Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Don't Leave On That Jet Plane...

Don't leave on that jet plane...

I know your bags are almost packed...
You're ready to go, that is the fact...

I'm standing here...
Hoping you'd stay...
 I wish I could share, what I had to say...

I don't want to meet you...
As I will have to say goodbye...

So kiss me and smile for me...
Hold me like you'll never let me go...

Don't leave on that jet plane...
I dislike to think, how long you'd be away for...

Please don't leave on that jet plane...

Monday, December 24, 2012

The Spirit of Midnight...

It was just another Monday for me and though I was on leave, I was still in work mode and thus was catching up on some mails and troubling my team mates for some information. I happened to chat up with one of my friends and when I asked about his well being, he replied - "I'm fine, just lonely".

For a minute I was surprised by his answer and then suddenly I realised, he is away from his home, his family and he is staying here alone. Just to make him feel better, I asked him to take up a vocation that would keep him busy. As our conversation lingered on, he mentioned that he finds peace everytime he visits Bangla Sahib. I instantly told him that it's the same for me and whenever I visit in the wee hours of the morning, the serenity takes my breath away.

Within minutes we decided to pay a visit to our epitome of solace. We had to set out by 0300 hours. I tagged along my SIL as well as she had been wanting to go to Bangla Sahib for a very long time. Before we knew, it was time for our midnight safari and off we went.

As my darling raced through the darkness, the fog and the mist, I could feel the calling. After so many tormenting days, I had to be there to keep my sanity in tact.

As we drove round the round about before Bangla Sahib, a pleasent surprise was awaiting us. As we approached the Church before Bangla Sahib, we saw a bunch of young enthu cutlets, who were stopping each vehicle that was passing by and offering them beautifully packed Christmas gifts along with Christmas wishes.

There was no way that they could have missed us. So there we were, all smiles, when we rolled down the glasses. They not only loaded us with the gifts, they even blessed us and shared that they intended to gift over a lakh gift items today.

We wished them back with equal fervour and thus the "Spirit of Midnight" engulfed us. The memorable moments had just begun. We then reached Bangla Sahib and instantly got drowned in the peaceful environ.

The wet marble floor not only numbed by soles, but it also numbed my soul. I welcomed the chill with a smile that had been eluding me for a while now. The walk around the sarovar, the aarti, the Ardaas left an impression in my heart and mind.

I begged for strength, for forgiveness, for clarity, for good health, for sanity, for faith, for closure, for belief, for happiness, for prosperity. I begged for too much.

I'm not sure whether my prayers have been heard or not but I felt at peace. The yuletide and the tranquility of Bangla Sahib came together and bound me in the "Spirit of Midnight".

I truly thank my dear friend. It's because of him that I decided to take this midnight trip and allowed the spirit to grow all upon me.

I wish each of my dear ones a Merry Christmas!! May the Spirit of Midnight engulf them as well.


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Do you have anything to declare?

Few minutes back, I was watching one of my favourite movies - Sex & The City 2. I have lost count of the number of times I have seen this movie but it was only today when one of the lines struck a chord with me.

During their journey back from Abu Dhabi, as the girls are settling in their flight, the flight stewardess offers Carrie a card and says - "Do you have anything to declare?" and Carrie replies - "Yes ! I'm a mess" !!

Well last two weeks have been eventful or I should rather say uneventful since I was expecting them to be otherwise. And now, I too have a lot to declare...

I tried the leap of faith and I slipped hard, I bruised myself. I tried to think from my heart, it fooled me again. I wanted to share a hug to make a dear one feel better but the moment never came and now I'm feeling miserable. I wrote a letter to Santa and though Christmas is just round the corner, I have this uncanny feeling that my letter didn't reach him so obviously he's going to skip what I wished for. I'm bad at games and thanks to that, these decepticons are making merry at my expense.

I sometimes wonder, what would it feel like if our lives were just like movies. Either it was happy ending and if not then the movie is not over.

I keep pacifying the unsure cappy in me but that side of me just doesn't want to lie low and keeps popping up and turns me upside down.

Yes!! I have lots to declare though I'm not sure whether it's going to help me or not.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


It suddenly feels as if decepticons have surrounded me. Fakes, liars, stinging scorpions, are hovering around me. They bite, they push, they tease and vanish without any guilt or qualms about their doing.

Everynight when I step out for that short walk to where my vehicle is parked, the razor sharp winds slice through me. It seems as if they are trying to teach me a lesson, punishing me for trying to believe, cussing me for being gullible, questioning my choice and laughing at me.

Can it ever happen that I would take one step and I really mean it...just one step that is not wrong, that has a strong foothold, that is sure of where my bearing are.

Here I was all smiles that I would be welcoming the new year with a sense of happiness. But how wrong I was. The sting....there it was....waiting for its turn...poisonous...hurtful...and it totally singed me.

Someone soothe my mood before I enter this new year. I don't want to start another year with hurt troubling me, solitude gnawing at me and thousands of eyes laughing at me.

Decepticons!!!! Go away.....out of sight...out of mind!!!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Letter to Santa...

Dear Santa,

Hope this letter of mine finds you in happy spirits and I'm sure that you are gearing up for the season ahead. I apologize for writing to you impromptu and I'm sure you were not expecting a letter..atleast from me.

Well it's been a very long time since I wrote to you last. It just so happened that after a long time I'm wishing for certain things in life and thought of reaching out to you for help. I'm going to be a little selfish this time and only ask for myself. A little unlike of me though...

Please do away with the false starts for once and for all. It seems that they have become synonymous with my life. I've had enough of those. While I still have a very long life ahead, I think I can do pretty well without them for many years to come. Please help me get this break even if for a little while.

My cup of happiness seems to be filled half. Please top it up till the brim. I do not wish for an overload of happiness ( won't be able to gather all of it togeter in one go) but I do wish to get what I deserve and what I strive for.

For once, let me get something in life with a bit of ease. I have always persevered much more than required ( that's how it seems to me), much more than probably others do and then I get to have something. I assure you that I would never stop valuing the importance of perseverance but just for some time, I want it off my menu.

Cast a spell that will do away with the fears that constantly gnaw me and define my worry wart streak. Probably many of them have manifested themselves in the form of the grey streakes that I'm gaining quickly. I can surely do without them.

Teach me the art of putting my mind to rest whenever the need arises. It keeps on thinking and it's so mean that it never takes a break. I think I really need that.

I hope that I don't sound too demanding but I could only think of you while soul searching for someone who could help me with my wishes.

Hoping to hear from you soon.


Saturday, December 15, 2012

All That Is Needed Right Now Is A Hug...

Some time back a dear one of mine had said that - "All it takes is a Hug to make things better, feel better, to assure us that the world around us is a beautiful place, to tell us that we have a dear one who will go that extra mile to make us smile, to enlighten us that we can also be special for some one, to convey that someone cares for us.

This dear one even offered to share a hug and make me believe in his belief. Well me being me....I asked him to reserve that one for me and I told him that I shall take it the day I need it the most. Well, to be precise, I told him - "I'll take it when the time is right". 

Few hours back, I was happily star gazing in the starry night and suddenly a bunch of naughty clouds disrupted me. Then came the lightening flash and it started pouring. The chilling winds also added to the prank that the clouds were playing.

While each wisp of my hair went wild and shivering tremors greeted my soul, I suddenly remembered the help my dear one was willing to offer. I finally needed that hug.

While this is what I was going through....several hundred kilometers away this very dear one of mine was undergoing a family exigency. A cousin whom he dearly loves is undergoing a severe medical emergency. He's strong but when it's family, it hits you hard.

I want to tell him that I'm right here with the hug that he needs right now. It may not change the status quo of the medical emergency but it may play some part in making him feel a little better. So whenever he will be back in town, he gets what he needs.

All that is needed right now is a Hug...

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Leap of Faith...

I’m going to take a leap of faith...
Give a miss to the mind, place on my heart all of my faith...

Don’t know whether I’ll land or suffer a flat fall...
Don’t know if someone would be out there in dark...
Should I happen to take the fall...

This is a trial that I have to endure...
Put my fears to test & check how far I can go along...

It had to happen some day...
Might as well, today should become the fateful day...

Don’t know what awaits...
Would it be a bruise or an embrace...

A dear one had told me...
Bring down the wall that surrounds me...

For once I should give in to what my heart says...
Hold down my guard...
Let the mood sway...

Only time will tell...
Will this work or will I trudge through hell...

As I gasp for breath...
And let the halo surround me...

Am all set for my leap of faith…

Monday, November 5, 2012

Until Next Time...

They don't call it the "City of Love" for no reason. Though not all is beautiful and starry out there but that one "Epitome of Love" makes up for everything that Agra doe not have.

The "Taj Mahal" makes up for everything.

It was 19 years back that I had my first date with Taj. I was as excited yet nervous just as a young girl on her first date; felt the goose bumps crawling all over me when I got the first glance; I could feel the blood rushing to my face with each step I took and inched closer. Back then, there wasn't so much of rush as I saw this time. It felt serene and peaceful, just like a warm dream.

That memory of being at Taj got etched as one of the most memorable moments of my life. I had tucked it in one small corner and kept it warm. I was pleasantly surprised when suddenly out of nowhere came this opportunity to meet up with my ex flame - "The Taj".

So there I was again, glancing over evey marble piece that came together to be called "The Taj", smiling as memories of my last visit splashed all over me. It stood tall in all its snowy glory, inviting me to make new memories, asking me to melt in the crowd and inhale the spirit of love that surrounds it. It was still as beautiful and majestic as I had remembered it.

As my trip came to an end, I knew there was a small flicker of love that suddenly sparkled in me. It felt as if I was in love again.Oh!!! And how could I forget about what all craziness transpired at the offsite venue during my 2 days of stay.

All in all, this is how I felt and my social media feeds resonate my thoughts...

"Leaving the City of Love after 2 great days...
happy...sleep deprived...nostalgic... brimming with hope...

Until next time..."

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I'm Here For You...

With each passing year, our circle of dear ones slowly shrinks away ( well in most cases). We begin with awesome manysome and who we are left with are barely a handful.

With all the trials and tribulations that our respective lives throw at us, it's these handful of bum chums who help us sail through.

I heard something today and it touched my heart. I want to share it with my current circle of dear ones and with those who are destined to be a part of it; it doesn't matter whether they would be with me for many more years to come or they would cross my path for just that millisecond.

I sincerely believe in this and I want my circle to believe it when I tell this to them-

"I'm here for you... whatever it is... whenever you need me..."

If you can't hear me, see it in my expressions...
If you can't see me, then feel it through my touch...
If you can't feel me, hear it in my voice...

And if neither of the aforesaid works...
My prayers will reach out to you...

Always remember...
"I'm here for you... whatever it is... whenever you need me..."

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ishq Wala Love...

Soft, melodious and dreamy is what comes to my mind when ever I hear Ishq Wala Love. A song from the recently released romcom "SOTY" exudes the innocence of a puppy love.

As mushy as Barbara Cartland's writings, as fresh as the morning dew, it makes me hum everytime I listen to it. It brings a smile to my face and tells me to close my eyes and dream on. I see my self walking alongside a shoreline hand -in-hand with my chosen one.

It reminds me of the first crush that a school boy has on his class teacher, and a school girl has on her class mate who pulls her pigtails at every given opportunity.

I need to be careful coz if I listen to it any more, I might break into a slow waltz though I'm not sure who would I dance with. It weaves a pictureseque panorama- the Alps, the white sand beaches, the green grasslands, the cold polar winds kissing my face.

I would love to wake up every morning with this song being crooned somewhere near me. But that would only happen after I would have tossed my pillows around, lazed around, slept beyond the allowed time, still smiling and not worrying about getting late for work.

Being a pukka Capricorn, it's a rarity that I dream with my eyes open but thanks to tunes like Ishq Wala Love, I tend to take that risk once in a very long while. They keep my starry eyed soul alive and busy. Some of my dear ones also get the rare opportunity of watching me dance without the music playing in the background ( coz only I can hear it); staring at the wall and smiling away to oblivion. They know it for sure that I'm not turning into a senile but it must be some song weaving its magic in my mind and they too walk away smiling.

So all you amazing lyricists out there, keep composing such beautiful tunes so that crazy souls like me can dream on forever.

सुर्ख वाला, सोज़ वाला, फैज़ वाला लव
होता है जो लव से ज़्यादा वैसे वाला लव
इश्क वाला लव...

Friday, October 19, 2012

Jab Tak Hai Jaan...

Once in a while we get to hear some songs that strike a chord with us. Every time I stumble upon such a song, I feel really exhilerated, I tend to listen to it on repeat mode until my goose bumps beg me to stop.

One such song that I have recently come across is the title track of the movie "Jab Tak Hain Jaan".

Each word of the song speaks of undying love, anguish, hope, delight and dreams. Every time I hear it, I linger onto the dark tones that singe the lyrics. It talks of love yet I feel the despising eyes. It exhibits a wild abandon and yet it feels that someone is vaccuming the emotions.

The music feels fresh and hopeful yet the streaks of separation rips me apart by their piercing sharpness. Every time I hear it, I'm awestruck...I feel alive... I feel that someone is walking away from me... I feel the goose bumps unwilling to separate from me... I feel the emotions of the girl he is talking about... I feel I'm waiting for that spalsh of rain in which I would want to drench myself by dancing away to glory... I feel like making a promsie that I know I would break... I feel like watching my tresses turn wild with that gush of wind that blew in charging emotions...I feel like my exterior indifferent shell is going to melt away exposing the elusive, wild me...

All in all, I'm hooked to this song...for a long time to come.... 

तेरी आँखों की नमकीन मस्तियाँ
तेरी हंसी की बेपरवाह गुस्ताखियाँ
तेरी जुल्फों की लहराती अंगड़ाई
नहीं भूलूंगा मैं
जब तक है जान, जब तक है जान...

तेरा हाथ से हाथ छोड़ना
तेरा सायों से रुख मोड़ना
तेरा पलट के फिर ना देखना
नहीं मांफ करूँगा मैं
जब तक है जान, जब तक है जान...

बारिशों में बेधड़क तेरा नाचने से
बात बात पे बेवजह तेरा रूठने से
छोटी छोटी तेरी बचकानी बदमाशियों से
मोहब्बत करूँगा मैं
जब तक है जान, जब तक है जान...

तेरे झूटे कसमे वादों से
तेरे जलते सुलगते ख्वाबों से
तेरी बेरहम दुआओं से
नफरत करूँगा मैं
जब तक है जान, जब तक है जान...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Feel The Festive Fervour...

The nip in the night air greets me...
And tells me to feel the festive fervour...

It just began yesterday...
But if feels that it has been there forever...

One followed by other...
Am so excited...
It feels as if am on a roller coaster...

The greetings, the smiles...
The sweets, the prayers...

With friends, with families...
All happy, alike...

For those whom I know...
For those whom I don't know...

I raise my hands...
Seeking for them...blessings in disguise...

To those whom I know...
To those whom I don't know...

I raise a toast...
For health, happiness, togetherness...

I urge you all to step out tonight...
And feel the festive fervour that is lingering in the night...

Monday, October 15, 2012

Dervish by Midnight...

As the rays go down...
I traverse the roads and travel around...

Every night I look for a new path...
I go here, I drive there...
But in the end, I come back to the same path...

As the night safari begins...
The state of my trance paces up its rythm...

I hear trinkets of music somewhere close to me...
They take me to a world where I want to be...

Some days I have company...
Another dervish, who is ready to accompany...

But most days are mine...
It is only me & my music... intertwined...

As the nip in the air surrounds me...
Sends a shiver down my spine...
It playfully hounds me...

It blows away my tendrils...
Brings out the need of warmth...

It trys my patience...
Pushes me to return back to where I belong...

I go back and forth...
Wander between return or roam...

With someone or simply alone...
Dervish by Mighnight...

Sings my soul...

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Make It Or Break It...

Make It Or Break It is one of the tele-serials that I have been religiously following for last several months. By chance it happened that I saw it's trailer while surfing and curiosity got the better of me.

The very first episode and I was hooked. At that time I was unaware about the role it was going to play in my life. Well before I actually talk about the role let me tell you what its story is all about-

Make It Or Break It talks about Gymnastics and these 5 gutsy girls who struggle, fight, survive, drown, loose and achieve in their respective lives. To relate to them you need to know their names - 

1. Kaylie Cruz (The National Champion)
2. Lauren Tanner ( The Queen of the Beam)
3. Emily Kmetko ( The Surprise Find)
4. Payson Keeler ( Top gymnast at The Rock)
5. Jordan Randall ( The kick a** Wild one who returns)

The protagonists in the first 2 seasons are Kaylie, Lauren, Emily & Payson. Season 3 sees Emily's exit and Jordan's entry. And we cannot forget the 2 coaches who played a pivotal role in shaping the careers of these girls - 

1. Shasha Belov
2. Coach McIntire

Each girl was a specialist and at the same time faced challenges that were unique to them. Each episode beautifully weaves a story around their trials, tribulations and joys. 

Kaylie was the glam doll of gymnastics who broke that image, got serious about her dream of winning the  US Nationals, fought anorexia, battled her parent's separation, survived heart aches, went on to win US Nationals, got saved from a scheming competitor, overcame a banned substance scare and vindicated by getting selected in the Olympics Team headed for London.

Lauren Tanner aka Queen of the Beam was the scheming bit** of the lot who was self centered and would go to any extent to have her way. This trait found home in her since her mother left her after giving birth and her father doted on her to an extent that he would always let her have her way. She not only overcame the distrust her friends exhibited towards her and her streak to go after her friend's boyfriend but she also fought a rare heart condition, proved to her friends that she too had a heart and won theirs. With the help of her friends she fights back her illness and wins a place for herself in the Olympics Team.

Emily Kmetko was picked from the YMCA gymnastic center and she exuded raw talent that could be mentored into a world class athletic streak. She had a lot going against her. She never knew her father, her mother was unable to run the house since she was a salon hairdresser, her brother had a seizure disorder, and she stealthily worked in a pizza shack to make ends meet which was also against the rule of the gymnastic club. She was also caught stealing medication for her brother since she did not have enough cash. She fell in love with an aspiring singer, got pregnant and could not bear the pressure of what was happening around her. She fizzled out and ran away from all the mayhem. She could not stay afloat.

Payson Keeler was the top and most serious gymnast of the Rock Gymnastic club. Everybody said that not only will she win US Nationals but she would also get into the Olympics squad that would head to London. a slip during the practice causes spinal fracture thus threatening her career prospects. The doctors declare that she would never be able to return back to gymnastics. Since she was out, Kaylie went ahead and became the US National Champion. Payson defies all odds with the help of her coach Sasha Belov undergoes an operation, recuperates and returns back to Gymnastic. Her return was not easy. She started another round of her journey which was laden with fear, anxiety and excitement. She sailed through, neutralized her degree of seriousness towards everything, founded the little wild child lurking somewhere in her, proved everybody wrong by changing her routine at the last moment and showing that she is not a safe bet but a competitive one indeed. She too reserves a place for her in the Olympics team.

And then came the fiery Jordan- the Wild one from the foster. She returned back to Gymnastics after quitting it 2 years ago. She forcefully enters the US Gymnastics center, proves her mettle in front of Coach McIntire and blows everyone away with her performance. But she too had a past to fight back. She overcame her dislike and fear for one of the coaches who had molested her, transformed her point of view about Kaylie and became good friends with her and seriously worked towards her biggest shortcoming of not being socially comfortable with people around her. She too overcomes her fears and features as the top contender who makes it to the Olympics team.

The story beautifully revolves around the lives of these young women. Each episode had some amazing gymnastics exhibits that took my breath away. Every morning at 5 when i tuned into this serial and working on some office stuff simultaneously this serial acted as my caffeine. 

Each practice session, each competition that they exhibited brought out the athlete in me. I whooped for the girls and felt my adrenaline rushing. I was exuberant when each of them one and earned a special spot for themselves. My cheering even woke up my mother on many of the days.

What I'm trying to say is that the spirit of survival and sportsmanship exhibited in these episodes was infectious and it got to me. It kept me going on many days when I felt that all the craziness is happening around me. 

It used to make my day. My delight had no bounds when I saw the last scene of the Season 3 Finale. These winners standing on the podium and the US national flag rolling down, spilling confetti over them.

Whom did I relate with most? The competitive bet Payson Keeler. Her transcend was phenomenal. I could relate with the way she went to extreme lengths to help her friends out in their times of need. Her zeal to achieve inspired me. 

I recommend that every one should watch make It Or Break It. Some episodes are cheeky and very girly but most are all about courage, grit, perseverance, friendship and survival. Before I close, I want to share the lines they play while telecasting the Season 3 Finale trailer and these are etched in my mind forever - 

" You can't stop me coz...
 I'm a Champion, I'm a Champion, I'm a Champion!!!"

Saturday, July 21, 2012


A friend of mine is hurting. I have never met him, never spoken with him, have only exchanged couple of chats. I don't know what we really share but off and on we end up chatting and sharing what's happening in our lives.

Today only I got to know that he has hit a rough patch in the ride of Life and is fighting it out. I don't think I can do much for him except for praying. So that is what I am going to do for him...

Dear One Above -

Please shower few petals of hope, strands of inner peace and drops of belief over my friend. Bless him with the courage to set things right and then move on in life. Place your hand on his shoulder so that he does not lose faith. Show him the silver lining so that he knows- not all is dark out there.

Talk him out of the gloom that is surrounding him and make him feel bright and light. Make him believe that this too shall pass and happy times shall prevail. 

I offer this prayer on behalf of my friend. Please accept it and do something for him.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Situation Vacant: Guardian Angel

It's been more than 6 years that I have become an integral part of the HR fraternity. Across various roles that I have taken up, filling up vacant situations has been one of my core responsibilities. I have done several hirings for others. It suddenly occured to me that I too am in need of a resource for myself.

Last few weeks or rather I should say many weeks have been extremely exhausting. A lot has been happening at work front while personal front has been more or less uneventful. As a true Capricorn, I do not welcome frequent changes very easily and so I end up feeling morose.

To help resolve this, I have devised a plan which should hopefully work. I have decided that I will hire a special someone. Someone, who shall help me sail through these tides. Inviting applications for the following position:

Position Title: Guardian Angel

Purpose: To protect and guide me

Position Description:

1. To be by my side day and night
2. To realign my focus whenever my vision gets blurry
3. To monitor the choices I make
4. To offer me anchorage when my heart skips a beat and my zest for life takes a dive down
5. To rejoice every feat that I achieve
6. To caution me before I hit a rough patch on a bumpy journey

Location of Position: Wherever I go, my Guardian Angel should follow

Position Start Date: At the earliest

Compensation: My indebtedness, forever.

Application Deadline: 15th July'12

May the best one gets selected...

Friday, June 22, 2012

The Cocktails Of My Life...

Everyone's going gaga over the latest tunes from the movie Cocktail. While driving to work yesterday, I happened to listen to one of the songs and a thought came to my mind. Which cocktails would define the nomenclature of the equations I share with my dear ones?

So here I am, back again, jotting down my crazy thoughts. Before I take this forward, I also took the liberty of choosing other beverages apart from Cocktails to define what I share/ had shared with those who are/ were special to me. But I still want this writeup to be called - The Cocktails Of My Life...

I'm not going to be partial to any one and thus my listings would be based on chronological order.

1. Nicku & I

Bhai & I truly share a bittersweet symphony. Sometimes we fight like wild warriors and at other times we are the best buddies. No matter what I say to him, I know it for a fact that he is always going to be there for me. He is my 4 am drink buddy. He is the only one who could bail me out when I bungle up really bad and I'm on the verge of facing mom's ire. We are not very vocal about a lot of stuff but we talk without the vocal chords doing the needful for us.

 2. Doc & I

Doc & I have been friends for 22 years. From fiery bum-chums, we have transformed into matured spirits in the years gone by. We have learnt to overcome our shortcomings and didn't let them mar our relationship. Our lives have gotten entwined with several flavors of mixers ( read as -situations that life throws at us) and we worked around them together. What Old Monk does for us in winters ( it keeps us warm), Doc does for me everytime the need be.

3. Rachu & I

Rachu & I are just like the Merlot & Cabernet Sauvignon based blended wines. Both these are known for their softer, fruitier, and earlier-maturing trait. At the same time, these also display several aromas and flavors – black cherry, currant, cedar, and green olive – along with mint, tobacco and tea-leaf tones. We both bring these flavors in each other's life. We have shared every chapter of our lives together,ever since we've met each other. We have matured with age and time has only added flavor to what we share. With every passing year, our togetherness will attain a new milestone.

4. Ladoo & I

Ladoo & I were like a Vodka Martini. Heady as alcohol & had our share of flavoring too. We were bestest of buddies for almost 10 years and then we were shakened up. I wish I had a time machine to go back and set things right but all wishes do not come true. I truly cherish our times together and will always pray for him to be happy in his life.

5. MSA & I

 MSA & I are like refreshing Mojitos. We have known each other for almost 11 years though in between we had lost touch for quite a while. When we connected back, it was just like the old times and it felt very nice to add back a dear one in my ever diminishing gang. He has always brought a breeze of freshness into my life and helped me in keeping up my zing quotient. Thanks to him, I also met up with one of the sweetest soul I have ever known- his darling wife Prabh. God bless you both.

6. Jitesh & I

Our friendship started with miscommunication. During our college orientation role play, he spoke in  favor of a "Smoking Zone" and that alongwith his allergy ( he used to cough quite a bit) led me to believe that he smokes. Many months later, we corrected my preconcieved notion and went on to become great friends. I relate us to the Glen series of scotch which are world famous for their flavor. The years just add to the bond shared by us. It's because of him, I got to know Meghs and I totally love her company. Hoping to see you guys soon.

7. AS & I

I don't remember how AS & I got talking. We met during my stint with a hospitality group. All I remember is that we used to be big time foodies.  Everytime we would step out for some work, we would munch first and then think of doing the work. Be it our trip to Chandi Chowk or to Khan Market, our munchings used to be the highlight of these outings. I find our times together to be as refreshing as Margaritas. Despite the fact that both of us are extremely busy in our respective lives, we always take out time to share our joys and sorrows. I hope that never changes.

8. Hocus Focus & I

Hocus & I were like a house on fire. Flaming Lamborghini is what crosses my mind every time I recall our times together. In a city of strangers, I was looked after by him and his family. Our times together, always bring a smile on my face. May he get his share of happiness and success.

9. Yamini & I

Yamini personally loves wines ( correct me if I'm wrong Yams!!) but I would relate us to heady concoction of Vodka & Bacardi Breezer. This combination is all about craziness and that's what we did during our times together. Her abode was my second home during my short trip to Bangalore and I fell in love with each nook and corner of her Camelot. May God shower you and your family with abundance and happiness.

10. SS & I

Now you must be wondering, where did this Coffee Cup pop up from, while we were talking about its alcoholic siblings. Well SS brought a flavor to my life which was refreshing and only a cup of coffee can do that to you. Though we connected for a very minuscule moment in time but those days would always be etched in my memory. May you reach the zenith of success in your personal & professional life.

I think it is enough of concoctions for one day and my head is already swirling. But all said and done, I want to thank each one of you for being  a part of my life, making my days special, making me feel special. You all will always be dear to me. I now sign off with my favorite tune as a dedication to each of you...

"Tumhi din chadhe, Tumhi din dhale
Tumhi ho bandhu, sakha tumhi
Every time every minute all the day
Tumhi ho bandhu, sakha tumhi"

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Am Gonna Change...

Am gonna change in the times to come...
Shall blow away the winds of monotony that surrounded me & made me numb...

Am gonna say goodbye to the recluse in me...
Shall shed away the weight that kept adding around me...

Am gonna bring the soul within me to life...
Shall reach out to torch bearers who add zing and make us feel alive...

Am gonna welcome new friends with open arms...
Shall still stay alert and won't let someone cause any harm...

The song of life says that you have to go on...
You may stand still for a while but eventually the show must go on...

Each day tells me that this stillness has to fade away...
It's just a matter of time that I manage to steer clear, I will sway... ( for good)

Am Gonna sit back and see how life reacts to this change...

Yes! I have decided...

Am Gonna Change...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Don't Hold Back... Say It All...

I am an avid follower of several tele-series that are broadcasted on Star World & Zee Cafe. One of these is running in its final season and the last few episodes are being telecasted. Every episode of this particular series ends with a wise learning.

Yesterday was no different. What they shared yesterday, struck a chord in my heart. The closing lines of one of the protagonist of the series were very close to what I'm going to share now-

" In our lives, we want to say so many things to people who are dear to us but actually fail to do so. We hide away small memories from the people who were a part of it. Life gifts you with dear ones and takes them away.

If we do not share/ speak out these small memories or itsy bitsy pieces of thoughts passing by our hearts and minds then we haven't lived out lives well. We haven't done justice to our dear ones.

If we don't speak out today then when we are gone, we take away with us what we could have shared - a memory, an anecdote, an incident, a feeling and so on so forth.

If we won't say then who would?  If we don't say it today then life would soon loose its meaning and you never know when it would be too late to share".

So don't hold back....Say it all to your dear ones as if there is no tomorrow...

Say it all, so that you are at peace- You gave it your best shot...

Life is too short to hold back so why let remorse take up space by not sharing what we could have?

So just remember-

" Don't hold back...Say It All..."

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Sad Shade Of Green...

I have always loved the color green and the many shades of green.

 It has always made me happy.

Till some years back even my wardrobe reflected my bias towards this color.

Up untill today...

Somewhere I saw this color where I was hoping that I will not get to see it...

Green has faded to a shade sadder for me...

Friday, June 1, 2012

Time Shall Take It's Own Course...

For all those out there who think I matter to them the most...
Stop worrying about me...

Time shall nip your worries in it's own course...

For all those out there who think I'm getting a raw deal...
Stop thinking too much...

Time shall strike a deal for me, it's own course...

For all those out there who have parted ways with me...
Each of you held a special place in my heart...

Time shall fill those void spaces (or maybe not) in it's due course...

For all those out there who glance at me with a suspicious eye...
Let your eyes rest...

Time shall correct your vision in it's due course...

For all those out there who expect a lot from me...
Just remember that hope floats...

Time shall prove right your hopes, in it's due course...

Let me live in peace...
Let me live, the way I want to...

Let Time set my life right in it's due course...

If ever I feel bogged down...
I shall reach out to each one of you...

And then we shall see...
With time, who helps me stay afloat...

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Chaand Ki Guzaarish...

Raat ko ghar aate waqt...
Chaand se mulakaat hui...

Aadha chuppa, aadha khila...
Sharmaatey huey bola...

Mere saath lukka-chhippi khelogee?

Har raat is raah se guzarti ho...
Gungunaatey huey jaaney kaha nikal leti ho...

Kuch waqt mere saath bhi guzaaro...
Wo lafz jo gungunaati ho...kabhi mujhe bhi suna daalo...

Tumhaari baatein mujhe bohot achhi lagti hai...
Kabhi meri bhi kahi suno...batao kaisi lagti hai...

Kuch puraane jumle...kuch ankahe fasaaney...
Har cheez ke baarey mein baatein karenge...

Zyaada waqt bhi nahi lagega...
Jab hum-tum milkey apne kissey bayaan karney lagenge...

Is-sey pehley ki mein ghum jaoo...
Yeh raat khatam ho jaaye aur main kahin chhup jaoo...

Aao chaley iss raat ki safaari pe...
Kuch main kahoo...kuch tum kaho..

Aur kuch unkahi guzaarish reh jaane do...

Monday, May 28, 2012


Dheere se paani ki boondein aai...
Chhup chhupaatey mujhse boli...

Tumhaare chehrey se dosti karney ka mann karta hai...
Tumse waaquif hoke, tumhe jan-ne ka mann karta hai...

Mere ehsas ko apna ke dekho...
Apne chehrey pe girti meri uss boond ko dekho...

Mera har ek katra tumhe sukoon dilayega...
Chehre ko dhoomil karti har ek dhool ke karn ko mita jayega...

Gehraatey kaajal ke andhere ko baha ke...
Tumhaare murjhaatey chehre pe nai roshni laayega...

Jis din bhi tumhe aisa lagey...
Ki aandhi ne tumhaare chehre pe apna daag chor diya...

Meri boondoon mein mujhe apne paas paogi...
Mujhe yaad karna...main aandhi ke har daag ko mita jaungi...

Meri fitrat hai samay ki kheechee hui lakeeron ko mitaane ki...
Main tumhaare saath hoon, fir kya zaroorat hai ghabraane ki...

Monday, May 14, 2012


I am an avid reader of TOI and each day I look forward to the articles captured under "Mind Tree". As always, when I opened that page today, the beautiful article by Janina Gomes touched a string in my heart.

Janina talks about what most of us (if not all) think about life but may or may not be speaking it out loud. I won't share the entire article here but only the essence-

"Life throws several trials and tribulations towards us. The intent is to make us better humans, to make us better at what we do & how we do. It squeezes us like a lemon so that deleterious emotions also become a part of our being. Surprisingly, it also gives us an opportunity to recover at times.

Dear Life!! Here's a humble request from all of us. Please draw a line for each one of us and stop squeezing us like a lemon. We know that you are insuperable and all we want to do is bask in your richness while keeping ourselves grounded.

Let us live each day of yours with a smile on our face and a belief in our hearts that -All Is Well".


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What Part Are You Gonna Play....

People come and go from our lives...
At the right time, at the right place...

They breeze in with endearing panache...
Waltz around us, make us laugh...

At times the sendoff leaves us sad...
But at other times, we want to relive that moment again & again...

It is all planned for us by the One Above...
Whether we like the decision or not...

That chance meeting for 5 minutes...
The enduring years of togetherness...

It has all been mapped in our lives...

With every new person we meet...
Life brings us to a fork...

The side we choose...
The fork bends there...

It may be for better, it my be for worse...

Don't hesitate, don't fret...
Let them meet you...
Let them do their best...

So all of you out there...
Some of you who have met me...
Some of you who still have to meet me somewhere...

What Part Are You Gonna Play....In My Life...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


When I feel- I write, I express,...
 When the mumble jumble of words swarm my mind, I share...

 As my day ends, a question pops in my mind-

"Day in & Day out, through thick & thin, be it night or be it light, what is it that keeps us going?
What's our duracell?"

I pondered and a rally of words greeted me...
It took me few minutes to zero in on the ones I was really looking for...


These are the ones that drive us, energize us...

Faith helps build Hope. Hope makes us believe in Love...

They trine together and bring a spark in our lives...

If even one of them dwindles, the world around us shakes...
It brings about uncertainity, confusion, breeds disbelief...

You nurture them, and life becomes worth living...

Each day becomes starry...

You start believing that you want to live...

You start believing that you want to celebrate life...

As the rays of Sun rise, I pledge to myself-

"I will never stop believing in Faith...Hope...Love..."

I will never stop living each day as it comes...

I will never stop believing that a patch of darkness is followed by light...

As you all wake up from your slumber, I wish for you...

May Faith..Hope...Love..shine brightly in your lives...