Sunday, October 16, 2016

Who Am I...

Well what would life be, if not unpredictable? Sweet this moment and sour the very next. It keeps us on our toes and laughs back at us when we try and plan how our coming days would be. 

(Fingers crossed) I am currently in a phase where life has been kind to me after a phase of toil and madness. And so, I was looking forward to the weekend gone by, to share my happiness with my dear ones. It indeed was a lovely evening with partners in crime. Reminisced about college days, picked places for a well deserved and pending vacation, talked about cars, some friendly banter, pulsating music and much more. I couldn't have asked for more.

But before the evening came to an end, something changed. A partner's acquaintance gate crashed my evening. Being an extremely private person, who is also very picky about her dear ones and spends time with only those who matter, it somehow didn't go down well with me. 

The gatecrasher not just tugged at my partners' attention, IT (want to keep it gender neutral) meddled with how I had wanted my evening to conclude. I did not like it...not a single bit. From then on I had to use every ounce of endurance I had and eventually, the evening ended abruptly. 

My dismay slowly turned to the partner who had allowed IT to gatecrash. I wanted to talk about it but don't know when will I get the chance. 

I wonder, what would it take for people to give time and attention to folks who matter and sift away the riff raff. In today's times, do we really do right by the ones who matter to us? Then suddenly a question pops up - am I even the one who matters? 

May be..... or may be not....That's a tough one to tell right now. 

I don't know about any of you right now but here's what I believe in. 

"If you my friend, matter to me then you will get all of my undivided attention...all the time. And if I matter to you, then you better give me the time and attention that I deserve. There is no room for gatecrashers".

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

I Will Always Show Up For You...

I am a big fan of the Madam Secretary tele-series and before you read further, I have to clarify that this post is not a series review - by no means.

It's been a while that I have been following this one up and it's all about the lives of Elizabeth McCord (Secretary of the State) and her husband Henry McCord (Professor and a retired, decorated officer). It's about how they juggle their personal & professional lives, given all the chaos that surrounds them, day in and day out.

They are an epitome of what we describe as the true power couple. These two give us serious relationship goals and every episode gets better than the previous one and the one thing I definitely look forward too is - which is the next goal they're going to throw our way...

Every time when the going gets tough, they teach us to stick by together, no matter how messy the world around gets. A few minutes back, while I was watching the latest episode, they doled out another relationship goal and it struck an instant chord with me.

Under certain dire circumstances, Henry assures Beth - "I will always show up for you."

 I feel that these words are so powerful that if said with the true conviction and sincerity of the heart, they are capable of lifting any relationship to an unimaginable level of trust and love. This belief could become the medicine for a lot that ails any relationship in modern times.

As the sands of time seep away the suppleness of any relationship, it is the beliefs like these that ensure that the ship sails smoothly and no storm drowns it. In these times of thinning patience, unwillingness to adjust and willingness to give up just when the going gets tough, this is the belief that makes us stronger and acts as the potent rays shining from the lighthouse - guiding us to our true destination...  being together...being there for each other...

 So here's my resolve for the ones I love and care about - 

"I Will Always Show Up For You"

A Happy First...

Time sure knows how to fly. It feels as if I had just closed my eyes for a second and when I opened them, a whole year had passed. When I look back, our run-in doesn't cease to amaze me. One moment, I didn't know that Shera existed and then in the very next, fate plays up. And voila....

Well its just been about 365 days but seems like several seasons filled up this time. Just like the lyrics go - "We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun."

We had the best of the days, the craziest of conversations, found our partners in crime and that is not all. We also fought. The cold and silent pauses were innumerable and we even grounded ourselves with no connect - absconded is the word.

Our worlds brought us together and took us apart too. If we took ten steps forward then we ended up taking five steps back too. But as they say, everyone you meet...comes with a time stamp - few days, few weeks or months or even years.

I don't know what our time stamp is...and right now it doesn't matter...

For all we shared... for all we lost.... 
For all we learned... and all that we forgot....
There is so much more to much more to cherish...
So much to explore....that this lifetime is not going to limit (us)...

 Let me stop my babble here and come straight to the point.

A very happy first to you Shera. Am sure your bag was a mixed one too coz mine definitely was. Looking forward to much more madness, many more crimes with the partners and endless crests and troughs to sail through together.

Stay happy...stay blessed...


Friday, July 15, 2016

Jag Ghumiya...

The title of the post may make you think that this is probably a review for the movie "Sultan". Well let me tell you that what you are going to read here is no where near a review. I'm penning what I took back from the movie with regards to men & women of strength, among other things.

By strength, I mean the strength of character and will. The movie gave a glimpse of what happens when two strong willed people fall in love. It's fireworks all the way...

It is not easy for them to be together all the time coz the strength of their will, will also come to loggerheads -  many times. Tempers will flare, debates will arise and the sailing may not be as smooth as they might have dreamed of. But at the end of the day, it is this very strength that makes them choose each other - day in day out, every moment, every season.

They also know that the day they stop choosing each other, would be the day they get over so they will never stop trying....they will never stop choosing each other, no matter what happens.

For me, one of the songs from the movie very beautifully describes the thought that I have just written in the lines gone by. The female version of this song currently plays on loop on my pod. There is something about this song that tugs at my heart and urges me to listen to it again and again.

Well here's the video for your ready reckoning -

Even after uploading the video, I feel like sharing few of the lines from the song -

"ओ.. ना वो अखियाँ रूहानी कहीं
ना वो चेहरा नूरानी कहीं
कहीं दिल वाली बातें भी ना
ना वो सजरी जवानी कहीं 
जग घूमेया थारे जैसा ना कोई 
जग घूमेया थारे जैसा ना कोई"

My favorite lines from the song? Can't be no other but this one - 

"वो ही करना है जो है कहना

जग घूमेया थारे जैसा ना कोई
जग घूमेया थारे जैसा ना कोई"

All Grown Up...

For us, you just arrived yesterday as the cutest bundle of joy that we could ever come across. None of us realized that so many days, weeks and months have actually passed since you came into our lives.

We didn't realize when the tiny ten fingers and toes became inquisitive enough to start frolicking around the house & open spaces. We were amazed at how the tiny gurgles gave way to one words and then smart one liners.

You are growing up my darling and at a pace much faster than we thought you would. Your father always said  - "don't grow so fast my tiny one... I want each moment with you to last an eternity". But we both know, the story of our lives are so different than we want them to be.

You recently reached one of the biggest milestones for your age. "The Play School".

It's hard for us to see you teary eyed each day when you prep up for your day. Though you love each moment you spend with kids your age and it makes us even more proud that you are one of the best & brightest that they have in their batch.

My darling doll!! I can't make it any easier for you to embrace this big change in your life. Every time you say - "Mama chor ke chali gayi", one of us feels like enveloping you in warm. fuzzy bear hug and assure you that she is right here, waiting for you to come out of the playschool.

It is as difficult for her as it is for you. And so my dear, this is what I want to whisper in your ears -

"Don't cry coz your world has changed. Don't cry coz your mommy is not around. We are all watching over you and won't let anything happen to you. Try and take this change in your stride my lil Cappy and smile each day as you make new friends and new memories. We want you to come back each day and tell us with about all the pranks you played at school, all the poems you recited, all the games you learned".

Wipe away the tears coz you're all grown up. Each day will be memorable than the one gone bye.

God bless you my love...

Monday, July 4, 2016

For It's The King Who Fights...

I know a Lion (Leo) who is known for his never say die attitude. At times happy go lucky, at times aggressive; sometimes broody but mostly "I can take everything in my stride". 

Such is life that it throws a series of tests at each of us, at various junctures. It tests the tough ones far more than the faint hearted. So how can the Leo be spared? He is taking his set of tests, as we speak (or I shall say - as I write).

One after the other, like tidal waves, the tests are becoming bigger and tougher. But, the Lion being a Lion, is gnawing through each of these, one by one.

I'm seeing him pass through crests and troughs of life with a spirit that only the "King Of The Jungle"  exudes. So this is for you Shera...

Challenges may come and go but what has to stay is your spirit to sail through...
 For it's the King who fights...

Nothing can break you or dampen your spirit...
 For it's the King who fights...
The push back would be temporary...
You will always move forward in the end...
 For it's the King who fights...

And when all of it will emerge victorious...
 For it's the King who fights...

I think in the past, I have always asked you to - just hang in there. In fact, this is what I told you yesterday as well. I change my stance with this very moment. 

Observe, tread forward and paw the test in your stride...
For it's the King who fights...

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Do Right By Her...

If you love her...then tell her...
If you don't love her...then too tell her...
Do right by her...

If you have made her dream... 
Fulfill those starry ones that made her gleam...
Do right by her...

Hold her hand...
Never to leave it till eternity...
Do right by her...

If you've been the reason for creases on her mind...
Erase them and don't make her sigh...
Do right by her...

If she is silent...
Then don't you be silent ...
Instead, make her speak up...
What worries her is what you should silence...
Do right by her...

 If she is a strong one...
Be her strength and not the one who breaks her spirit...
Do right by her...

Whatever is eating you...
Don't keep her in dark and tell her the truth...
Do right by her...

If you are her man...
Then try to never ever let her down...
Do right by her...

Go the extra mile for her...
Do right by her...

Be there through the smiles and the tears...
Do right by her...

No matter how busy bee you are...
If she is yours...
Then take out your precious time...
For your precious one...
Do right by her...

Last but not the least...
Say what you mean...
Mean what you say...
Be a man who keeps his words...
Do right by her...

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Just Round The Corner...

Lore says that it's the darkest before the light shines upon us. It is then that most of us give up our battles...just an inch away from victory. Well obviously, traversing across dark path is not for the ones with the weaker soul.

Each one of us fight umpteen battles throughout our lives and at some point fail to cover the last mile. We just can't handle it and give up. Here's what I want to tell each of you -

When the dark gets darker and you can't see the next step..."Just Sense It"  and tread really carefully.

The moment you sense the determination waning out, the courage slipping away, the steely resolve melting away...just take a deep breath and say -

"I will sense my next step. I won't stop until I see the light of the day. I will not go down the dark alley and I will come out unscathed."

All you have to do, dear ones, is to tread really carefully and slowly. Do not rush the last mile.

Just hang in there and the light shall shine soon...very soon... coz it's just round the corner...

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

We Shall Meet Someday...

When the dust on everything shall settle...
We shall meet someday...

When we walk away from work and not let it meddle...
We shall meet someday...

When we put aside the egos and the battles of silence...
We shall meet someday...

When we would accept that we're mere mortals and not invincible...
We shall meet someday...

When we accept that we erred & we are truly sorry..
We shall meet someday...

When we correct the wrong course that we traversed our life on...
We shall meet someday...

When we realize that we don't want to escape ...
We shall meet someday...

When we decide that silence needs to give way to candid conversation...
We shall meet someday...

When we vow to renew what dulled with time...
We shall meet someday...

When we shed the mask that we wear...
We shall meet someday...

 When we accept that there is no one else & it's got to be just us...
We shall meet someday...

 When we promise to be there for each other and actually honor this promise...
We shall meet someday...

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Sprinkle The Love Dust...

In the daily grind of this life, many a times, love looses its sheen. Be it the unending meetings, the constant travels, erratic work schedules, work pressure, obligations, the obsession to keep moving forward at any expense and the list goes on.

Each of these play their part in chipping away the glow that love brings in our lives. Alas!! We knowingly or unknowingly let these chores come between us and our loved ones. Precious time is lost forever and cherished moments that could have been created end up becoming a part of our wishful thinking. 

Our lives end up revolving around some of these stale statements - 

" I'm busy so I can't take out time..."
" I have other important things to do...."
" I'm stressed because of work so leave me alone..."
" My sole focus is my career so I can't commit..."
" I have a meeting so I can't meet you..."
" I'm too tired after a crazy week, I want to rest so I won't meet..."
" I don't have time for silly outings..." 
" I drive so much every day so I can't come to meet you all the way... you see I'm tired..."
" I was there in your time of need but where were you when I needed you the most?"

These are only at the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more that's eating away our love. I too am guilty of saying these to some of my loved ones and in turn have been at the receiving end as well. 

Before we become strangers with known faces, we have to consciously put a stop to this ever growing mayhem. In this fast paced life, it is our relationships that keep us sane. Parents, friends, siblings, lovers, couples, married partners, sugars & spice hold the key to our happiness, calmness, focus, drive and are capable of bringing some method to our madness.

Before the love dries up, pick up the love dust and sprinkle it all over - again and again. Each of us have to consciously make an effort to reach out to dear ones and keep the love alive. Always chose them over work no matter what happens. Work will never end, never go away but dear ones would. If  they won't go by themselves then we would end up driving them away. 

I got a taste of this observation this week. Seemed as if a dear one is slowly yet steadily slipping away. Cheerful pecks had given way to silent glances passed on to the other occupants of the restaurant. The never ending chatter got lost in the new found silent spaces between the conversations. This has to stop right now!!!!

I can promise about myself. I vow to keep love on top of everything else. There may be some odd days when it takes the second place but those would be very few in count. I will chose my dear ones everyday and would hope that they would in turn do the same.

We just have to sprinkle the love dust around....Let its glow glisten our lives with happiness and cherished moments of togetherness. But the onus lies on us.

Cheers to us...

Thursday, May 26, 2016

What Are We Doing...

Every now and then, this thought keeps knocking at the back of my mind. What has the world come to? What are we doing?

We love things and use people instead of loving people and using things...
We toil for our future and burn away our present. Ultimately, missing out on smelling the roses each day & counting our blessings...

We walk away from dear ones to spend time with strangers and end up being lonely...
We lose precious moments not being with the loves of our lives and while away our time in oblivion...

We chose silence over candid conversations to exhibit disagreement, anger, sadness and let the uncertainty grow exponentially...
We fail to see who cares for us and run behind the one who are not meant for us...

 The blue ticks ensure that the messages are delivered and read but they fail to invoke a response...
The call that we would wait for, never sees the light of the day...

We chose sides between love and responsibilities or should I say duties...
We encourage dear ones to nurture trust, only to break the very trust we urged them to have in us...

We experience the dilemma of listening to heart or the logical mind...
The heart is so broken then we end up listening to the heartless mind...

We've replaced personal greetings with extra short acronyms. Thank you has become TY and you are welcome is just UW...
We demand likes and votes for our social network statuses but are too busy to extend the same courtesy to the very same people...

We desperately expect every one to help us in our times of need yet when they expect the same in return...we transform into these busy, unavailable tycoons who can't be reached or can't be disturbed...
They truly exemplify the reality that - "No response is also a response".

As I ponder further, I realize with a growing alarm that even I am guilty of exhibiting some of the aforesaid behaviors. All I can do is to make a conscious effort to not fall in the traps that we have created for ourselves.

While I attempt that, my mind still wanders to that one thought -

"What are we doing? "

Monday, May 23, 2016

You Have My Word...

What happens when an ardent tele-series fan comes across a cold blooded, yet hot Original? Sparks fly!!!

The fan in discussion here is me and the not so cold Original is none other than Elijah Mikaelson.  In my thirty plus years, never did it happen that a fictional character made me go weak in the knees. Elijah made all the difference.

Apart from the fact that this suit clad, lean and suave vampire has the looks to die for, what makes him more likable is the set of values that he believes in. I have been following the two series in which he features as the Original vampire for past few years yet every time he fills the screen, I get goosebumps. 

The one sentence that got me hooked to him was " You have my word!!"

Nothing means more to Elijah than his words. He would go to any lengths just to keep his word. Me thinks - this value defines who Elijah truly is. Every time he says these 4 words and sticks to them, I end up smiling and like him a percent more than I liked him last.
The goat in me relates so well to this trait of his that every time I hear him say the golden words, a hope rises in me. And it wants me to believe that this world is not all that bad. While Elijah is fiction, there are men who do keep their word. In fact, keeping their word is everything to them.

Alas such men are a rarity these days and when you find one, you keep them - as a friend, a partner, a soulmate, a four am call buddy, a travel buddy and the list would go on. There is nothing sexier to me than a man who vows to keep his word and never breaks this vow.

Cheers to them!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Calling My Voyagers In Crime...

Calling my crazy voyagers in crime from every nook and corner of this world. It's been more than an year that I quenched my thirst for travel. If solo trips are what the doctors recommended to me, the journeys with you all, are the much needed dope to escape the web of this world. 

I can be myself with you. I get to bring out the travel gypsy in me when I am with you guys. I get to see myself in my purest, rawest, craziest, off the shell form. Smell of the rain, the silence of the mountains, heat of the dunes, the walk up hill....each of these are calling me and so here I am...seeking you guys out.

Here's my way of reaching out to your travel souls. Hear "Hairat" and bring forth the nomad in you. Get going crazy souls....

"Dheemi dheemi chalney lagi hain ab hawaein...
Dheemi dheemi khulne lagi hai aaj rahein...
Rangne lage hain manzil ko jaane ke raah saare...
Jaise aasman kay chheente pade hon banke sitaare...
Dheemi dheemi roshni si...
Beh rahi hai in hawaon mein yahaan...

Hairat hairat hairat hai...
Tu hai to har ek lamha khubsoorat hai ...
Hairat hairat hairat hai...
Tu hai to har ek lamha khubsoorat hai..."

Happy Birthday Dad...

Happy Birthday Dad!!

Wherever you whatever form or shape... I hope you are at peace. Though I always feel you are around but  we do miss your mortal being. I wish you were here among us today and today would have become even more special.

Your grand daughter who would have definitely been the apple of your eyes would have eaten the cream from your cake even before you would have blown the candle. She would have insisted on a gift for herself too. After all, it's Daddu's birthday.

Bhai would have clicked one of the most candid pic of all of us together. A happy, crazy family. That we still are.

Poppy would have been busy arranging favorite snacks of yours for the special day. She would even sneak few sweets, just for this one day.

I would have probably gifted you some nice striped shirts and couple of accessories. You would have been definitely surprised...a little embarrassed as well since you would have forgotten your birth date like each year.

And then, Mom would have slowly walked towards you, sat next to you with a warm smile. She would then savor all the fuss that we would have been creating.

Every year you inch away a little farther yet, you stay close to our hearts, memories and thoughts. I wish you were here Dad!!

Happy birthday once again. Stay blessed!!

Meri Pyaari Appu...

इक प्यारी सी गुड़िया आई!!
अपने साथ खुशियां लाई !!

बिलौटी जैसी चंचल है वो !!
मन से लेकिन मधुरम है वो!!

 शैतान की नानी है वो!!
हम सब की प्यारी है वो!!

चार चौपटो की टोली की !!
सबसे छोटी पोपट है वो!!

अप्पू प्यारा नाम है उसका!!
मन में इक भी मेख ना दिखता !!

जब से तुमको जाना गुड़िया !!
खुशियों को माना मेरी चिड़िया !!

इक प्यारी सी गुड़िया आई!!
अपने साथ खुशियां लाई !!

 PS. - This one is for you Appu!! You are a darling dear. Loved the fact that you thought about me and chose lovely trinkets for me. Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts. Loved each one of them. Stay happy...stay blessed!!


Saturday, May 7, 2016

If Ever You Are Feeling Lonely...

I have to admit that I am a "Sex & The City" addict to the core. While catching up on the weekly re-runs, I saw this one episode where Mr. Big is moving out of New York and Carrie Bradshaw is trying her bit as the send off, a night before his flight. Well Miranada decides to deliver the same night and Carrie's plans go awry. 

In a bid to catch the last glimpse of Mr. Big, Carrie rushes to his apartment, only to find it empty sans a music record. It had a post it over it and it read - 

" If ever you are feeling lonely...."

There was a flight ticket as well with the same message - "If ever you are feeling lonely..."

The moment I saw this episode, the events of the evening reverberated in my mind. My bestie had thanked the one above for sending me every time he was feeling low. Over the years, I have helped him with advices, a patient ear, sounding board, crackling reality checks, money, mad travel memories, silent long drives and the list goes on. 

The episode made me wonder, what all would I be willing to offer, if someone dear to me was ever to feel lonely? So here it comes.

If ever you are feeling lonely... I would offer to be the silent company to sail you through...
If ever you are feeling lonely...I would be the chatter box to distract the hell out of you...

If ever you are feeling lonely... I would get you the best poison ( you know what I mean) to help you unwind...
If ever you are feeling lonely...I would offer the gyaan that only Sri Sri Sonal (wink) could ever deliver...

If ever you are feeling lonely...I would crack PJs to irritate you...
If ever you are feeling lonely...I would offer a hug that might last several minutes...

If ever you are feeling lonely...I would take you for a memorable road trip...
If ever you are feeling lonely...I would tell you to just hang in there till the storm passes...

If ever you are feeling lonely...I would play your favorite tunes...
If ever you are feeling lonely...I would get you your favorite take out meal...

If ever you are feeling lonely...  I would push you to watch the most paisa vasool movie running in theaters that week...
If ever you are feeling lonely...and I see no signs of the feeling receding... I might just shake you up a bit and tell you to get a grip...

If ever you are feeling lonely...  I would take you out for a long drive on a star lit night or may be a star less one too...
If ever you are feeling lonely...I would send you a random text that would say  - "Just checking up on you..."

If ever you are feeling lonely...I would take you to Sri Bangla Sahib Gurudwara in the wee hours of the day...
If ever you are feeling lonely...I would come over to your place with two buckets of ice cream - Vanilla & your favorite flavor...

If ever you are feeling lonely...I would surprise you with that big sized "Silk" chocolate...
If ever you are feeling lonely...I would surprise you with an unexpected gift...

If ever you are feeling don't have to worry...coz I would be around...

Is It A Special Day...

Every girl has some special story to tell about her tryst with the six yards of wonder. Now some of you must be wondering what's that?

 Well, I am referring to beautiful six yards of silk, cotton, chiffon, georgette, crape (and the list goes on and on) that some of the lovely ladies adorn. This one post is all about a "Sari".

I too have some fond memories of Sari. The first time I draped a Sari was as a naughty young girl whose aunt had brought back a beautiful green and red cotton sari from Kolkata. Our romance started on a very colorful note.

During the growing up years, I wore it for a fancy dress competition, for my school farewell, college functions/ events, marriage anniversary of a dear friend's parents and the list goes on. All of these were only special occasions.

And then our romance turned intimate. Around 10 years back, I started my career with a renowned hotel chain and guess what the dress code was? A Sari!!! I worked with this hotel for almost 3 years and Sari became a second skin for me. 

Well I haven't worked for a hotel since 2008, but the love for Sari always stayed with me. I never left an opportunity to drape it. The biggest career leap, for me, came in 2011 when I started working for a global giant in the business process solutions industry. 

I still am associated with this organization and every time I drape my favorite six yards, I get curious glances and two questions thrown at me - 

"Is it a special day today?"
"Is there a client visit today?"

Every time I respond with a "No" to both the questions, the surprise is quite visible on the face of the questioner. It slowly turns from surprise to a warm smile and they mostly walk away saying - " It's a delight to see a lady adorning a Sari these days."

This is all I have to say to all the people who ask me these questions - 

"I love the six yards. I collect them and have quite a few of them as my prized possessions. I drool when I see a fabulous drape. I don't need a reason to drape. I can even run a marathon with the drape. And it isn't about a special day."

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Rock Bottom...

Most of my friends who end up bearing with my ruminations know that I usually tend to write about what I experience around me. So before your heart skips a beat that I might be hitting rock bottom, my dear friends, I have to tell you that this one is not about me. I am way past that. So you can breathe...

This one is for a buddy with whom I have a salt and pepper affinity. Some days the pepper is too strong and stifling while the other days, the salt adds just the right essence.

Life assesses each one of us for faith, hope, perseverance, humility and the list goes on and on. Buddy is no exception to it and to me it seems that he may be taking one of the life tests these days. There are days when I sense that he may be spiraling down the tunnel. Some days his optimism shines through and other days, I only see grey thoughts clouding his face. And then there are times, when I see him searching for that one anchor that will help him sail through.

I wish I am completely wrong but for some reason I think he is tumbling towards his rock bottom and all I want to tell him is that  -

"Buddy!! You are a mountain goat just like me.
We don't give up even if we fall down.
No matter what happens, we always climb up.
No one can match our perseverance and that's what keeps us going.
The Goat always climbs up the rocky terrain and emerge as winner.
We don't depend on others to sail us through.
Only time is our companion and we always, always rise up."

So whether you have already hit rock bottom or are about to, just remember that from here on, it's only an upward climb. You just need to get a grip on what's happening around you and march forward. From now on, what happens to you is in your hands.

Just hang in there!!!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Get Well Soon...

Last week I got to know that a dear friend had suffered a heart attack and was recovering from it. Well, to say that I was shaken would be an understatement. He is young and younger at heart. So when I got to know about his health setback, it totally took me by surprise.

But as the news settled in and I assimilated it, I realized that he definitely had it coming. A chain smoker, my friend loved his drink. He barely slept, worked way too much and at the end of it, was also a fitness freak. He won't miss his daily jog for anything. 

But somewhere, all of this ended up straining him way more than any of us ever anticipated. Health hazards of such a lifestyle are always there at the back of our minds but the herd mentality says - "It won't happen to me!!"

So all you out there who live a similar life like my friend or worse (remove the fitness freak angle), all I request is to take a moment and think about what you are doing.

In the race of life, you are using the wrong methods to gain lead, manage stress, have fun. You need to remember that there are people waiting every day for you to return home safe and healthy. You need to remember that every time your health stats takes a dip, your dear ones die million deaths. You need to know that every time you say - "I am not feeling well", someone's heart in your family skips a beat. 

So pause for a moment, take a deep breath and decide - what is it going to be for you? And while you make that decision, do remember that slipping away into oblivion is the easiest thing that happens. It's what happens after you are gone is what is painful. 

So take your pick and decide today. No parent, no spouse, no child deserves to lose their beloved son/ daughter/ husband/ wife/ father/ mother to habits that could have been prevented/ stopped. 

Decide wisely...decide today...

Let's Just Stop It...

Let's just all come together to stop this scary trend that is slowly creeping over several households in the upper middle class and beyond. We are guilty of not spending enough time with our growing kids. Whose to be blamed? The current corporate culture, the race to earn more money, the crazy work timelines etc etc. 

How do we compensate for the lost time? We pamper them with luxuries way before they are ready for them, we are lenient in teaching about the right and/or wrong, we ignore the signs that scream out loud that something is very wrong,  we don't teach them the value of earning the goodies, we don't teach them the importance of core values that drive our being.

And then what happens? An innocent person like Siddharth Sharma pays for our misses. His untimely, sudden and painful death disturbs me and makes me extremely sad. He is the guy who got run over by an over speeding Mercedes few days back in Delhi.

I looked up the video of the hit and run. It shook me to the core. For several minutes I kept rewinding the video and couldn't stop staring at what happened to Siddharth. He did not deserve to die like this. In fact, nobody deserves to die the way he did. 

I want to question the parents of the twelfth grade boy who was behind the wheels when this accident happened. Why did you not do enough to get some sense inside that jackass' brains? Why did you let him become the beast he is today? Why did you not pay any heed to the signs that he was slipping away faster than they may have thought? 


This question will continue to haunt me for days and slowly it will disappear as dust of time settles over it. But what about Siddharth's family? They lost a young son who was in prime of his health. This incident will haunt them forever. Every night his parents would wonder, why was it that their son had to pay for someone else' misdeeds? Alas!! This question would remain unanswered forever. 

Siddharth!! I never knew about your being, up until I saw that you were no more. I don't know if you have become a spirit and crossed over to the other world or you are still haunting the streets where the accident happened. 

I know you will slip from my memory in a few days. But before that happens, I will hope and pray everyday that you find peace, wherever you are.

May your soul rest in peace!!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Kick The Butt...

There is this huge ongoing campaign around encouraging people to kick the butt. At the end of the day, it all boils down to - Why you would want to do it?

Everyone who smokes is aware that there is no benefit except the satisfaction that the stick burns to give you some sort of peace and satisfaction without asking back a question.

And then came alternative to active smoking. While it has got mixed response from the people across, you still see a lot of people trying it out with a genuine intent of walking away from smoking.

The bigger question is - What would drive a smoker to stop smoking besides actual health scare that may jolt his/ her overall being?

A lot of men in my life have been smokers at some point of time. Don't jump after reading the line preceding this one. When I say - "a lot of men", I mean brother, friends and office colleagues. Many of these have kicked the butt one fine day suddenly and without any trigger.

I asked each of them as to what made them stop. All they said was - "One fine day I got up and realized I had to stop". And they did. What was the trigger? Was it the news of becoming a proud father, a new year or birthday resolution. a health scare, someone else' health scare, or something else?

Whatever it was, they stopped smoking, thanks to the reason. The latest in this bandwagon is my dear brother. As of today, he has been off cigarettes for last 3 weeks. The best part is that with each passing day, his resolve to stay off it is becoming stronger. 

Kudos to you brother. Nothing makes me more proud and happy than this action of yours. I wish you keep up with your resolve. A quick shout out to all the dear men - 

"Kick the butt before it kicks you..."


What Does Your Silence Says...

The beauty of our species is that we are not just black or white in our thoughts, actions, outlook, attitudes etc and the list goes on. We are shades of grey. Thus, when it comes to silence, we are no different. 

For each of us, silence takes on a different meaning altogether. 

For some it is the quiet agreement to whatever lies in front of them... 
For some it is symbolic of defiance...
It could be a sign of contemplation...or may be even of confusion...
For some, it's a request to buy some more time...
And for others, it's symbolic - They don't have time...
Some mean to say - "I faltered and don't have the courage to admit...say something and help me"...
While for others - "You hurt all you get is silence"...
At times, it's only silence that can quieten the drama of a guilt laden soul...
For some, it is a means to the end...
Some times, silence is the end...
Don't be surprised, if it signals the quiet before the storm...

Finally comes the severest of silence which would mean - "I've used you enough and now your time's up". When silence becomes the vanishing act, it also gets known as Ghosting in the dating world.

All in all, these are the ones that come to my mind. Am sure, there may be more to silence than I know currently. So if you happen to browse through this, do give it a thought - 

What does your silence says?

Monday, March 21, 2016

I Am Not Your Medicine...

Why have an addiction that you can't resist...
Don't ail from something you know you can't desist...

I am a mere friend who can try & help in times of need...
Am not your medicine, you need to pay heed...

Time and again, I have reminded you of this... never understood this...

I will not get laden with the guilt, I am unworthy of...
You need to find your bearings...
Find what ticks for you, for once and for all...

Yet again I am telling you...
I am not your medicine...
Find a cure for yourself...
That has been destined...

Sunday, March 13, 2016

La Culminación...

Thirteen years back I realized the power of never holding back and saying it all before it was too late. Before dear ones walk away forever...before another one wonders what happened...what went wrong... where were they wrong and the list goes on.

Few days back, a friend realized the same thing and decided to tell me something held back for many years. To tell you the truth, I wasn't expecting it. It took my by surprise.... stunned is the right word I guess. A brief call brought peace to something that had been tugging somewhere at the back of my being, all these years.

Hopefully the days of sudden questions greying my mind are behind me as I move ahead with "La Culminación".

Thank you dear friend for that call. It mattered...

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Like Phoenix...I Shall Rise...

This is for you... The One Above...

I have a question for you. More often than not, you chose me as your contender for testing times. Why?? Have I not given enough tests already that you should let me rest for some time before you set up yet another battery of tests?

I may or may not get my answer from you. But here is what I want to tell you -

No matter how much you test matter how many tough days you will throw at matter how many times you will try to have a good time at my expense. I will not break down and fall.

Everytime you will pull me down...everytime you will try to make me bite the dust...I will hold fort and rise up like Phoenix. I may get dusty, my will may shake for a while, I may question what would happen around me....yet when the long, arduous night would near its end....I shall rise again.

Everytime you would throw a test at me, this is what I would remind you. I will keep rising until its time to finally be the ash.

You want to teach me a lesson...go ahead...
You want to break me... try your best...
You may see me may see my tears...
But in the end you will also see...that I don't relent...

So you keep doing your bit and I will do mine...
I am a mountain goat and come what may...
I will not stop my climb...

My Queen...

It was always you..."My Queen"
Everytime the silhouette appeared in my dreams...
Even before it vanished...I smiled coz I had seen...
It was always you..."My Queen"

You made me smile...
You brought that twinkle to my eyes...
And even before I realized...
You found a place in my heart...
That I had kept vacant for my life...
Throughout my life...

I don't remember when I lost my heart to you...
I only knew I would not be able to live without you...
Not a moment...not another moment...
I just had to be you...

You can say that I crossed few rivers...
And crossed many mountains...
to forever be with you...
Oh! Can't imagine what would I do without you...

I may have told you umpteen times...
That you fill my days with the light of your laughter...
And every moment you spend with me...
I shine brighter...
Yet I would keep whispering this in your ears...
I would never leave any moment to admit...
You are so dear...

With dear ones and a ring as witness...
We've taken the seven steps...
And finally crossed the test of the litmus...

For better or for worse...
Till death do us part...
My Queen...I promise...
You will always rule my heart...

Every day...every moment...of our lives...
I will chose you..."Only You"

RP and PL (or I should say PLP)! This attempt is a small token of good wishes from my side. May God bless you with years of togetherness, happiness and good health. Cheers to a dear couple.

May you live happily ever after... Amen!!

And The Mountains Called Again...

The lore says that it is always the Mountains that call you. It calls the gypsy in you...inviting it for yet another tryst with the hues of green. My first date with the mountains was way back in April 2008. Simply fell in love with the bylanes of Mussoorie on a rainy morning.

But this post is not about Mussoorie. It is about a place less traveled. Well I traveled there for the first time and am sure it was just the first of the many more to come. It's amzing how the call of the mountain excites me despite the fact that I am a true born sea goat and love being near water. So when I got invited for a beautiful ceremony for a dear one, that too in a small town tucked away in mountains of east India, I had to say yes.

Mirik oh are so beautiful. A small town of good hearted people, you welcomed us with all the warmth and hospitality that you had to offer. Be it your tea gardens... or the dimsums that the lady at the corner shop offered (can you beat it that I stuffed 24 of those yummiliscious dimsums one fine morning)... or the calmness at the hill top... or the quiet lanes that I traversed at the middle of the night... or the soothing tea that I sipped away while I engulfed the scenic beauty around me... or the hotel terrace where I stepped every night to look at the beautiful star studded sky... or the calmness that greeted me at the Monastry. I can go on and on and yet some part of your beauty might escape my words.

The icing on the cake was the comapny that accompanied me to Mirik. Some old friends...made some new friends...found new relations... somec crazy nights...many cherished moments... and much more. All of it cannot be described here. All I can say is that I loved each day I spent there and would definitely be back to soak in more of its beauty.

Till you call me again... adios...

Thursday, February 18, 2016


It is one of those days when doubt greys out my mind and all I can sense around me is deception. Deceptive people with deceptive actions…
I have been a fairly decent assessor of the people who surround me and only few times have I let my caution go down around them. At times, this troubled me (a lot) but other times nothing wrong happened. That’s how I learnt quite a few lessons of my life.
Today, am at a pedestal where I’ve let my guard down again for someone I think is dear to me but I fear what I am about to get is yet another lesson in life…probably learnt the hard way.
I don’t know whether what I fear is going to happen or not but it surely is giving me sweaty hands and sleepless nights.
When I woke up today morning, one of the friends had sent a daily morning quote. It said –
“Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess & just breathe. Have faith that everything will work out for the best.”
I think I am going to follow this to the core coz I see no other solution to cut past the doubts that are cropping up. Time will soon tell….

Saturday, February 13, 2016

It's Your Day Of Love...

It's been a long time since I wrote last. Life has been moving at such a crazy pace that even when I wanted to write, I just could not bring myself to do it.

So here I am, on a 5 day leave, in a new place, amongst people dear to me, having a good time and trying to catch up on the time I've lost  by not writing. It's almost 3 am in the morning and the movie on the television reminds me that the so called "Day of Love" has started. As I write, I'm also watching one of my favorite movies - "Letter to Julia". 

There is so much written about this day of love that I don't want to add another story to it. What I am going to write about is how you can begin a beautiful story of your own on this very day.

A lot of us wait for this day to express our love for that someone special. However in the scheme of things, we tend to miss out on a very vital point - love is not just about special moments on this day.

It is about making moments special every day....year round.

Often in our chaotic lives, love takes a backseat... it's taken for granted... it becomes more of a chore rather than our passion... it becomes pages of a story book or awww moments from a romantic movie. In short, the sparkle of magic fades away  and what's left are probably 2 souls who keep wondering - how did we land into this?

On this day of love, I urge you all to change the story of your lives. I urge you all to make each day your Valentines Day and love your special someone a little more than yesterday. We can't undo the past and correct the days when we erred by not chosing love each day. But as Lorenzo Bertollini said in "Letters to Julia" -

"When it is love... it is never too late..."

Each of you have to start today and keep going forward on this magical journey. No matter how busy you are, take out time for your special someone each day and tell them how they light up your universe. You don't have to meet every day to be able to do this. All you have to do is communicate and stay connected. Don't keep thoughts to yourseslf and share them before they lose essence. Be there for them in every possible way your heart, mind and values allow you.

Don't forget to tell them that they hold a special place in your heart and mean it everytime you say it. Surprise them when they least expect it. Think of new ways to bring smile on their faces. Cheer them up when the going gets rough. Ask them how their day was and then tell about yours too. In a sea of faces, be by their side and look in their eyes while striking a conversation.

Hold their gaze for a few seconds more and see that blush creeping up on the cheeks. Everytime you sit together, touch your skin to theirs - be it the fingers entwining amongst each other.... or hand over a hand... the warm palm at the small of the back...or tucking the stray strand that falls over face in some rebellion.... a kiss on the forehead as you greet... or hands encasing their silhouette....some public display of affection...or rubbing your fingers against their jawline...send a message saying they are on your mind.

The list can go on but all I want to say is...make every day your day of love and not just wait for one day that is dedicated to it. Keep weaving the magic so that the sparkle doesn't fade away. 


Sunday, January 10, 2016

New Year Wishes...

Yet another year just ended and a new set of 365 days are waiting for us to explore them.Ummm... how did the year 2015 go by? Mixed bag I would say. Some happy moments... some teary eyed moments.... patience testing moments... dreamy moments.... yes it was a mixed maze of emotions....

How do I want 2016 to be? Well I want it to be special...

What would special mean?

Special would mean....celebrating new freindships, cherishing the old ones, staying healthy & seeing dear ones stay healthy, being able to help the ones in need, climbing up the professional ladder, forging relationships that would matter, seeing smiles playing on the faces of the people close to me, traveling to the lands not seen yet...infact travel more often, write more often, be more adventurous, take more risks, be a little less uptight, take an off and not do anything and the list goes on...

Well only time will tell, what all I managed to accomplish from the abovementioned list but in the meantime, wishing you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous new year. May you get all that your heart desires...
