjid during an excursion tour.

Though crowded & crazily crazy, the bylanes exude their own old world charm. Amidst all the mayhem & chaos, one checkbox was yet to be filled in these past years. Over the years, I had only heard about how alive these bylanes looked at midnight during the Eid celebrations but never got an opportunity to experience it.

Every year I thought of asking few friends to tag along with me so that I could tick this pending item from my "To Do's" list. Alas...nothing could materialize. Well they say that nothing happens before the time is right and I experienced it first hand.

Finally, this year I got the opportunity to visit this part of the city during the Eid celebrations. The rains had turned the approach road quite muddy but the most amazing part was that no one went about splashing the water, while they drove to their respective destinations.

The Sehri time felt like a celebration in itself. At 0130 hours, the bylane was so lively that I felt as if I was traversing through busy Karol Bagh at evening time. We explored a lot and finally reached our destination - "Karims".

There were seven of us and we gorged on the Sehri delicasies as if we had never eaten food and won't get the opportunity in future as well. Be it the Kebabs or the Korma or the Nihari, everything was finger licking good. Could not try out Biryani as it got over way before we reached.

What followed next is what got etched in my memory forever...

As we stepped out of the Karims, and joined the mayhem back in the lane....I saw myself surrounded by souls from different cities, countries and religions. The sea of people, right below the colorful night left a lasting impression on me. Few of them were there for the renowned food walks: some were there as part of the Eid celebrations while others like us were there to experience the energy around the celebratory fervour.

The gang took turns & clicked scores of pictures. The one close to my heart? Me looking up at the fancy trimmings, lost in my thoughts with the Jama Masjid in the backdrop.

One more down....many more to go.....

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Pitter Patter...

As my heavy eyelids bid adieu to the day gone by, I see the morning pitter patter giving me a sign of what's in store once I would be awake. It's been raining for several minutes now and the sound of the splashing rain is very comforting.

For me it's a sign that change is yet again around the corner. Once I would wake up, the world would be different shade of green... A brighter hue.

Last year when I wrote about the rain drops, I had said - "it washes away the old and brings in the new". I still believe that this is what rain does. And as the showers grow stronger, a smile appears on my face.....the sleepy one...and all I can see is the haze slowly sauntering around me, engulfing me and whispering....things are about to change... 

Off I go to sleep...

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Darkest Hour...

People say that before the light dawns, the hour is the darkest or.... darker the night becomes, it means that the light is just round the corner....

Well, I have a question... the light may be just round the corner....but how the hell one steers through the dark that keeps getting worse?

If any of you have an enlighten me...

Sunday, February 8, 2015


How does it feel to lose something precious, twice...
Twice the trouble... twice the ache...
Two folds full of hard to fade...

The questions...the doubts...
You lost once... how could it happen again... you think out loud...

Is there a room for third?
Oh no... never again I swear...
I rather not have it & live only in fear....

What's the best way out?
Anything precious...just move it out...
No fear of losing... there is no doubt...

Snakes & Ladders...

Life surely feels likes a game of Snakes & Ladders right now. The only predicament is that snakes are beginning to get more active than the ladders.

Everytime I see myself coming across a ladder and happily climb it, I end up in front of a snake and there is only looking back from there. Don't know which row of the game board am I currently swinging at.... don't know if I should feel - "Atleast I came this far..." but whatever it is, am not getting the vibe that I have been looking for....

All I see are the snakes waiting at the corners and yet another slide down...

Sunday, January 25, 2015

And I Said Goodbye...

Beginnings and culminations are an intrinsic feature of our lives. While beginnings excite us, a lot of us don't know how to manage when something culminates or is on the verge.

I am one such person....ouch!! The feeling of letting go has this weird effect on me. I suck at goodbyes. When I'm past a point, I don't think back or look back but reaching that point is the journey that I cringe about. 

Well it was time to set upon one such journey and trust me it's not all cake walk. Each day I question the need to say goodbye, each day I look in the mirror and ask "how do I move past this point", each day I wonder what's in store next.

And I don't know the answer to any of the zillion questions popping all around me. I wish it was as easy as for a leaf when if breaks away and just flies with the gush of wind. I wish, I could just fly past like that.

In all these past years, one thing that I have learned is that goodbyes take their own time. All that you can do is to wave back and wait for the wind to blow all over you and take you to a new direction....a new beginning...

Till then...goodbye... 

As You Turn One...

This one too is delayed by many days but better late than never...

You my dear....are the shining light in all our lives. Our day starts with you and it also ends by being around you. Everyday, their is something new about you. Be it a new garbled word that you utter or a new cherubic expression that you floor us with....

Every minute that I am away from you, I sense that I'm missing so much of you. It's you, who makes me drive back quickly from work so that I can catch a quick glimpse of you before you go off to your daily date with the angels... I fail miserably on most days though...

Every afternoon, I wait to hear your steps, coming towards me to wake me from my slumber. Nobody can think of waking me the way you do. Every time you flash that dimpled smile of yours, I part of me just lights up.

Every time you hold up your hands, looking at me with those puppy eyes and you're my only saviour expression, I can't hold myself back from melting and showering you with kisses.

I hope you know how precious you are to me, to all of us. You have changed our lives in a way that only you can manage and even a day without you being around is a day gone unfulfilled. 

So as you turn's wishing for all the world's happiness to come and tickle your lovely curls, shower their lucky charm over you, may all the angels above keep a loving watch over you; may each day turn out to be happier than the day gone by; may you always be surrounded with people who love you & care for you; may you revel in the feeling that you are dearly loved.

Happy one... my honey bun, sugar plum....

The Days Of Wanderlust...

Sometime 2 months back, I wrote about slipping away and fleetingly mentioned about the days of wanderlust. Though delayed, here it comes. 

November of 2014 saw me craving for a time out from the daily chaos and the thought of a second solo trip firmed up. Where did I want to go? To the hills for sure. Being the earthy sea goat, there is something about the mountains that calms me down.

Then came an extended weekend that saw me rushing to Dharamsala & McLeodganj. Many asked, why a solo trip and I questioned back - Why not? 

Resort...checked, train tickets... checked, list of places to visit...checked. Thus began the journey. A train till Pathankot and then a 2 hour early morning drive was all I needed to get all charged up for the trip. Everything just fell into place with the ideal resort, the helpful cabbie and loads of time at hand.

Three uninterrupted days of travel saw me quench my visual thirst for the unseen & gorge on some local cuisine. I must have clocked hundreds of kilometres scouting through Kangra Valley, Dharamsala & McLeodganj.

What took my breath away? Probably everything I saw. Be it the tea garden or the monastaries or the mighty Dauladhar range or the Bhagsunag falls or the streets full of people running away to their destinations or 

Something that will always stay etched in my heart - the beautiful cricket ground surrounded by the snow peaked mountains. Every time I feel rushed, I close my eyes and go back to that moment when I was there surrounded by the mountains.

There is so much to write about those 3 days but then it would become too long a post and thus am trying to limit my thoughts to a few words only. 

All good things come to an end and so did these lovely 3 days. Did I find what I was looking for? Maybe yes & maybe not. I found another place I fell in love with however, I didn't find the missing ingredient to calm my chaos.

Well until the next wanderlust bug gets to me....adios amigos...